Weekend open thread: Trump sabotaging Postal Service
And he's gone full-on birther on Kamala Harris, while covid-19 explodes. What's happening where you are?
Welcome to The Signorile Report, where you’ll read hard-hitting political commentary and exposés; find interviews with newsmakers; hear me “engage” with right-wingers who call my radio program; and connect with like-minded, passionate people everywhere committed to fighting against hate and corruption. Subscribe now to get all of this in your email box a few times a week.
Another open thread for you to jump into with thoughts on what is happening — in the world and where you are. What are you up to and what’s going on? Or maybe you just want to sound off or let out a scream. Feel free!
As deaths from coronavirus reach a staggering 170,000 in the official count — and that’s an undercount — the Trump administration has overseen a stunning drop in testing — something Donald Trump has certainly applauded because he would rather test less and see fewer cases showing in the numbers.
Meanwhile, it’s a full-on assault by Trump on mail-in ballots and the election and the U.S. Postal Service, as mailboxes are missing from streets, the Postal Service has told states it can’t say all ballots will be delivered on time this fall, and Trump is refusing to give the Post Service the money it needs to secure our vote — and our packages, prescription drugs, checks and everything else that is vital and has been delayed.
Protesters took took to the home of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump donor and lackey who is determined to help Trump steal the election. The media has been focused on this a lot, but we need to see Democrats step up more strongly. Everyone should be calling their members of Congress.

Was a great week of shows on my SiriusXM program, with so many people energized and ready for this fight as well as excited about the Biden/Harris ticket. We can’t let Trump steal this election. Mobilization can stop it.
As for me, I’m going to a run now, after having whipped up another gazpacho for tonight! I’ll jump into the discussions here throughout the weekend.
Thinking today of women and the 19th Amendment, and yes folks it was only 100 years ago. Women were no longer barred from voting, not given the “right” supposedly bestowed by men. Anyway here is a great quote from Margaret Chase Smith that is applicable to our times. She spoke against McCarthyism “But I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny—Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.” I feel like that’s all the GOP has left in the tank right now.
We’re used to heat in Palm Springs but NOT with humidity. We’re getting humidity this week (30-40% when our normal is 3-5%) plus hot temperatures and it’s awful. So staying inside and making cool dishes for dinner. Pets are fazed.
Also wondering as is everyone if Trump’s brother died of COVID.
Anyway, Can’t wait for next week, Mike do you have a preview for us of what guests you will have during the Convention?
What really bothers me is the removal of high-speed mail sorters. They can process 100,000 pieces of mail every hour. I remember a summer job I had at the Univ. of Nebraska in the 70s. We had to take 13,000 grade reports sorted by last name, and sort them by zip code for the post office. A team of 6 of us did this by hand. It took a week to get all 13,000 sorted.
If that is what post offices are now faced with after losing their sorting machines, God help us. Ballots will never get delivered by election day.