Right on point, of course Michael. I am so pissed off that Cruz is saying calm down while inciting violence in the same breath. In case he doesn't realize it, that is the definition of sedition!



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noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

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Very well put.

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The irony is that Cruz is a constitutional lawyer, so one can be totally cynical as to the motive of this widely disliked politician.

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It's so true. Hawley went to Stanford and Yale and taught in London, was a law professor. They all know better. that's what is so outrageous here.

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Totally, and I'm glad you said lawyer, not scholar, because he lacks the intelligence to realize his gambit may backfire on him electorally going forward!

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Cruz is despicable. So are those in his little group of traitors such as Hawley, Tuberville and my own disgusting senator, Rick Scott. I'm a senior female and never thought I'd see Insurrection in my country with the President encouraging it. Trump belongs in prison. Why weren't police shooting last night? They had no problem shooting college students at Kent State and no problem shooting black people during BLM protests.

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I couldn't agree more. The Democrats should use this coup attempt to paint the entire Republican Party with the broad brush of sedition, of hating democracy, and of spitting on the values of the USA. The GOP needs to be out of power for ten years, to start to rebuild a legitimate opposition party.

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Great post Michelangelo. It points out once again the collective failure of our national media, with a few exceptions, to cover what is actually going on in America. They are once again trying to normalize this completely abnormal crisis by using soft words and euphemisms to describe an all out war on our already fragile democracy. It is an attempted coup, it is anti-constitutional, it is sedition. Words do matter, let's show courage and use the right ones.

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Thank you Lisa. And yes, the stronger the words you use, the more the other side has to defend itself and define it and try to claim it's not that. They must always be put on the defensive and called out.

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This whole business and what is going to happen tomorrow in Georgia and the next day on the election vote has me a nervous wreck. I have said that I am going to take a news break until the end of the week, however, I doubt I will be able to do it. I'm a baby boomer and I just cannot understand what has happened to our country. I am very sad that our new Republican Congresswoman is going to be backing the coup.

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Who is that Vanessa? A lot of the freshman members have jumped aboard this insanity. We have to make them pay.

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Yvette Harrell, unfortunately our state is blue but the southern part of New Mexico has a lot of Republicans in the smaller towns.

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This so called “stunt” is a very “dangerous stunt”....undermining and a consequential attack on democracy. Tomorrow will be a day that will be documented in history, I hope this rally does not result in violence.

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Really, the contortions of the MSM has been astounding in brushing off reality. I used to think the election of a dimwitted mobster was an absurd response to the 2 terms of a black president until it hit me that whites were serious in maintaining the racial status quo of the former USA as well the plutocrats who feel their wealth is worth unmooring democracy.

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Happy 2021 - What a way to start my working-week, and "Oh Lordy, I do hope that there are more tapes"! Not only of the call to GA-SoS but for the last past four-years and now an ongoing coup! I also hope that there's a prison big enough to put all these enabler-assholes, i.e. (F!@#$ Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, et al) in it. I can't believe these "cowards, cult followers". Their loyalty to a monster, the biggest failed president in the history of the U.S. , con-man, over the constitution! Insane. What's next, banning the Democratic Party, the Senate, House, the opposition, no more future elections?

So banana republic: https://apnews.com/article/elections-blockades-central-america-daniel-ortega-nicaragua-14d04033e443f6da9bf3d11aec0dae47

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Happy New Year Serge. And yes, we just see them continuing to back him, defend him, no matter what.

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I was going to say that I noticed that some of these assholes objecting the election also went to Russian on the 4th of July, i.e. Steve Daines (Mont.), John Kennedy (La.). I sure hope so that the FBI is looking into these traitors. The new Administration needs to appoint a new Special Counsel and make a solid example of these people. Imagine if this would happen under President Obama. Trump needs to be trialed like any other citizen after Jan 20th.

Please NY State and Manhattan DA, make it happen in NY. Nobody is above the law, not even the President.

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I agree: "Stunt" is the wrong framing. But when have national Democrats understood framing or done it correctly? This action should be called "an attempted coup." It's hope, or chances, or unlikelihood of success is irrelevant in defining. It's certainly not even in the "stunt" category. Someone needs to tell Klobuchar: her presidential campaign was a stunt; this is not.

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Abuse of power, but who is really surprised? I’m looking forward to your analysis today. It was a nice brake over the holiday, but I’m ready to get back to reality.

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Thanks Donna. It was good to be back on the show and focused on it. And we'll doing it all week.

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Some in the trump cult are calling the phone call fake. Other's are saying it was taking out of context. Some are even saying those who released the audio committed a crime. I think unless it's deemed classified information, any conversations between elected officials should be open to the public. (deleted first post because of typo)

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"Phone call to fire department is the REAL crime here!" cry arsonists' enablers.

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Oh yeah, they're all now using conspiracies to try to claim it didn't happen. I'm so glad Raffensperger taped it. And he's on solid legal ground.

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Right On...60 minutes had a good show last night, but it was totally disgusting that one of the most important events in United States, a seditious coup to over throw our democracy wasn't on

the agenda. They base their coverage on not wanting to piss off some of their potential viewers and get threats galore.(also they had disgusting commercials from Loffler and Purdue that were straight from Nazi Germany.) 1) Trump's real agenda is to use the insurrection act; Protesters must not take his bait.

2) Biden needs to get his fireplace going and have fireside chat podcasts with his new cabinet everyday about what they are going to do on January 20. He needs to not cede the podium to

Trump which Trump's latest stunt is all about.

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John, so right about the protests. He wants our side to come out so that he can quell the violence with the military.

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Great post, Michaelangelo. I'm so disgusted with the GOP who have enabled that con artist for the last 4 years and tolerated his hateful, divisive speech. He has encouraged violence all along and yet some losers still support him. This cannot stand if we are to survive as a country. Trump needs to be removed by invoking the 25th amendment. He is dangerous to Democracy. Furthermore, those who broke into the Capitol are guilty of treason and should be arrested and imprisoned. If Congress lets this slide, it sets a dangerous precedent.

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Jan 5, 2021
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I was actually glad to see CNN, in the middle of the day yesterday, call it an "attempted coup," on their chyron. So maybe the public pressure works. I know people were urging them on social media and elsewhere. I think people have to make their voices heard. Call senators and House members, tell them to use that word and not "stunt' because of the severity of what's happening. People need to speak up. Thanks.

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