With the economy humming along and Americans continuing to see the threat to democracy, reporters are pulling punches on their own polls showing Trump winning.
"If it bleeds, it leads" has been the mantra for far too long with the corporate media industrial complex. "Infotainment," it's been called. Even the local news in the DC area has far too many crime stories, feeding into the narrative that crime is higher than it's ever been, as well as fears about who is committing the crime. I like excitement and drama as much as the next person, but not in my news coverage. People need facts, not sensationalism. Reasonable people will do the right thing with those facts.
Hello Michaelangelo. You accurately describe Nate Cohn and his cohorts at the New York Times as access journalists, but I would not go out of my way to praise him on this piece. His comparison of the upcoming 2024 election to the 1948 election is, in my view, contrived and frivolous. There were way too many variables present in 1948 that are not present now. Today's is a binary choice, a probable rematch between two old men, one of whom is able and compassionate, and the other a fascistic insurrectionist who's been indicted on 91 felony charges and declared constitutionally disqualified from holding office by two states, with more on the way.
The polls upon which Cohn relies for this specious comparison are even less useful than the Literary Digest poll that predicted a 14 point victory for Alf Landon in 1936. As we know, they were off by about 34 points, as FDR administered to Landon the biggest ass kicking in presidential politics since the largely uncontested race of 1820, and the greatest margin of victory in any contested race in the history of the Republic.
If Cohn were interested in accurately reporting on the polls, he would actually read the one you noted that generated the ridiculous 50 NYT stories about how Biden is going to lose to Trump because he's old, rather than overseeing the generation of ludicrous doomsday headlines. If he did, he would note that 43% of the American population thinks both candidates are too old, and when asked who they would vote for if presented with a rematch of 2020, among that 43% cohort, Biden wins by 50 points.
Stuart Stevens was recently asked about all the pearl clutching associated with that ridiculous poll, and he sees no reason why Biden won't beat Trump by an even larger margin than he did in 2020. From his lips to God's ears, I hope. But when given a choice between the wisdom of Stevens or a bullshit poll that Nate Cohn can't even read, I'll go with Stevens.
I evidently missed your writing about the people who think both are old and who they would vote for, but know I must've received it in a post. I checked out the poll 'cause I'm a Poli Sci wonk who used my undergrad degree in that discipline to go to law school.
Your CYA observation is spot on. On this day, and all days hereafter, we need to remember something and repeat it often. The Capitol was closed to the public on Jan. 6 because of Covid. That made every single person who stepped onto the grounds a trespasser. They were ALL criminals, it's just a question of how severe the offenses got after that initial crime.
Polling is bullshit. Let’s be honest here. They have consistently got it wrong since 2020. Trump has done nothing to increase his base, and as far as Biden‘s low poll numbers, he seems to keep producing and winning in elections. They are bullshit, focus on getting out the vote.
The one thing I haven’t seen factored into all of this is the basic stupidity of the voting electorate. Democrats included. On the right you have these mainly ignorant uneducated white people that would probably have trouble spelling’cat’.
On the left you have people that are oblivious to the accomplishments of Biden and the fact that at this point is the only one who can defeat Trump.
The destruction of America's civics educational system, as well as the rigors of backbreaking work required to survive (let alone raise a family!) our crushing capitalistic system, mean that people can't give politics 100% of their attention. Nowadays, when they do focus on elections, all they hear from American media is that both sides are the same ("here's one or two examples!"... straining to fit that false paradigm) and that the elections are rigged.
Our voters aren't stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant by a media whose owners profit from the status quo.
More seriously then? I think that is one facet, certainly.
However, the vast numbers of people have become greedy and believe they have a right to be rich. Sure, the media pushes, this, but we are all party responsible for ourselves. Collective greed is the soil that the media fertilizes.
This apparent media turnaround is encouraging. It would be great if Our Media Overlords permit their employees to report more accurately and describe what's actually happening. But nothing will enable the destruction of fascism, authoritarianism and racism but hard work in the trenches. We must all do everything we can, on an individual basis, voter-to-voter. Only that will ensure victory for truth, justice and the American Way.
two things that I find sad is that 1) why don't they asking probing questions. I thought part of being a journalist is to get people to spill their guts. I don't understand when some nonsense is spewed, how the media just ignores it making it seem like it was accurate statement. 2) with regard to Trump, how many scandals, indictments, ridiculous statements, lies, etc. etc. have to come out before these people realize that they "hitched their wagon to the wrong horse"? It is mind-boggling that all of things that are happened to him are just going unnoticed as if it is normal. And when do they realize that Trump is like the "boy who cried wolf" too often. Or it's not me it's you?? It just defies all logic that a horrible, I mean horrible human being has been put up on some sort pedestal and that these people who claim they are intelligent buy into his bullshit!! Every time he opens his mouth, he says some stupid shit that can be fact checked and this is what is so scary about the next election is they buy into the bullshit. What are they getting for their money? I am not stupid or naive that his crazy supporter are unreachable but the one's that are supporting him when they should know better, what are they are afraid of, and what is media afraid of when it comes to asking the hard questions. It should be fun for them to hold his feet to the fire and make him squirm. To me that would more interesting and garner more ratings that placating him for access.
Regarding the former ("why don't they ask probing questions?"): when employees who do that are set out on the curb, those who remain suddenly know how to behave. From Phil Donahue to Mehdi Asahn, questioners are anathema, and swiftly punished.
Most aggravating are those reporters who interview a Drumpf rally attendee, hear an answer that’s a pure lie, and don’t respond to or challenge the lie. The “normalizing” these reporters do is shameful. Journalists are seekers of the truth; have today’s journalists forgotten?
Here is my take on this: the polls do show Trump ahead of Biden, but Trump is consistently around 45 and Biden hovers consistently around 43. That means 88% responded.
I think most of that remaining votes are unsatisfied Biden supports refusing to commit, yet.
But they will.
Foolish, maybe, but I am not worried. Trump never goes above 45, except one poll that put him at 51 and that, I think, was an aberration.
Let's hope that come November, the youths of our country realize the danger their futures will hold if they believe the garbage that comes out of the mouth of Orange Hitler every day. A replay of the lies he told during the height of the pandemic should provide a good backdrop. That and a dose of American justice might yet save us. Biden/Harris 2024!
Stands to reason that corporate media has staked it's bottom line on getting johnny on the street to buy their utter BS to fool some into becoming so cynical that apathy reigns. Learned voters can see through the smoke and mirrors and make the right choice beit polling or the ballot box. Journalists working in the corporate media sphere, having sold their reputation to the dollar devils, now must recalibrate their opinions or stories to catch up to reality. The smoke blowing are reaching arses with fans attached.
Maybe the corporate media groupthink is beginning to realize what I have been saying for some time. If the Fascists get back in power, they will be the first ones up against the wall ... perhaps literally. I am always reminded of the powerful scene in The Handmaid's Tale's second season. The protagonist, June, breaks down in sobs upon finding the chains and blood-soaked walls on the loading dock of The Boston Globe while hiding out waiting for the Underground to transport her to safety. "But, oh ... that can't happen here," the naive among us will say. Okay, so why not? Enlighten me...
The press loves to linger on personalities rather than actual news. Another symptom of the entertainment industrial complex. Nothing they like better than praising and quoting the morbidly wealthy even after they have to be bailed out by the government or get most of their off the taxpayers.
Thank you, for an optimistic counter punch to all the gloom and doom around Biden.
"If it bleeds, it leads" has been the mantra for far too long with the corporate media industrial complex. "Infotainment," it's been called. Even the local news in the DC area has far too many crime stories, feeding into the narrative that crime is higher than it's ever been, as well as fears about who is committing the crime. I like excitement and drama as much as the next person, but not in my news coverage. People need facts, not sensationalism. Reasonable people will do the right thing with those facts.
Hello Michaelangelo. You accurately describe Nate Cohn and his cohorts at the New York Times as access journalists, but I would not go out of my way to praise him on this piece. His comparison of the upcoming 2024 election to the 1948 election is, in my view, contrived and frivolous. There were way too many variables present in 1948 that are not present now. Today's is a binary choice, a probable rematch between two old men, one of whom is able and compassionate, and the other a fascistic insurrectionist who's been indicted on 91 felony charges and declared constitutionally disqualified from holding office by two states, with more on the way.
The polls upon which Cohn relies for this specious comparison are even less useful than the Literary Digest poll that predicted a 14 point victory for Alf Landon in 1936. As we know, they were off by about 34 points, as FDR administered to Landon the biggest ass kicking in presidential politics since the largely uncontested race of 1820, and the greatest margin of victory in any contested race in the history of the Republic.
If Cohn were interested in accurately reporting on the polls, he would actually read the one you noted that generated the ridiculous 50 NYT stories about how Biden is going to lose to Trump because he's old, rather than overseeing the generation of ludicrous doomsday headlines. If he did, he would note that 43% of the American population thinks both candidates are too old, and when asked who they would vote for if presented with a rematch of 2020, among that 43% cohort, Biden wins by 50 points.
Stuart Stevens was recently asked about all the pearl clutching associated with that ridiculous poll, and he sees no reason why Biden won't beat Trump by an even larger margin than he did in 2020. From his lips to God's ears, I hope. But when given a choice between the wisdom of Stevens or a bullshit poll that Nate Cohn can't even read, I'll go with Stevens.
I agree entirely, and had written about the people who think both are old and then who they would choose.
Also, exactly right re: 1948. Unlike now there wasn't a fascist on the ballot. It is all about cover your ass, any which way they can.
I evidently missed your writing about the people who think both are old and who they would vote for, but know I must've received it in a post. I checked out the poll 'cause I'm a Poli Sci wonk who used my undergrad degree in that discipline to go to law school.
Your CYA observation is spot on. On this day, and all days hereafter, we need to remember something and repeat it often. The Capitol was closed to the public on Jan. 6 because of Covid. That made every single person who stepped onto the grounds a trespasser. They were ALL criminals, it's just a question of how severe the offenses got after that initial crime.
Polling is bullshit. Let’s be honest here. They have consistently got it wrong since 2020. Trump has done nothing to increase his base, and as far as Biden‘s low poll numbers, he seems to keep producing and winning in elections. They are bullshit, focus on getting out the vote.
The one thing I haven’t seen factored into all of this is the basic stupidity of the voting electorate. Democrats included. On the right you have these mainly ignorant uneducated white people that would probably have trouble spelling’cat’.
On the left you have people that are oblivious to the accomplishments of Biden and the fact that at this point is the only one who can defeat Trump.
Can we spell stupid?
Don't insult stupid people by comparing them to MAGATs
The destruction of America's civics educational system, as well as the rigors of backbreaking work required to survive (let alone raise a family!) our crushing capitalistic system, mean that people can't give politics 100% of their attention. Nowadays, when they do focus on elections, all they hear from American media is that both sides are the same ("here's one or two examples!"... straining to fit that false paradigm) and that the elections are rigged.
Our voters aren't stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant by a media whose owners profit from the status quo.
More seriously then? I think that is one facet, certainly.
However, the vast numbers of people have become greedy and believe they have a right to be rich. Sure, the media pushes, this, but we are all party responsible for ourselves. Collective greed is the soil that the media fertilizes.
This apparent media turnaround is encouraging. It would be great if Our Media Overlords permit their employees to report more accurately and describe what's actually happening. But nothing will enable the destruction of fascism, authoritarianism and racism but hard work in the trenches. We must all do everything we can, on an individual basis, voter-to-voter. Only that will ensure victory for truth, justice and the American Way.
two things that I find sad is that 1) why don't they asking probing questions. I thought part of being a journalist is to get people to spill their guts. I don't understand when some nonsense is spewed, how the media just ignores it making it seem like it was accurate statement. 2) with regard to Trump, how many scandals, indictments, ridiculous statements, lies, etc. etc. have to come out before these people realize that they "hitched their wagon to the wrong horse"? It is mind-boggling that all of things that are happened to him are just going unnoticed as if it is normal. And when do they realize that Trump is like the "boy who cried wolf" too often. Or it's not me it's you?? It just defies all logic that a horrible, I mean horrible human being has been put up on some sort pedestal and that these people who claim they are intelligent buy into his bullshit!! Every time he opens his mouth, he says some stupid shit that can be fact checked and this is what is so scary about the next election is they buy into the bullshit. What are they getting for their money? I am not stupid or naive that his crazy supporter are unreachable but the one's that are supporting him when they should know better, what are they are afraid of, and what is media afraid of when it comes to asking the hard questions. It should be fun for them to hold his feet to the fire and make him squirm. To me that would more interesting and garner more ratings that placating him for access.
Regarding the former ("why don't they ask probing questions?"): when employees who do that are set out on the curb, those who remain suddenly know how to behave. From Phil Donahue to Mehdi Asahn, questioners are anathema, and swiftly punished.
Excellent point.
Most aggravating are those reporters who interview a Drumpf rally attendee, hear an answer that’s a pure lie, and don’t respond to or challenge the lie. The “normalizing” these reporters do is shameful. Journalists are seekers of the truth; have today’s journalists forgotten?
Here is my take on this: the polls do show Trump ahead of Biden, but Trump is consistently around 45 and Biden hovers consistently around 43. That means 88% responded.
I think most of that remaining votes are unsatisfied Biden supports refusing to commit, yet.
But they will.
Foolish, maybe, but I am not worried. Trump never goes above 45, except one poll that put him at 51 and that, I think, was an aberration.
Let's hope that come November, the youths of our country realize the danger their futures will hold if they believe the garbage that comes out of the mouth of Orange Hitler every day. A replay of the lies he told during the height of the pandemic should provide a good backdrop. That and a dose of American justice might yet save us. Biden/Harris 2024!
How about losing SS and Medicare, among other popular social programs.
Stands to reason that corporate media has staked it's bottom line on getting johnny on the street to buy their utter BS to fool some into becoming so cynical that apathy reigns. Learned voters can see through the smoke and mirrors and make the right choice beit polling or the ballot box. Journalists working in the corporate media sphere, having sold their reputation to the dollar devils, now must recalibrate their opinions or stories to catch up to reality. The smoke blowing are reaching arses with fans attached.
Political journalism hacks that “paper over reality” is just such a mortal wound, I’m ded. Thank you!
Maybe the corporate media groupthink is beginning to realize what I have been saying for some time. If the Fascists get back in power, they will be the first ones up against the wall ... perhaps literally. I am always reminded of the powerful scene in The Handmaid's Tale's second season. The protagonist, June, breaks down in sobs upon finding the chains and blood-soaked walls on the loading dock of The Boston Globe while hiding out waiting for the Underground to transport her to safety. "But, oh ... that can't happen here," the naive among us will say. Okay, so why not? Enlighten me...
Why can't they call Trump what he really is, a sore looser?
Nobody likes a sore looser.
It's frustrating.
It's so true -- Fox has infused every aspect of media.
The press loves to linger on personalities rather than actual news. Another symptom of the entertainment industrial complex. Nothing they like better than praising and quoting the morbidly wealthy even after they have to be bailed out by the government or get most of their off the taxpayers.