Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

"Cringeworthy" is right! What the actual F...?!?!?!?! Even Dem leaders loooooove to give LGBTQ people a swift punch in the gut every now and then.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Why honor a woman whose "Say No to drugs" campain was dumb and worthless. And she consulted with fortune tellers as her husband ignored HIV/AIDS. Ronnie was the beginning of the destruction of the middle class and shifting billions of dollars to the 1%wealthiest.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Journalist Ronnie Duggar pointed out that at the 1980 NH primary debate, Nancy gazed out at the assembled crowd and actually said, "look at all of the beautiful white people." She's got a horrible legacy (racist, homophobic, sexist, classist, etc). I know that the Biden WH is hoping by polishing Nancy's supposed halo, their halos will be polished in the future. Someone should ask Roslyn Carter how well Nancy and the goon-squad Reaganites treated her!! It's stupid messaging, rooted in the 1990s quest for bi-partisan ship. It's as tone deaf as it is out of date. I'm sorry, but the Biden's are show their age and this does NOT bode well for the mid-terms nor 2024. They could have just IGNORED Nancy and move on to more important tasks. This is such a losing move. *SIGH!*

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Thanks for bringing that back Catherine!

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

UGH...this Nancy Reagan stuff is absolutely cringeworthy. And....more complete and blatant hypocrisy from the right re: Jan 6th. The so called party of law & order won't be watching the hearings..got it.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

“Welllll Nancy”, as offensive as “stamp-gate” was, the vast majority won’t remember anything on it by next week. It’s the way Americans roll, wrong or wrong. Jan 6 hearings, I’ve been waiting SO long for, I think it will make a difference, the truth always helps. Sounds like some excellent revelations coming. Shame on Faux News for skipping airing, then they will spin it and regurgitate all over their their cult following, doing the thinking for their dull followers. That’s how they merit the term “Faux” news. F. is for F. Fox. I’m very curious what % of “only vote R” folk will watch at least the first night of the hearings. Will it peel away into reality some % ?? Not the MAGATs, lost way too far down the Rump Rabbit hole. But hopefully enough to make a difference this fall. Hopefully many more indictments and arrests coming. Cross fingers and make a wish. Truth and Justice must be pursued no matter what letter R or D behind name.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

If Congress can't pass any laws or regulations on so-called news organizations like Fox, can Biden sign an executive order that those purporting to be "news" organizations need to meet certain standards?! Faux News' refusal to show the 1/6 hearings is additional proof that they are not a news organization and they need to change their name. As for Nancy, please, no more of these efforts at bipartisanship with the right!

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

GQP will never work with the Dems. Dems better wake up or they'll be obliterated.

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Right! There was a time when some R's would work together with Dems but that ship sailed away for good after Obama was elected.

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Sad but true. GOP won't bend on gun rights ....even if every child in the U.S. is murdered. It's not their kids; they don't care.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Then there was also that "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign of her's that did nothing. It was pretty much an another version of thoughts & prayers.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Nancy "Oral" Reagan was a friend to none of mine who died in the 1980s.

Maybe she should have promoted her signature move, asking gays to refrain from Anal?

I despise the Reagans with the heat of a thousand suns, as would my dead friends if they weren't, you know, dead. Jill Biden deserves a bag of dicks for getting onstage with that harridan.

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Ha, forgot about that!

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Nancy and Ron were anti democratic and pro monarchy

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