May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

I live 20 miles south of Tampa and would have attended Tampa Pride. I'm very upset that they cancelled it. What are they going to do? Arrest a bunch of people who are innocently watching a pride event? There are decorated boats on the Hillsborough River. Live music, crafts, and all around fun in a beautiful riverwalk setting. People are wimping out. What's wrong with them? I'm in my 70's; would the cops arrest me? We must stand up to DeBully and not give in to his b.s.

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Donna exactly! Where is the willingness and the courage to stand up to this shit??? Have the parade and DARE these bastards to stop you is my thinking, but no, they just give in to the hatemongers!

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EJ, I hate that people are giving in to injustice. Gov. DeSatan is a tyrant. People fought in Stonewall 1969 because they were sick and tired of being tormented by police. Is the new generation a bunch of wimps? Everything society has achieved has been through a fight and standing up for the truth. If LGBT and their allies are complacent, their rights will go away lickety-split!

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Correct.. Bowing to the forces of hate. All the more reason to have Pride!

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Our Tennessee theater has scheduled a live performance of Mrs. Doubtfire. No doubt this show will be attended by kids. Are the idiots in office going to try to stop the show?? I have to wonder when enough is enough! They yell about their freedoms, to not wear masks and get vaccinated at the height of the pandemic, while taking away the freedoms of others. The difference, people died from their lax COVID policies. No one died from seeing someone in drag. . . Unless you count the racists with guns invading these events.

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Good point, how are “they” in TN going to handle Mrs Doubtfire ? Maybe Floridians start doing protest plays of Mrs Doubtfire, or similar, all across Florida and see if they get shut down, arrested or just what the hell. Have a number of Mrs Doubtfire’s parade down the street. Launch a lawsuit if shut down. 😤 Such big noses and tiny minds.

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I totally agree. Once you let people know you CAN be bullied into disappearing, well, it only gets worse.

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Amen x 1,000! When everyone caves to authoritarianism, the bad guy wins. Like, hmmmm, didn't that kind of happen with Trump and the Republican party? Been there, seen that, do NOT want the t-shirt. I'm so grateful there are people willing to stand up against DeSantis's tyranny.

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Was put out by Tallahassee Pride committee not accepting DOH's

contribution to Pride (April 2023) because DeRacist made it toxic for state employees. Outreach is our bread and butter to underserved communities here. We resorted to having the Transgender community to give out our incentives to entice the community to at the very least come and get tested. Subterfuge was better than nothing. Spoiled as I am by years of DC Pride, I was more proud by the Trans community giving the haters the finger than the Pride Community's fear of association with the State of Florida.

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The whole idea is to frighten and intimidate and bully people into silence. We must continue to fight back. Litigation and protests and do’s long those who come to our events and businesses. If they weren’t cowards the wouldn’t be showing up with masks and sunglasses. The same folks who created chaos about not wearing masks during the pandemic. The same people who only are interested in their “rights” and nobody else’s. Silence is complicity. If we back down out of fear they will continue to steam roll over us

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Cowards is right. Now they wear masks when they attempt to silence or terrorize people. And those tacky khakis and camo clothing!

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Well stated. We cannot cave and cower to hate.

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Where is it going to end?

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Are arrests next?

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As someone born and raised in Tampa this sickens me. Giving in to terrorists is not acceptable. All the organizations issuing travel advisories are correct. Florida will never again see a dime of my money. Neither with the other floriduh wannabes like Ohio and Texas.

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It is HORRIFIC to me how people and entities are caving into this nightmarish bullshit and allowing themselves to be bullied into compliance! Where's the fight?? Where's the resistance?? And now freaking Target has caved, one of the few corporations that usually takes an open and supportive stance on equity and social justice issues! (And yeah sure it's mainly just to sell shit, but it's still the right thing to do!).

It's just all so infuriating. It really makes me sick to my stomach; not just the hateful, fascist, authoritarian bullshit that's happening but the lack of strong, direct action opposing it. I always hear "The majority of the country doesn't support/want/believe a b or c." Well, where the hell is "the majority of the country" right now??? What are we all doing except whining and complaining about how terrible the fascist white supremacist "minority" is??? I swear, most days I feel like a mad woman screaming into the void by myself! 🤦🏾‍♀️

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I have a former co/worker in the Tampa area with a gay daughter. He’s been so supportive of her, helping her make signs for Pride, participating in the various events etc. He’s so upset that Tampa caved, but said the two of them will be at St. Pete Pride for sure. That’s a great father.

I just read where Disney movies will no longer be allowed to be shown in Florida schools. This man needs to be stopped. He’s more Hitler like that the evil Orange Man.

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Mike writes:

"No, I'm not saying people should riot, engage in any violence, or put themselves in danger."

There will come a time when this changes. Let's hope we're not all locked away in camps then.

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GOOD FOR THEM!!! If I lived in the area, I’d go and support them! Sending support from IOWA!!

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Check out MTG's boyfriend in this video. Apparently it's okay for him to be in drag.


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Apparently it's okay for him to be in drag. Not sure what state this was in.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

You can certainly see the dilemma that Floridians are dealing with......but sometimes courageous action is a better way to deal & eventually eradicate the issue. The more that these Fl cities/towns & corporation fall in line with De Santis fascist policy, the worse it will become. It is now up to us to encourage the towns,businesses & people to stand firm and confront De Santis.....people power is paramount....write to those who have wavered & to rethink any ban, & support those who are standing up to the facist "freedom policies". We will be boycotting Florida until these policies are abandoned.

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