Apr 3, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

First, anyone concerned about the Equality Act that what passed by the House on 2/25/21 needs to read it first before commenting on it. Second, those same people, like Mike, need to get a better understanding about how such legislation is written in relation to the US Constitution amendments. It is the primary reason why Trumpers and other right-wing hooligans are who they are; lack or understanding of laws, rights, amendments, the Constitution, how our government works and why, the civil rights acts, etc.. Furthermore, their lack of any motivation to educate themselves is their hallmark. I include here the synopsis of the Equality Act as it sits with the Senate for consideration (from Congress.gov)

Equality Act

This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation.

The bill expands the definition of public accommodations to include places or establishments that provide (1) exhibitions, recreation, exercise, amusement, gatherings, or displays; (2) goods, services, or programs; and (3) transportation services.

The bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity

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Mar 11, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hi Mike:

I have been listening to you today, Thursday. Our son works at Rockefeller University and he had been sick with flu like symptoms beginning to mid February, 2020 and had stayed home for a few days. At the time Covid was not really on the news. After a few months when the virus was so bad, he had assumed that he had gotten Covid but he couldn't get a test to see if he had antibodies. We had come into NYC on the 27 & 28 of February to go with him to see the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. We were in close corners with people and no one at the time was wearing masks. It was a week later that everything had shut down in NYC. Also 2 of his labs mates had tested positive for Corona Virus and Rockefeller University shut down at the same time Colbert shut down. When I got my first vaccine shot beginning of this month it was like I had won the lotto. What a relief and my second shot is schedule for the 16th. My husband got his first shot last week and his second is scheduled for the 31st. The feeling I have is elation, relief, excitement, you name it. This past year has been the pits. We lost our 2 doggies, one was 15 1/2 years old and 14 1/2 years old. We have been dealing with one of our 4 sons that is an alcoholic, another lost his job but his wife has gone back to work. What a year. Thank you for keeping me sane. Love you.

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Ciao Commendatore!

This one is easy. "Every Picture Tells A Story, Don't It?"

<img src="https://www.evolvefish.com/assets/images/Stickers/EF-STK-B-10083_thumbnail.jpg" alt="Too Stupid to Understand Science Try Religion Bumper Sticker - [11&#39;&#39; x 3&#39;&#39;]"/>

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He seemed more reasonable than a lot of your regular callers but still very misinformed. I wish people who have no stake in the lives of LGBTQ people could just leave us alone. Nobody is recruiting or forcing a lifestyle on anyone except straight bigots. This would be a better world if people could just mind their own business. In the meantime since we don't live in that world we need things like the equality act.

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I agree, Klo. I have two adult children who happen to be gay. Both are well educated and have very good jobs and responsible lives. I couldn't be more proud of my kids. People continually say stupid things about LGBT people. Why do they care? Why not "live and let live" and do something constructive instead of bothering with someone else's human rights. We definitely need the Equality Act because of bigots and religious fanatics who want to legislate their Medieval beliefs.

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Your children are very lucky to have you as their parent. I hope we can get to the equitable future we deserve in this lifetime.

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Thank you, Klo, but I'm lucky to be their mother. They are very good people and that's the greatest gift to any parent.

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I have a concern about the Equality Act. The religious objections put out by folks like Romney are garbage. Religious liberty does not confer a special right to discriminate. However, the issue of trans females in sports was also raised by Mitt, and this I see as more problematic. Do trans females have an edge over other females in sports, because their bodies were born biologically male. I understand that testosterone blockers can do a lot to level the playing field, but there have been studies suggesting that trans females still retain an edge over other females even after hormone therapy. I have not received a satisfactory answer from LGBT organizations or individuals to allay my concerns. If I am wrong, great! But if trans females do retain an athletic edge over other females, then the legislation might have to be tweaked to reflect this potential inequity. I understand that most folks raising this issue care little about the athletic or mental health needs of trans girls and women, and are using this to kill the legislation. But if it is a valid issue, then we must not be afraid to address it.

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No, they do not. This is another talking point that is backed up by no studies. Every study shows they do not have an advantage. You are bringing your hormones in level with cisgender women. End of story. All right here.


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The ACLU piece is very helpful in explaining the myths. However, it’s gonna take a lot of education, before we’ll be able to get the Equality Act past the Senate filibuster hurdle. That, and a lot of Republicans losing elections to Democrats.

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All I am saying is we have to be ready with the language to fight this avenue of attack.

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The British study got me nervous. This NBC headline is problematic, but when you read the article it tends to contradict headline


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Trans athletes are participating in all levels of sports right now: HS, college, pre-Olympian

and professional.

Don't you think if there was a wave of trans athletes beating Cis women in any sports, regularly and comprehensively, that we would have heard about it? Where are all these trans athletes who are stealing cis women's trophies, scholarships, and adulation?

There aren't any! While the studies Michelangelo cites below tell the data story, I am telling the anecdotal story: it ain't happening. And it would be happening already if it was happening, and we would all be hearing about it all the time.

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Mike’s arrogance was so out there!....I am blaming THAT ON his ignorance...so I will give him C-.....with a hope that he may improve his grade! LOL

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You handled this beautifully. Speaking for 3 of the Christians in my documentary, this falsehood is being vociferously preached from the pulpit in evangelical churches.

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