Weekend open thread: How's everyone doing?
The numbers keep climbing, states keep opening, Trump is firing his perceived enemies
Another weekend, and we’re now getting near 90,000 confirmed deaths from coronavirus in the U.S. — and as I say every day, that is an undercount. Meanwhile states, like Texas, are opening while numbers are going up. Numbers may be flattening nationally, but that’s only because New York and the Northeast are going down, while other states are going up.
Trump, in another retaliatory act that Democrats are calling unlawful, fired the State Department inspector general — who was investigating Mike Pompeo.
And what you are doing? How are you coping? What’s happening where you are? I know there were a lot more nutbag protests out there. Let me know if they’re by you.
Here in New York, Governor Cuomo has lifted restrictions on upstate counties, as the numbers meet the benchmarks, but New York City is going to be a long time. Just got word this week that SiriusXM will have me doing my show from home at least until Labor Day.
Today is cleaning day, so it keeps me busy, away from the TV — and yes, I’ll probably cook a bit, but tomorrow. Spring weather is here so I’ll go for a run outside.
Artie, meanwhile, is loving the fact that we’re home, though he doesn’t get long walks.
What’s happening with you? I’ll jump into the comments all weekend.
Last week I found out that my brother had passed away. I had recently found him through ancestry DNA and we were beginning to get closer. I have a twin brother (who I grew up with ) and we are both so sad.
But, there are so many things to be grateful for. Even though my husband is not working, I am. My kids have really risen to the occasion as far as online school
is going, we are in touch with my elderly parents several times a day and they are doing great. One day at a time, my friends 💖...
My husband and I are at home in Dallas. We are taking this seriously. I am 67, have type2 diabetes and hypertension. I want to stick around (there are still a lot of people I need to piss off). I am disgusted with Texas State government, controlled by Republicans, only being concerned with corporate interests and tRUMPleThinSkin (aka Combover Caligula) reelected. Dallas is run by Democrats and have pushed to delay opening and follow the advice of the medical experts. Trump’s mishandling of this country is beyond words. His only concern is getting re-elected and minimize economic damage to his business and the businesses of his cronies.
Fortunately, my husband is working from home. I am retired and Have been substitute teaching. Obviously, I am not teaching right now. I will only go back to teaching in the Fall if it is safe to do so. We are having groceries delivered. I haven’t had a haircut for 9 years. Hair salons opened a week ago yesterday in Texas. I refuse to take the risk of getting haircuts, eating in restaurants, etc. until it is safe to do so. The last time my hair was this long was during my senior year of college in 1974.
I honestly enjoy being at home. I am executor of the estates of two dear friends who committed suicide 15 months apart. The first friend committed suicide in May 2018 and his husband did the same in August 2019. It took 20 dumpster loads to have their home cleaned out. Homeless people broke in, etc. Their home fortunately sold in February. I am still finishing the process of finalizing their estateS but an end is in sight. We watch lots of Netflix, Amazon Prime and Apple TV+. I enjoy reading and I spend far too much time on Facebook. I also have tons of photographs awaiting my attention in Photoshop. I am also doing some baking for the first time in years.
I am keeping in touch with friends and family. I hate the term “social distancing.” It isn’t accurate. A better term is “physical distancing.” I am sending emails, texts and using Facebook to stay in touch with lots of folks. More importantly, I am picking up the phone and using FaceTime and Zoom to communicate with friends and family. Each day I try to contact at least one person I haven’t been in touch with for a long time.
The Trump Virus, as I call it has provided an opportunity for introspection as to what is really important in life. For me it includes people I love (my husband, son, daughter-in-law, grandson, other family and a lot of amazing friends). People are what matter, not things. I don’t have any pets at the moment. If I did they would matter too. I continue my political activism fighting for LGBTQ+ rights and against hate directed at us and other groups. It is important to stickup for all oppressed people. I am doing what I can to get a Democrat back in the White House, as well as Democratic control if the Senate, state and local government while keeping Democrats as the majority in the House of Representatives.
I call COVID-19 the Trump Virus, by the way, because tRUMP’s inaction, bad decisions and unwillingness to respond appropriately has caused far more People to get the virus and deaths than would have happened with competent, compassionate and innovative leadership. The United States has 4% of the world’s population and as of about a week ago we had approximately 32% of the cases of the virus and 28% of the people who have died from it.