This guy's a moron, we have data on millions of doses of vaccine being given around the world with VERY few side effects for over a year. Not only lung problems but blood disorders result from getting this virus. As someone who did medical research for 9.5 years studying hemophilia and Factor VIII, I can confirm the latter. Remember the otherwise healthy children last year in NYC who got Covid-19 and presented with clotting issues? He is justifying a Repugnican position and putting himself, his immune compromised wife and family in danger. She will be very sorry if she gets the Delta variant, which is extremely contagious, much more than the initial virus. In his thinking , she would be happy to get Shingles, an extremely painful condition, instead of taking the Shingles vaccine. Just plain stupid.
To be blunt, Anthony is full of shit. He's also sounds a lot like an anti-vaxxer using your program to disseminate anti-vaxxer propaganda. The usual buzzwords are there: risk/reward assessment, science isn't a one-way street, blah, blah, blah. Worried about clots? Does his daughter use oral birth control? You are under no obligation to provide a free platform for these anti-science dumbasses. Our cousin's son who is 25 now has permanent COPD from his bout with COVID. His heart rate races enough to have to go to the ER, thanks to COVID. My son still has residual smell/taste issues, 7 months on. And fact check for Anthony: the deaths from COVID and the variants now are almost completely among the unvaccinated. I love my son, I was relieved when he got his series of shots.
The best comment was the caller who said he sounded like a smart person until he started talking 🤣
It’s terrifying how this level of stupidity is allowed to proliferate, mixing anecdotes, unverified rumors, debunked “theories”, and utter nonsense.
One thing we know for sure is that people dying of COVID are all unvaccinated and red states where dimwits like him concentrate are the ones that can’t keep the disease in check.
Unfortunately, not everybody can be vaccinated (children, people with severe allergies…) and there are some the vaccine does not protect (people with severely depressed immune systems like transplant patients). This moron and his idiot daughter are endangering their lives with their selfishness and stupidity.
Yes, there is a personal choice issue. I think you should be able to make the decision to not get vaccinated. But that doesn’t mean it should be free of consequences. You should be refused access to public transportation, public venues, and even confined to your home, and should you be shown to be a contamination vector, assume full liability.
Oh, he’s sick and tired of being vilified, is he. Well I’m sick and tired of his bullshit.
Arguing with anti-vax morons like your caller is, as you demonstrated, an exercise in futility. This is survival of the fittest, and the anti-vaccine morons, the stupid science deniers, will die in greater numbers. The part of this that I find mind blowing is that WE KNOW the vaccines work and are both safe and effective, but WE DO NOT KNOW what the long term effects of COVID-19 will be, even in those people who get it and survive! According to the latest, we who are vaccinated are still able to get and transmit the virus and the variants, which are looking to be more and more dangerous. This was an important call and you handled it beautifully Michelangelo!
Risk/reward, as you stated the risks of no vaccine are so much greater, to point of death. You nailed him to the floor and handed him his ass, and very rightfully so !! You Mike care more about his daughter’s health and others around her, than he does. Playing "odds" with the Grim Reaper, what can possibly go wrong. It’s just another day and another UNbelievable in an America I no longer recognize and never imagined would be.
Listening to his argument,the same thing is used for owning a gun. Except on average not owning a gun is safer than owning a gun right? There’s a higher chance of suicide or accident or some other reason, do to easy access, to be shot by your own gun then there is having a gun save you from every day violence.
We shouldn’t be surprised they use the same failed logic. Getting the vaccine is extremely safe the odds are insignificant compared to the problems that can come from getting the virus, That’s thanks to anti-VAX or’s is been given a chance to mutate and become more deadly.
One thing I want to correct, I believe that the mechanism for making the coronavirus is exactly the same as what they did for SARS, of course the antivirus is different they attack different viruses. The mechanism to make the keys that our system can learn from that’s the same.
The guy is just a science ignorant man and so is his daughter.
I heard this real time and was so frustrated with this guy. I’m not going to repeat the comments from other listeners BUT what really set me off was the My Body, My Choice comment. So if that’s his belief (and I suspect this belief is held by other Republicans), how come abortion is being challenged? My Body, My Choice is not ok for a woman, but ok as an argument by this idiot?
I wonder if this anti-vax & mask cult members nonsense has something to do with rapture propaganda. Their carelessness with COVID seems to correlate with their obsession of wanting to leave this planet due to not having their way with regards to the culture wars. All while avoiding having to commit their so-called sin of suicide. COVID seems to be their way around those pesky bible verses with regards to it.
This guy's a moron, we have data on millions of doses of vaccine being given around the world with VERY few side effects for over a year. Not only lung problems but blood disorders result from getting this virus. As someone who did medical research for 9.5 years studying hemophilia and Factor VIII, I can confirm the latter. Remember the otherwise healthy children last year in NYC who got Covid-19 and presented with clotting issues? He is justifying a Repugnican position and putting himself, his immune compromised wife and family in danger. She will be very sorry if she gets the Delta variant, which is extremely contagious, much more than the initial virus. In his thinking , she would be happy to get Shingles, an extremely painful condition, instead of taking the Shingles vaccine. Just plain stupid.
Good luck to all anti-vaxxers playing with fire.
To be blunt, Anthony is full of shit. He's also sounds a lot like an anti-vaxxer using your program to disseminate anti-vaxxer propaganda. The usual buzzwords are there: risk/reward assessment, science isn't a one-way street, blah, blah, blah. Worried about clots? Does his daughter use oral birth control? You are under no obligation to provide a free platform for these anti-science dumbasses. Our cousin's son who is 25 now has permanent COPD from his bout with COVID. His heart rate races enough to have to go to the ER, thanks to COVID. My son still has residual smell/taste issues, 7 months on. And fact check for Anthony: the deaths from COVID and the variants now are almost completely among the unvaccinated. I love my son, I was relieved when he got his series of shots.
The best comment was the caller who said he sounded like a smart person until he started talking 🤣
It’s terrifying how this level of stupidity is allowed to proliferate, mixing anecdotes, unverified rumors, debunked “theories”, and utter nonsense.
One thing we know for sure is that people dying of COVID are all unvaccinated and red states where dimwits like him concentrate are the ones that can’t keep the disease in check.
Unfortunately, not everybody can be vaccinated (children, people with severe allergies…) and there are some the vaccine does not protect (people with severely depressed immune systems like transplant patients). This moron and his idiot daughter are endangering their lives with their selfishness and stupidity.
Yes, there is a personal choice issue. I think you should be able to make the decision to not get vaccinated. But that doesn’t mean it should be free of consequences. You should be refused access to public transportation, public venues, and even confined to your home, and should you be shown to be a contamination vector, assume full liability.
Oh, he’s sick and tired of being vilified, is he. Well I’m sick and tired of his bullshit.
Arguing with anti-vax morons like your caller is, as you demonstrated, an exercise in futility. This is survival of the fittest, and the anti-vaccine morons, the stupid science deniers, will die in greater numbers. The part of this that I find mind blowing is that WE KNOW the vaccines work and are both safe and effective, but WE DO NOT KNOW what the long term effects of COVID-19 will be, even in those people who get it and survive! According to the latest, we who are vaccinated are still able to get and transmit the virus and the variants, which are looking to be more and more dangerous. This was an important call and you handled it beautifully Michelangelo!
Risk/reward, as you stated the risks of no vaccine are so much greater, to point of death. You nailed him to the floor and handed him his ass, and very rightfully so !! You Mike care more about his daughter’s health and others around her, than he does. Playing "odds" with the Grim Reaper, what can possibly go wrong. It’s just another day and another UNbelievable in an America I no longer recognize and never imagined would be.
Listening to his argument,the same thing is used for owning a gun. Except on average not owning a gun is safer than owning a gun right? There’s a higher chance of suicide or accident or some other reason, do to easy access, to be shot by your own gun then there is having a gun save you from every day violence.
We shouldn’t be surprised they use the same failed logic. Getting the vaccine is extremely safe the odds are insignificant compared to the problems that can come from getting the virus, That’s thanks to anti-VAX or’s is been given a chance to mutate and become more deadly.
One thing I want to correct, I believe that the mechanism for making the coronavirus is exactly the same as what they did for SARS, of course the antivirus is different they attack different viruses. The mechanism to make the keys that our system can learn from that’s the same.
The guy is just a science ignorant man and so is his daughter.
I heard this real time and was so frustrated with this guy. I’m not going to repeat the comments from other listeners BUT what really set me off was the My Body, My Choice comment. So if that’s his belief (and I suspect this belief is held by other Republicans), how come abortion is being challenged? My Body, My Choice is not ok for a woman, but ok as an argument by this idiot?
I wonder if this anti-vax & mask cult members nonsense has something to do with rapture propaganda. Their carelessness with COVID seems to correlate with their obsession of wanting to leave this planet due to not having their way with regards to the culture wars. All while avoiding having to commit their so-called sin of suicide. COVID seems to be their way around those pesky bible verses with regards to it.