Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Yeah, it pisses me off when a comedian like Bill Maher confidently predicts a GOP takeover of Congress or pundits like James Carville frequently criticizes Democratic messaging. The mainstream media is always going to spin it to favor Republicans, because they are run by Republicans by and large. Thank goodness for the few Progressive media outlets that we do have to push back on the doom and gloom narrative. Early voting is showing huge Democratic numbers, yet we don't hear about that too much in the mainstream (corporate) media.

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I stopped watching Bill Maher because he was pissing me off on a regular basis. I was sick of his criticizing the Democrats when we're facing the loss of democracy. He's turned into a corporate whore like much of the media.

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Ever since our founders enshrined the free press as a cure for what ails democracy, we have had a faith-based relationship with our press. Kind of like an information source detached from the human beings that decide what is important for us to know. We have given the free press the power to censor itself and nobody else is allowed that privilege. Like a captive regulatory agency that protects the corporation not the average citizen. The period when newspapers had enough clout and advertisers needed them to survive, and the newspapers didn't need to kowtow along with 3 major networks that believed correct information, not eyeballs, was the point it was the heyday for the press in America. We will never see that again.

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I do think the Democrats had a terrible messaging problem this election. I don't know what's going to happen Tuesday, but I do think Democrats should have run a national campaign with a far more focused message on the danger and depravity of the Republican Party, highlighting the GOP's campaign of election denial and subversion of democracy, overt anti-LGBT hatred and more subtle racism - values more appropriate to Putin's Russia, rather than our USA. The soccer moms outside Philadelphia and Richmond are not as scared for their children's future under a cruel science denying Republican House and Senate as they need to be for Democratic victories.

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If the Democrats don’t do well Tuesday, even if they lose the house albeit slim, it’s malpractice at the highest level. The GOP has become a schizophrenic mess and birds could beat them in an election. I believe the Democrats are too busy trying to change GOP voters minds and trying to get along. It’s sad and reminds me of a relationship wrought in domestic violence. They take their voters for granted and not in a mean way. I think they feel we all need to “educate” these GOP voters, and they’ll get it. NOT! They’re too far gone. The Dem leadership should have recognized that after Jan. 6th.

Now, I do think the polling is not accurate and young women are being ignored. Those margins can be huge in all the races come Tuesday.

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Greetings from fascist florida. Our Fuhrer and the legislature, to an extent, did not futz around with the voting this year. Next year? Fixing what wasn't broken does kick in so watch out.. I watched from the DC bubble as venerated newspapers were snatched away from the porches of Former USA. The transition to online meant that if you were where the internet wasn't you were SOL. The local TV news were forced to spew whatever the corporate overlords fed them. The takeaway being whosoever controls the town square controls the narrative. All this polling suggest crap is pure bunk and the easily gullible who don't do their homework are the ones taken in by the extremists. Use your own head and heart and vote accordingly. Imperfect Democracy is still leaps and bounds above Russia & Iran...

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Agree. Why don't they talk about the fact that the GOP has no policies? Down here in Florida, the dictator DeSatan is ahead in the polls. He's done nothing good for Florida or anyone else. Censoring schoolbooks, Don't say gay and Woke legislation, firing our Democratic Attorney General....Nothing he does is about government -- only his personal vendetta against groups who are likely Democrats -- women, LGBT.

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