Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo....like you...I am 100% behind Biden & Harris, any of the women would have satisfied me. I hope that all Democrats stay united & not “nit pick” at Harris.

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Kamala was my choice for presidential candidate. She’s the person who most excites me about the future. I’m a little dismayed with the Twitter chatter, mostly from those who proclaim to be progressive. One post I saw today was likening Kamala to an “overseer”. The hyperbole, to me, is offensive. I think those people are making the fascists’ job easier. Beware of bots and trolls attacking from what appears to be the “left”.

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

We are at an historic transition time in history. Whoever Biden picked would be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in 2024.

Our country has been challenged by a White Supremacist as we are becoming a White-minority society. The White Supremacists are Hell-bent on maintaining White minority rule.

What Biden-Harris represents is a peaceful transition to that more egalitarian society that the white supremacists are resisting. Biden is an old white man; Harris is a younger African American and South Asian American woman. If successful, that old white man will eventually pass the torch to a new generation of Americans.

If we can manage to overcome all of the obstacles to a “free and fair” election that the white supremacists are putting in our way, we can elect a man who knows that the future lies with the inheritors of the American promise: the children of immigrants who have succeeded at achieving the ever more elusive American Dream.

Harris selection repudiates all of Trump’s rhetoric and policies targeting immigrants, women, minorities and PoC. For choosing her, Biden has already made history. Harris’ ascendency is a victory for all immigrants and their children. She and her sister are first-generation Americans, and she is now poised to become our first female and second PoC president.

Now, we must brave the pandemic and vote in person if physically able to, in order to defeat their sabotage of our great Postal Service. History demands that we reject White-minority rule. Now, and forever.

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Great post! I totally agree that we need to vote in person if at all possible. It's obvious that we won't be able to rely on usps to deliver the ballots on time, if at all. Biden needs to get enough votes on election day to put him over the top, or Trump will declare victory and challenge every mail-in ballot that is counted after election day. Also Republicans will be pulling all kinds of scams, like sending out bogus ballots to Democratic voters. This election is too important to take any chances.

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Saw a poll onscreen on MSNBC tonight: I think it was 72% of Democrats plan to vote by mail, 26% of Republicans.

If so, we lose.

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I agree! I saw that poll and it scared me. We would be making it way too easy for them to steal this election. Democrats need to stop acting like mail-in voting is the only way we can vote.

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deletedAug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile
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Thanks, Rick, but no, no teacher, certainly no professor, just an older DC-bred Leftie who came of age in the 60’s and 70’s (my best friend and I attended the Watergate hearings as teens). Although I left DC over 40 years ago, I’m a far-Left progressive who has lived and learned the scam and the damage done by Reagan and his successors and acolytes for my entire adult life.

No Bush Jr, no Obama.

No Obama, no Trump.

We have to destroy Trumpism by driving a stake through Trump’s heart, and take the Senate and keep the House. We then need to complete it with a filibuster-proof Senate in ‘22, and then keep fixing this.

With Trump and the GOP, anything is possible this election — anything. We must swamp them at the polls. Vote early, vote in person.

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Kamala represents the true American story, God blesses her and Mighty Joe!!!

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

She is the perfect candidate to take on Trump Pence a prosecutor who smiles

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I feel like we have some renewed energy with the announcement today. So hopeful but nervous at same time.

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It's all looking good. But remain nervous -- it helps.

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Aug 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This is wonderful! She’ll ‘prosecute’ the case well with Joe against Trump&Pence!

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I say give 'em hell, Joe and Kamala. Time to kick ass and send Twitler aka Agent Orange aka Wannabe Emperor Tang to the dustbin of history, along with all the GOP sycophants and cowards who enable him.

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If we do have a vice-presidential debate, Harris will eat Pence alive and then spit this pathetic man out.

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I am making my FB wall a misogyny & racist free zone. I am not interested in the opinions of those that pose & posture on the left while bashing Democratic candidates. My FB page will have zero tolerance for whining & negativity from self righteous narcissists with their egocentric purity tests. I am not interested in the opinions of stupid third party voters. They have no credibility. I will do everything I can to wrench the authoritarian fascist out of the WH. My guess is that Trump’s ass licker, William Barr, will bring phony banana republic indictments toward Biden, Biden’s son, Hunter, Obama, Hillary & other prominent Democrats. They are taking directions from Putin & that is exactly what he would do. I believe Trump will be sending his gestapo, secret police to cities to quell the likely uprising. Right wing militias will probably join Trump in his bid to take this country into fascism. He is a dictator wanna-be. There is no longer time to be complaining about ANY Democrat!!! We fought the Civil War against the exact same people that defend the a Confederate flag today. We fought WW2 against fascism. Sadly, there is a huge possibility of having to fight for democracy once again.

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I love it. I donated today. And I’m not at all concerned with the garbage from the right or anyone else from 3rd parties. It’s time to focus.

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Let’s be positive. God bless them. America deserves better!

The last four years have been so painful and unforgettable. The Blue Mega-Tsunami is coming! Look at the Orange Turd running to the bunkers!

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If DT agrees to a debate, KH will make Pence cry for his mother.

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I'm very happy with Biden's choice. I had to laugh today after hearing tRump say she lies a lot. That's the pot calling the kettle black, if there ever was one!

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I’m thrilled with Kamala as the VP candidate and really exciting the Democratic base. She’s tough and smart and the right person at the right time. #WinningTeam #DumpTrump

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Biden/Harris 💥👍🏼🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸BLUE WAVE. I donated, you should too!

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