Feb 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™could not have been said better. Joyful to see the 2017 Duck Dynasty wannabe MTG jumping up and down feigning anger. Classless , tacky and classless as ever. Biden shone

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Feb 8, 2023Β·edited Feb 8, 2023

Marjorie is such a "Karen"! Of course she's not the only one in today's GQP.

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Marjorie Trailer reminded me of a howler monkey. She made a fool of herself. Classless, obnoxious. Biden was polished and a gentleman. Such a difference in the two parties!

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LMAO, Donnab! You've made my morning and probably my day! Smooches!

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And that fake white fur thing she was wearing made her look like a lame hooker. And Romney thought Santos was an embarrassment for being there. LOL

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The entire GOP is an embarrassment to people with any cognition.

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That's a big 10 4 sir.

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Glad to hear it, Sakina! Hugs to you.

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LOL. Great one Donnab. How about adding β€œpoo flinging howler monkey” and is not far from sad reality, she supports Jan 6th law breaking insurrectionists who flung and smeared poo in our Capitol building. Disgusting. HOW can nothing more than a performance artist, theatrical drama queen possibly get re-elected ? Let alone be a major money raiser. It’s a showcase spectacle of 🀒 %.

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That's very appropriate, Rick! She is flinging poo like the howler she is. Her base are the same trash that put the orange nazi into the White House. We must be the laughing stock of the entire planet.

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Yes indeed, the only saving grace (?) is that the UK is in a MUCH worse situation, another PM about to fall and economy in collapse. Also, Germany had their far right trying a mini Jan 6, very scary. And Italy elected a far-right Covid denier for their PM. The whole world seems to have drunk the orange monster's kool aid, or could it be Pooty poot and his henchmen?!?

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They all bear responsibility. These autocrats and wannabe autocrats along with their wealthy backers have done their job of divide and conquer, paving the way for them to have and keep power.

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Unfortunately, I missed Biden’s speech; however, my new grandsons have arrived. Tyler and Zach are cute little twins!

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Neil, β€œDuck Dynasty wannabe”, excellent. Someone else thought β€œDrunk comic heckler”, β€œBeer swilling NASCAR fan”.

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Very fitting!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Biden hit it out of the park! I really appreciated the time he took to describe to the world that he did not have to explain police brutality to his children and educate them on "what to do" if they got pulled over by law enforcement. This was a powerful moment, and I am sure that Tyre's parents and countless Black, and Brown people appreciated being recognized in a way that's rarely been addressed by those in power, let alone a sitting US President. On a separate note, Thank You, Michelangelo for your daily program on Sirius. Your voice helped provide me with sanity during chaos, and hope when I felt like throwing in the towel. Bravo!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I like this new Joe Biden. I liked the old version too, but this new one runs on piss and vinegar!

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What I got out of that great speech boils down to this. Democrats are positive progressives that want to move this country forward. Republicans are full of fear, hate, lies and criticize democrats for doing exactly what they are doing ( Huckabee ). I feel really good about being a Democrat and I’m feeling positive about what Dems are doing for this country. Republicans had 4 years to do positive things for this country and they did nothing. Now they cry about the border, inflation, crime. It’s all BS.

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Exactly. Giant Babies

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The SOTU address has devolved into nothing more than an open mic night at a third rate comedy club where many in the audience met their two-drink minimum before they entered and were way over the legal limit about half way through the show. What a disgusting display from a bunch of sociopaths who care not a whit about governing or anyone but themselves.

By the way, we taxpayers foot the bill for this two-bit charade while these same MAGA goons refuse to pay the bills they've already rung up. And Joe Biden should be given combat pay for having to endure these inane and profane people.

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I wondered if I could even stay awake for the whole thing. But I was so energized I ended up awake way later than usual! Biden really seemed in control. It was such a relief!

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Totally agree on all your points, Michelangelo. I thought Biden did a great job just talking to the American people. He totally owned the GOP and it was fun watching McCarthy's smug face when the clowns started acting up. He knows he sold his soul to these whack jobs to get that chair and now he pays the price.

The Mike Lee pearl clutching was the height of hypocrisy, wasn't it? The Meidas Touch guys posted a great side by side of him on Instagram that's great. My other favorite thing this am has been reading the comments on Huckabee's Instagram post about her doing the GOP response to the SOTU. I thought all the cult members would be kissing her butt like they were on Twitter but alas, I've been pleasantly surprised how many people spoke about how she's a lying hypocrite and only spreading further hate. Her response was vile, just like her. Meanwhile, this is the POS that literally banned the term Latinx from all State documents. UGH.....

But, back to the positive. I would hope Biden gets a boost in approval from his address but not counting on it given the sad state of the media. They'd rather focus on lies and gaslighting.

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Michelle, the β€œHucksterabee’s” reputation for getting in front of a camera and lying, especially for ?rump, boggles my mind. Knowing that her dad was not just a Baptist minister, but a Southern Baptist preacher, even more strict, we hafta highly suspect her rear was paddled pink many a time for lying as a child, but now as adult, apparently lying as a career is fine and dandy. Her parents must be in mental conflict, cognitive dissonance from their daughter’s adult life led in opposition of what they life long taught her β€œIf you lie, there are consequences”. And she does this time and again front of a nationwide camera. Ouch. Their brains should plain hurt. How do they justify it and smile, be proud and support that ? I cannot understand. Perhaps the term β€œpolitical ambition” helps explain, and that started with her preacher daddy passed down to daughter.

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Rick, her father is another grifting TV evangelist. I have no clean words for those who preach one thing and do the opposite.....no wonder they are Repuke-li-KKKans.

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Given that the Southern Baptists were concealing a list 205 *pages* long of instances of sexual abuse committed by their clergy against mostly minors in their congregations, I do not think we should hold them up as people who insist upon honesty.

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Gotta have a brain in order for it to hurt. :-)

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Love the nickname, Rick!

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Her father is just as bad but I get the sentiment.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

And how about Sarah Huckabee Sanders rebuttal? Most pathetic, disgraceful, dishonest one I've seen in my 65 years.

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In a word, it was a Bidenpartisan moment for America and the world!

If this SOTU was a movie it would be called, Truth Social--The Second Coming of Dark Brandon.

We must take time to congratulate all of the progressive truth-tellers on SXM 127, FSTV and all of the podcasters working to free our speech from the clutches of these GQP hostage taking velociraptors!

I would like to personally thank Michangelo Signorile and his staff for all they do!

SXM127 is Xanax from Xanadu for the mind, body and spirit. World without βΈΈrump, amen-ace!

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Xanax from Xanadu. Love it !

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Thank you!!! Too many so-called progressives are downplaying the significance of Biden’s accomplishments and the power of last night’s speech - you got it exactly right πŸ’œ

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β€œJob” Biden, because the man makes millions of jobs each year, has done a great service to our country.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thought it was the best state of the Union I've ever watched. Well done President Biden! Loved that he kicked butt!

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It was a great speech. The GQP got baited. Cruella de Greene looked just that. Hucksterbee kept trying to say the GQP was about freedom while simultaneously talking about laws that go after her view of the woke mob and radical left as she put it which doesn’t sound like small government at all. Her story about the trip to Iraq meant--what? Never did get it. And when she said we can have normal or crazy well I think the American people know who is crazy and who ain’t GQP. My one complaint is I think Biden’s people are not allowing the cabinet to shine. I want to see more Pete and others out on the road, on TV, at the infrastructure groundbreaking, etc. We need to showcase the up and comers. Anyway speech was great. WAY exceeded my expectations!

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FDR himself could not have done better!

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Right on !

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I luved that he wants to bring back the Middle Class (From the middle out not the Top down)

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I agree with everything you said. It was still hard to watch the disrespect from the dippys doodles on the far right. Loved that Mitt Romney went after Santos too.

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