I'm not afraid, I'm angry at those obeying in advance. I think that there are plenty of loud, proud and angry Democratic voices out there, but they get little airtime on corporate media, which is why I'm glad that many have taken to alternative media. I'm waiting for some billionaires on our side to buy up some media platforms. Won't happen. I'm grateful for SiriusXM Progress and other outlets to get the truth out there and not do the both sides BS. I just finished watching Jimmy Carter's funeral and cried plenty of tears. He was my first vote for President in 1980 when I turned 18. The many eulogies were so very touching. America needs to wake up and stop thinking that a strongman is going to solve our problems. It disgusted me to see Mr. & Mrs. DJT sitting there at the funeral.

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Sakina, George W and his wife snubbed Trump at the funeral. I wish Obama had done the same. Why act cordial to a lunatic who's threatening invasions and renaming bodies of water? This is distraction from the filth they will do behind the scenes. Now SCOTUS is reviewing marriage equality. We know where this may be going. First Roe v. Wade, now gay marriage. What's next? These creeps are hellbent on destroying human rights. More to come from them; there's no doubt about it.

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I’m scared of what will happen to my marriage. My wife and I are celebrating 8 years married on January 17. We got married and then jumped in a bus to take part in the woman’s march on Washington after the orange menace’s first inauguration. If they take our rights away there will be serious repercussions for us and every other makes LGBTQ+ person. I am so damn mad at everyone who voted for this lunatic and at every democrat who is now cow-towing to him

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Early happy anniversary! I will work to do all I can to help preserve our hard fought rights. We're not going back, as VP Harris said.

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Thank you Sakina! And yes, I refuse to be complacent while all of our hard fought rights are stomped on. WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!

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Yeah, I wish Obama would have snubbed him, too. Hardcore MAGA is ride or die with their orange Elon/Putin puppet, but I'm guessing that many who did vote for him or who didn't vote at all will have buyer's remorse very soon.

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Especially when prices rise and health and other benefits are “sunsetted.”

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Every Dem should have snubbed him. He's a criminal who didn't pay for his crimes. If it were you or me, we'd have been quickly imprisoned.

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Pence's wife snubbed DJT and Melania, too. Pence managed to get out of there with a very stiff-armed handshake to Trump and then immediately looking away and moving on. Supposedly the first time they've seen each other in these last 4 years.

I was very moved to see Andrew Young there, and to hear him speak. Young was very prominent when he was Ambassador to the UN, and then Mayor of Atanta, and worked extensively with the Southern Leadership Conference. Carter was pivotal to Young's rise to prominence, as Young was in seeing Carter's ability to move away from the racism of Georgia.

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Agree with your words totally, Sakina, and hoping more people like Juan Merchan step up to speak truth to power. Jimmy Carter left a legacy that’s impossible to match, and hopefully his legacy will inspire others to be selfless and to respect our democracy and EQUAL justice for all.

And let’s keep supporting progressive media like Sirius 127 and its radio hosts, plus sites like Meidas Touch News.

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Tell that to Senator John Fetterman, who's turning out to be the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Just hoping he isn't the new Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin.

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In FL legislature, 2 elected Democrat Reps switched from Dem to GOP shortly after their election. Hypocrites!!!!

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Oh, that's awful, Donnab. Hate hypocrites and liars like that.

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NO SURRENDER to incompetence, greed and billionaires. Not a single member of congress should ever refer to a republican as a friend to work with, ever, not any more! We are sick of it. We know better. And, we should use the legacy and person of President Carter as a rallying cry for bringing morality and good intention back to the presidency and our country. There is no better model other than charity, democracy, humility and peace making than he.

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The Dems trying niceness won't work with the incompetent goons in the DJT administration. And the SCOTUS will protect the MAGAts.

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To paraphrase Arendt, "Never bow your head to a tyrant, because the tyrant will eventually cut it off."

I spent many years in the land of elder care. Trump reminds me nothing more than a demented guy, living in a locked ward, who will rant every once in a while. And it has that much meaning. Just ignore him. Wait until something actually gets done. He has surrounded himself with incompetents except in their skills of sychophancy.

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Great observation Catherine. Ignoring him deprives the cult leader of his need for attention.

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Thanks, Michaelangelo.

I'm wiping tears away as I watch the funeral of President Carter. I hope the news media focuses on a Good Man.

RIP my good man

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---and this has nothing to do with the topic, but today I'm taking a break from the most selfish man to honor the most selfless man.

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I'm really tired of Democrats who refer to the republicants as there "friends". They think they can somehow work with them. YOU CAN'T! Democrats need to be just as resistive and obstructive as the republicants have for years and will continue to do so. Surrender is not an option!

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“Look elsewhere for leadership” truer words never spake. Not just the Frump, almost all the GOP is devoid of leadership. D’s are consistently the adults in the room, and they need to be a little more aggressive push back type of adults. But, nonetheless, they are the ones looking like adults.

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I’m sorry we’re even talking about Fake Bone Spurs today. Today should be about remembrance of President Carter. I hope everyone watched the service, if not try to stream it. Very uplifting. We need people like his grandson Jason out running for office (again for him). They are the carriers of our message. As Biden said today, character and honor. I hope rather than all Fake Bone Spurs all the time, we as Dems can focus on OUR candidates up and down the ballot. The future is now, our sights should be immediately shifted to 2026. Give up on corporate media, its days are numbered.

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Jason has an "it" factor and should he choose to run for office he has my support.

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I'm with you, Chris. Wonderful service, and a tribute to an amazing human. Character, humility, service.

Pass the tissues, I think I have something in my eye....

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Ro Khanna made a step towards conciliatory speech. A Californian like him needs to step back and think about what he's doing.

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If Democrats continue to use decorum, niceties and try to get along with these loony republicans, I will have zero respect for them either.

Yes, this is what your moron next president said about water in California. 4 more years of this gibberish, lies and moronic ranting. 🤦🏼‍♀️

“and the reason you have no water, you have the canals, the reason you have no water is because Gavin ‘Newscomb’ didn’t want to do it. I had it all done. I had the Department of Commerce at the time, believe it or not, they’re the ones that rule on this particular issue. so you have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north, with the snow caps in Canada, and it all pouring down. and they have essentially a very large faucet. and you turn the faucet, and it takes a day to turn it. it takes one day to turn it, it’s massive. it’s as big as the wall of that building right there behind you. and you turn that, and all of the water goes into the— aimlessly into the Pacific. and if they turned it back, all of that water would come right down here and right into Los Angeles. they wouldn’t have to have people not use more than 30 gallons and 32 gallons. they want to do that, you know. they’re trying to do that. and you have so much water. and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. and you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle.”

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As Jan says if we got back even a 1-1 trade with what we put in vs what we get out. Thank you Governor Newsom for saying on live TV “Thank God Biden is still president”. SoCal is hurting beyond belief right now.

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Chris, I noted that Alex Jones or some other far-right nutbag, then echoed by Trump, stated that the head of the LA Fire Department was incompetent, in large part because he understood that she was LGBTQ. So FUCKING what? She and her wife have both been commended firefighters at LA Fire. When MAGA goes low, they seem to always end up in someone's friggin' bedroom!

We are thinking about you and your partner, Chris, and want you both to be safe and away from the fires.

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Right wing media claims a straight male would be a competent fire chief. Prejudiced, homophobic idiots! What's that got to do with fire-fighting skills and leadership? I am so tired of the buffoons!

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CC, been thinking of and hoping you two aren’t close to runaway fires and smoke. I’m just seeing pictures. Devastating.

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giant faucet....crazy!!

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Thanks Mike… perhaps you could mention more frequently the Giant Faucet in British Columbia… someone should ask Donald if turning on that faucet could improve the situation in and around LA😉

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Whenever I see an article about Trump, I am reminded of George M. Cohan's famous line: "I don't care what they say about me just so long as they spell my name right." Of course the big differences between the two are that Cohan had talent, and he wasn't a lazy, corrupt, stupid sociopath and convicted felon.

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America is now a “shit-hole” country. We have a criminal, dictator-wannabe, addled president. A draft-dodger as commander-in-chief. A clown show legislature. A corrupt, biased Supreme Court. The corrupt rich & big business bought the election for their enrichment. Fanatics from every faction dictating policy. Flakes & wackos staffing the administration. A gullible, ignorant citizenry. America is now a comedy morphing into a tragedy.

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You speak of organizing. I just want some frickin organizers. Will you please drop us a list, illuminate a varied set of breadcrumbs toward action organizers? I’ve been sitting here for a bunch of months wishing for someone to call me to ANY action beyond campaign donations and canvassing. Holy crap.

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Davie, have you looked at Indivisible groups in your area? We have a new group in South King County, so don't have to zoom into the Seattle group anymore. For queers, there's always the Human Rights Campaign, and the ACLU is for everybody.

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Thank you, Lorie! — I will go to their sites and see if they’re asking for action beyond affiliation. I have supported both HRC and ACLU over the years. What I want to do is different from financial support and affiliation (outsourcing action). I’ll see if they’re leading real-time actions that I can get involved with.

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Davie, I just remembered the Rainbow Railroad.....it's more global, and seeks people who can give refuge, cash, or any type of support to LGBTQ persecuted groups in other countries, primarily non-white LGBTQ folks.

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I have wondered the same thing myself, called my congresspeople but wonder if it falls on deaf ears.

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One thing high on the incoming 'admnistration's' list is mass deportations. Everyone can look for a local or statewide immigrant rights group and find out what they can do to support undocumented immigrants and The Dreamers. I believe that in Washington State local police and sheriffs' departments are not allowed to profile and randomly stop folks, but there are still people who could get caught up in any dragnet in a more isolated county that those of Western Washington.

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He is a reality TV guy. He has no policy no real ideas. All he knows is the show needs to go four years without getting cancelled. They tried to cancel him twice last time and failed.

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Long before reality TV was a vicious, bigotted mysognistic SOB. He's only out for himself and every other straight, white male, preferrably with lots of money.

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Call your Democratic representatives and tell them you won't voter for them again? They know they are the only game in town as far as liberal Democrats are concerned and they might have a better grasp of what their local constituents will support. We don't have the luxury of threatening them with being primarried because the Democrat who defeats the incumbent might not win the general election. Kind of an important detail along with risking alienating whoever controls the press in their individual states. We have virtually no leverage. Also boycotting actual works for the MAGA right.

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You are so right! We have lived through this from 2016-Jan 20 2021.. we know what he's capable of. we had not seen it first hand until that first time.. we need to shoulder together not in hiding but standing up where we can doing what we can legally to protest and remember to vote when elections come around

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