Weekend open thread: What are you up to?
A somber holiday weekend that marks a grim 100,000 deaths and the president is trying to order churches open.

What are you all doing on this three-day weekend, as we see an uneven, unorganized effort to re-open the economy nationally, pushed by a president who doesn’t care about lives, along with his corps of governors who are part of his death cult?
Across the country, 17 states have seen cases of coronavirus going up, and a new study says 24 states may have uncontrolled transmission of the virus. Yet Trump, apparently worried about a staggering drop in support among religious conservatives, is pushing to get churches filled.
None of us imagined a Memorial Day weekend like this, but here we are. Those of us in New York City are still in lock-down. It’s odd seeing stories of people heading to beaches and shopping in other parts of the country while most stores here are still closed.
More restaurants here that had voluntarily down entirely are now open for take out, and it’s nice to see them back. But otherwise, it’s the same as it was here, and most people — except some runners, which annoys me a lot — are wearing masks.
But I know things are opening everywhere else — and we’re seeing some of the consequences: One hairstylist in Missouri who had tested positive for coronavirus — and was symptomatic — has exposed nearly 100 clients and others, after salons were allowed to open earlier this month.
What’s happening where you are? Are people wearing masks? Are you heading out? What are you doing this weekend?
I’m in for the weekend, probably cooking again, and will be jumping in the discussion here, as I want to add more thoughts as well to some of the stories I linked to in this post.
I’m staying home with the exception of a 20 min drive to visit my father’s grave. He passed away 5 years ago on Memorial Day, May 25 which is the same date the holiday falls on this year. My father worked until he was 80 as a biochemist and worked hard his entire life to provide a good life for me and my brother. He spoiled me and was my rock when life through me curves. I miss him dearly. I know that he hid struggles he endured as a Black man, to protect his children and to ensure we had every opportunity to excel in the world. I worry that I could end up being a victim of the targeted racism he sheltered me from thanks to the White Supremecist in Chief and his band of merry faux Christians.
We’re looking at joining CodePink for a Memorial Day Car-avan for peace in L.A., here’s the link for the nationwide events they’ve planned:
That’s our only plan, as we’re on this 70-day weekend...