Pathetic. Zuckerberg would deny his heritage and allow Nazi propaganda on his platform. Canada is sounding better and better!

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Wait; it may become one of our states!!!

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America has crossed over to a propaganda-controlled country in the same vein as Russia. I could tell that Heather Parton seems to be recognizing this even if she didn't articulate as such. If we don't acknowledge it we are left with infighting and fingerpainting for the foreseeable future and blaming each other for failing to cut through it. Beliefs, not facts or truth are what elections depend on. It is depressing and scary when you see that propaganda can't be dismantled separate from the government and private entities without a huge destructive upheaval like Nazi Germany and WWII. If we follow the Russia model, then we will be stuck with the idea a miracle dissident igniting a takeover over of the propaganda state that always fails in Russia. Putin must really be enjoying America's slide towards Russian society. Hosts continually wondering how the right can be so detached from reality have the answer right in front of them and toggling between ignoring the obvious and continually asking what is happening gets us nowhere like pretending SCOTUS won't do the worst thing when they get the chance. Denial and grief go hand in hand, Sorry to be so blunt that's how I see it.

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I am concerned that by spurning mainstream media we are deplatforming ourselves. The right is thrilled. By going underground we do not have a voice on any platform. Don't do their work for them.

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MSM deplatforms anybody they want when they want. We have to kiss ass while they tremble in fear of the right calling them liberal media.

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1984 has arrived.

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Horrible but true.

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I feel like there’s a contest between all these billionaires to see who can be the biggest ass kisser. Morons, all of them. I’m finished with these platforms.

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Having the liars censor truthful commentary is scary. The fact that half of Americans elected a compulsive liar, conman, molester, and fascist proves the power of censorship. I guess these same fools approve of his unqualified Cabinet and Ambassador picks. Proud Boy as Ambassador to Panama?! I fear what's coming next.

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Jan 7Edited

So how soon will it be us who will have to be on the dark web somewhere?

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I’m sitting here watching coverage of the nation’s respectful farewell to a truly good man, President Jimmy Carter. It’s the only thing getting me out of the deep depression I feel about today’s news and the incoming administration. We once were led by a good and moral person and I pray we will be again one day.

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We are in a war zone now, with the fascists controlling all major media, significant judges, the next US government administration, and soon, the military. Resistance will be rough, but to roll over is unspeakable cowardice. I never, ever, thought our nation would devolve into this.

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I am concerned that by spurning mainstream media we are deplatforming ourselves. The right is thrilled. By going underground we do not have a voice on any platform. Don't do their work for them.


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On one hand, I agree a little about perhaps not having as strong a voice if we shun MSM entirely. Also some good opinion reporters are on them. On the other hand, I don't think MSM is what it used to be. It has become more a stenographer of politicians' words and acts, for instance, with no context, no background behind the news reporting. I don't mean opinionating in strict reporting of news, I mean stating full facts, not just vying for sensationalism with sound bites. MSM are becoming tabloids. As for "going underground", alternative sources like individual writers on Substack-like platforms, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc., these are the places reaching more people, that people are paying attention to. Like faux "news" being in a bubble, so are MSM readers.

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We all know that Drumpf loves the “uneducated” bc they are easily manipulated. FB trolls continue to spread rumors and gossip instead of facts and truth; the uneducated are easy prey. So the question is, “where do we find the truth?”

All of us should be promoting and supporting progressive media, following writers like Michelangelo, Dean Obeiddallah, Thom Hartmann, Zurlina Maxwell (and others) who speak truth to power. If you have friends who revere democracy, get them to subscribe to this site and other progressive sites. We also need to support the AOC’s, Jasmine Crockett’s, Katie Porter’s and David Hogg’s (and others) who stand up for democracy in this authoritarian mindset we have been subjected to.

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So if you sign up for Facebook, Meta, Threads, whatever, there should be a disclaimer that says ... "Read at your own risk"!! What happens when someone gets hurt??? The thing MAGA doesn't like is anything that doesn't fit their narrative, but facts are facts, you can post all of the bullshit opinions you want, but here's the thing you can also be rebutted!! And in some cases, your company can fire you. But hey, Trump loves the "poorly educated"!! and while I am typing this, a federal judge just blocked Jack Smith's report temporarily!! Lord help us!!

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Meta literally created a LGBTQ exception for calling someone mentally ill as an insult. You can't do it for any other group except LGBTQ people.

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Dangerous waters ahead for truth

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I've pretty much deleted all my social media accounts, and will look for alternatives to Amazon. Hope they all like losing billions! Also, Zuckie, Bezos, and other rich bootlickers better not act surprised if IL Orange Douché f***s them over like everyone else he has done business with.

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This is horrible. What the fuck is wrong with this country??? We're giving our whole country away if we have no free press anymore. This has to be stopped before we don't have any freedom of speech anymore. If you don't stand up to Trump he'll get worse and worse..that is the bully playbook! We all mine as well be ready to die if we're not rich enough to leave the country.

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I am concerned that by spurning mainstream media we are deplatforming ourselves. The right is thrilled. By going underground we do not have a voice on any platform. Don't do their work for them.

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Zuck tha Cuck proving his balls have left this dimension..

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