hey, does anybody notice that in an unequal society, where women are rewarded for being attractive and deferential and young, that those young female attractive deferential reporters are absolutely unable to challenge the maga monsters? we need more jonathon swans, more mehdi hasans, more boris sanchez, guys who are not afraid to stand up to other guys.

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That's mainly because a lot of the pervy old guys are still executives/owners of these media companies. The same ones who hang out with the orange bastard at the golf course or Studio 54 back in the day.

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Perfectly analyzed, Michelangelo. Your third point is ESPECIALLY true here. Anytime an interview is exceptional & the interviewer doesn’t let the MAGA mouthpiece get away with bullshit, network executives get nervous. They are much more comfortable with mediocrity that doesn’t rock anybody’s boat. Cut to an endless array of “Balance of Nature “ commercials...

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Yes indeed, take a pill (and support a Repugnican outfit) instead of just eating more fruits and vegetables!

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I found out that Jay Ashcroft is the son of the Bush crime family attorney general John Ashcroft. So it doesn't surprised me that his GOP bootlicking was inherited from his father. That gawd he didn't break out into a song!

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“If Democrats can do it... “ well except, Jay, the lawsuit in Colorado to remove Trump from the ballot was brought by... wait for it Jay, you insufferable blowhard.... Republicans.

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AND he is totally ignorant that states rights on elections supercede the Feds by design.

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Proves your correct point Mr. S, it CAN and SHOULD be done in a deferential yet firm manner. Tired of news anchors who fear MAGA and the truth!

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Journalists could learn from trial lawyers how to cross examine a witness. You ask a direct question that is narrowly focused, not an open ended one. Sometimes you have to set it up. In this case, I would have said: Do you agree that the constitution prohibits person on the ballot who has engaged in an insurrection? The answer is either yes or no, but if they say no, you read the language to them. (If they persist in saying no, they sound like an idiot who has no reading comprehension.). then you ask, what has Biden done that constitutes an insurrection? If they deflect, evade, or whatever, you just persist by saying I'm asking a question -- what did he actually do? If they persist in deflecting, you simply say, "I've asked you several times, and you haven't given an answer, which I will take as you an admission that you cannot answer. Let's move on.

It's a simple technique, and it always the person plenty of chances to answer the question, and the journalist to move on to their other questions. As a lawyer, it drive me nuts that journalists rarely, if ever, do this.

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That was an Excellent interview!!! The way it SHOULD be done!

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Florida and SC refused ACAs medicaid expansion and Dana Bash asked the great question on whether if as President they would try and end that program which would mean 250,000 Iowans would lose their insurance. Of course though she just let them bloviate and not answer the question. It makes the medium useless, there is no point in watching any debate really.

Haley's answer about the horrors of ACA included an anecdote that her Mom was given an aspirin at the hospital which she didnt want but they had to pay for it later. Medi Hassan would have followed up with "Is your assertion that because your Mum took one Tylenol in hospital we should take health insurance away from 30 mill Americans?"

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Two completely shallow and superficial points:

1. The "smart Ashcroft" gene (if one was available from the former US AG) didn't end up with this guy.

2. Listening to this terrific interview was really quite painful, in that it required I watch Boris Sanchez, who is quite easy on the eyes.

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Boris Sanchez did a good job, but that was nothing compared to an interview Bill Bonds of the WXYZ Detroit TV station did with Orin Hatch back in the late 80's during the Clarence Thomas hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40pbdXCeZe4

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Very Cronkitish and Russertish indeed. We need many many more like them.

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Yes, Bill Bonds was great in his day.

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Old racist trope:

'Heated' interview

'Hot' headed

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I was so very disappointed in Anderson’s post-debate interview with DeSantis. Here’s copy of my FB post:


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So, access journalism is the culprit for muzzling decent reporters? If MSNBC had said the quiet part out loud I would have retained the channel in my favorites. Mehdi Hasan's demotion for actually doing his job wouldn't have been such a ice water to the face realization. Thanks to a demented doofus truth is no longer truth. Feet to the fire reporting was what I grew up on. The corporations snapping up local stations and newspapers is why we are where we are today. "Both sides" was the obfuscation that hamstrung discourse initially, now the outright lies not challenged is the true deathknell of debate. All this shackled reporting of today does the nation no good. "Bring back Balance" should be the rallying cry going forward...

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The Fairness Doctrine wasn’t perfect but it was better than what we have now. Bring it back!

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