Evidence and incriminating evidence mounting on the federal level against Trump, putting aside the NYC DA's disappointment into Trump, can all be for naught if the Attorney General fails to move! The Trumputingate should be one slogan going into this year's election.
2things are really on my mind, possibly off topic.
1, Barr is tooo much, campaign’s for job as mini me’s igor, jumps the shark daily with trumpista but after 2-3 years has an epiphany, perhaps I should use my talents for goodness not badness and quits, he must have heard a cell door shut.
2, right now dems need to forget convincing people to appreciate biden , not fair (looking at you media, you really want a news hating demagogue?).
They need to do what they never do, paint crystal clear picture of what gop rule will do in future on a daily basis, no more platitudes get some guts and spell it out
Evidence and incriminating evidence mounting on the federal level against Trump, putting aside the NYC DA's disappointment into Trump, can all be for naught if the Attorney General fails to move! The Trumputingate should be one slogan going into this year's election.
Rump needs to be brought to justice. He incited insurrection. How can he get away with this? The precedent it sets is dangerous.
2things are really on my mind, possibly off topic.
1, Barr is tooo much, campaign’s for job as mini me’s igor, jumps the shark daily with trumpista but after 2-3 years has an epiphany, perhaps I should use my talents for goodness not badness and quits, he must have heard a cell door shut.
2, right now dems need to forget convincing people to appreciate biden , not fair (looking at you media, you really want a news hating demagogue?).
They need to do what they never do, paint crystal clear picture of what gop rule will do in future on a daily basis, no more platitudes get some guts and spell it out
Garland has a lot on his plate, but trying orange hitler should be at the TOP of his list! The crimes are obvious for all to see.