Democracy is in serious danger. If Rump gets in again through cheating (his only way of operating), that'll be the start of authoritarianism in America and the death of democracy. We will become a 2 class society.

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Where are those "traditional" Republicans when it comes to convincing their colleagues to vote for the rights of voters of all stripes?! No where to be seen. The only way to stop this is by cutting off the head of the snake. NY indictments now!

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I'm very pessimistic about the future of this country. If by some miracle the entire country doesn't crash and burn before Halloween (hello, debt ceiling?), I don't see much hope of any infrastructure deal or voting rights legislation passing. Thanks, you DINOs! It seems like Moscow Mitch is still controlling the narrative, and the Senate. My gut tells me that Republicans will take over the House and Senate in 2022, then the Democrat candidate will overwhelmingly win the popular vote, but because of the anti-democratic laws in a majority of red states, a radical Trumpian will take possession of the White House. After that, we will be under authoritarian rule for at least a generation unless there is a Civil War. I hope to God I'm proven wrong about all of this.

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Edit: I'm talking about the 2024 presidential election where the Democrat (Biden?) will win the popular vote by millions of votes, but will still lose because of cheating. 2025 will mark the end of democracy in America.

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Thank you for posting this! I read this and it was scary. Scary because the people that need to pay attention to it, probably won’t. Progressives see the danger, have seen the danger, but their warnings fall on deaf ears. Hoping that TFG will die is not a plan. We need MSM attention. And on that subject, does this op-Ed cancel out the the conservative voices in the WAPO? No. We still have to read the shit and drivel of Brooks, Olsen, and all the other right wing opinions.

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