I don’t believe Trump has gained any followers, in fact he has lost many. The media can hype him up all they want ( for ratings ) but in the end, I truly believe the majority of Americans have now seen him for who he is. The deep MAGA cult won’t change their minds, but if The People get out and vote he will lose again. No one really knows how people vote behind the curtain or in their homes as they fill out their ballots. I think there are many in the hierarchy of the Republican Party who will secretly vote against him.
Hi Donna, My concern is that the orange fascist's massive ego won't accept another loss and that the GOP will lie, cheat, and steal to hand him the election. I hope I'm wrong, but I am not looking forward to November. All of the GOP slime at the top are endorsing him. I hope you are correct that many Americans see through him.
I agree, this election will not go smoothly, however, in the end Democracy must be the winner. Yes, the top GOP have said they endorse him. They have to say that, but behind the curtain, no one knows how they vote. With so many of his last cabinet testifying against him, I think it is still up in the air. Maybe it is just my positive belief that the majority of Americans are smart and they are not willing to vote for Dictator wanna-be. Also, I hope the Democrats come out swinging after this ridiculous Primary and truly show the American People what President Biden has accomplished. Time will tell. This is no time to be a gracious, kind Party. They need to fight back hard and use the same tactics Republicans have used for decades to scare people into believing the Democrats are the evil party.
President Biden may need to invoke The Insurrection Act, especially if the results are "close" and Trump's thugs decide to riot. On the other hand, even an historic landslide victory for Biden may not be enough to prevent violence, but he is the one in control of the National Guard and the military. Thankfully, many of the most violent Jan. 6 insurrectionists are already locked up.
So afraid of an orange 🍊 victory. He will pardon every slimeball fan of his. Biden needs to start touting his accomplishments. For one, he brought sanity back to Washington.
Indeed! It looks like the campaign has started in earnest now with VP Harris on the trail speaking on reproductive rights and Biden and other surrogates touting his accomplishments and slamming trump.
He will not accept the loss. That’s a given. He will become crazier and crazier as the election gets closer, especially if he is found guilty in any of the court cases against him ( which I hope he is ). November 2024 will be a very scary month.
I agree with you completely. The government needs to be proactive to make sure he’s not able in any way to cause harm. He’s already responsible for the deaths of at least nine during the insurrection.
I totally agree with you although we need to work harder than ever to blow it out of the park. I live just blocks from the Capitol and the locals here are talking about the possibility of more violence
I gave up on Politico and The New York Times some time ago when it became clearer and clearer to me that they are carrying water for the righthand side of the political spectrum. I am waiting for the NYT headline: "Jesus returns and declares as a Democrat. Will this hurt Biden's poll numbers?" And I have not sullied my TV screen with the thinly veiled rightwing bias of Meet the Press since rightwing handmaiden Kristen Welker took over from "No-Follow-Up-Chuck," with her tryst with Donald Trump in Episode One. The MSM as a class seems completely oblivious to the real stakes of this election, mired as they are in their beloved, ratings-driving "horserace." It is a choice between true fascism and what remains of our democracy. If the MSM, through their own malfeasance, facilitates a second Trump administration, they will be the first ones up against a wall ... and will have no one to blame but themselves.
I am truly astonished when it comes to the Media. They have let down the American people and, 100% their right to the first amendment will be squashed if he is back in power. They will be the first on his revenge list. It is disgusting how they have allowed him to continually spew his hate without any real hard pushback. Flashback from the 1930’s.
What did Trump say to the voters in Iowa after the Jan 4th school shooting?
"To get over it".
He didn't mention the school principal that stood between the shooter and the kids. The principal took the bullets and died and protected the students. Something Trump wouldn't have had the courage to do.
You are correct, Donna. This won't be a smooth election, but the Democrats need to repeat the good that they have done. Demonizing LGBTQ, women, immigrants and African-Americans is not what this country is about. I would hope most Americans want progress and not a return to 1950. The Democrats are much too silent and they badly need media coverage on their accomplishments. I'm seeing of seeing a Republican face every time I turn on the news.
Mainstream media are very reluctant to put on the more boldly outspoken Dems like Jared Moskowitz and Jasmine Crockett. Still I'm happy to see other Dems like Jaime Raskin and many others on the airwaves. There are too many Republicans or former(?) R's on these shows, even MSNBC.
I loved it tonight when Nancy Pelosi admonished them for talking about Trump so much more than the accomplishments of Biden and Democrats. I yelled at the TV”you go Girl!”
Exactly-if they have to put him on TV, just show the gaffes and bad temperament. We need more than Pelosi to speak out about the accomplishments Biden has achieved; Newsome, Whitmer, Warnock, among others, we hope, will energize Democrats.
I’m very impressed with Jasmine Crockett of Texas!!! She’s young and could definitely motivate our base to vote.👏👍🌞
Anyone else feel that? The shifting winds of the changing of the narrative. You can't keep harping on the negatives when the positives are breaking through. Legacy media are still gonna attempt to sway voters because of the "Both Sides" fallacy. The crux of the matter is that indicators are on the upswing and the corporate media boardrooms are stocked with too many family members who don't possess economic degrees. As for the 2020 redo, the maga are f*cked because the majority of sentient beings want their rights back and know the revenge tour won't translate to votes. THIS JUST IN: Florida doesn't want it's absentee governor back. New York has earned my enmity previously for chasing trumpanzee to Florida, now the reds in the statehouse wanna gift our tax dollars to a known grifter. Go figure...
I agree with Michelangelo that the news for Biden is better and better. Now that the media has realized, "Holy sh*t! Trump *IS* demented," that will become the theme of 2024. Fine with me. He shouldn't be out there. He is absolutely incoherent, and the stress from all of his legal hell will just make things worse. If his family actually loved him, they'd pull him out of this race--and send him to Columbia U for a full neurological work-up. But all of his hanger-ons have far too much to lose, including his grifting kids, for that to happen,
Keep an eye on Tim Scott. I suspect he might become Trump's VP. He's as bland as Mike Pence and as servile. There is a reason he's getting married and it's not for love. And the Veep's office has traditionally been THE stepping stone to the Presidency.
To the GOP women who think they will be picked? Not ever, ever, ever. Trump HATES women. Never.gonna.happen.
I dunno, the former guy hates people of color, too. Let's say that he gets over his hatred enough to choose Scott. His base won't like it, but some independents will. They may cancel each other out and he'll still lose the general election (fingers crossed).
Right on, Michelangelo! I'm tired of the media doing a disservice to Pres. Biden. He has done a good job with what he was handed. MSNBC sickens me with them continually having Peter Baker of the NY Times on their late-night shows. I turn the volume on mute, when he is speaking. Corporate media just wants a horse race.
I am worried about third party candidates, especially in Michigan where the Muslim community is pissed at Biden. Cornell West has been making inroads because many of these voters want to do a “ protest vote “. This worries me.
With regard to Desantis, we Floridians are worried he’s going to burn down the state over the next two years of his governorship. He’s a sociopath, like Trump, but without the charisma. Sociopaths like that will blame everyone around them for their own failure. Hitler retreated to his bunker and reveled in the final destruction of Germany and its citizens because -- in his maniacal eyes -- they didn’t support him enough and thus deserved what they got. Desantis has shown how -- like his hero, Trump -- he’s vindictive (see e.g. the appropriation of Disney’s property for failing to kowtow to his “Don’t say gay” and “anti-woke” legislative priorities). Now that he’s been trounced, we’re concerned that the sociopath will lash out at those who opposed him, those who didn’t support him enough, and those who are simply in his eyesight. Brace yourself, Florida. It’s going to be a rough two years ahead.
You’d think Old Joe would be old enough and Euro-American enough and Republican enough for them. I can say that, because I’m absolutely voting for Biden.
As Frangela once said on Stephanie's show, his dentures seemed to be slipping when he said "United Shhhhates", adding that his handlers aren't doing a good job in making him presentable. They don't like him, so they don't care.
I don’t believe Trump has gained any followers, in fact he has lost many. The media can hype him up all they want ( for ratings ) but in the end, I truly believe the majority of Americans have now seen him for who he is. The deep MAGA cult won’t change their minds, but if The People get out and vote he will lose again. No one really knows how people vote behind the curtain or in their homes as they fill out their ballots. I think there are many in the hierarchy of the Republican Party who will secretly vote against him.
Hi Donna, My concern is that the orange fascist's massive ego won't accept another loss and that the GOP will lie, cheat, and steal to hand him the election. I hope I'm wrong, but I am not looking forward to November. All of the GOP slime at the top are endorsing him. I hope you are correct that many Americans see through him.
I agree, this election will not go smoothly, however, in the end Democracy must be the winner. Yes, the top GOP have said they endorse him. They have to say that, but behind the curtain, no one knows how they vote. With so many of his last cabinet testifying against him, I think it is still up in the air. Maybe it is just my positive belief that the majority of Americans are smart and they are not willing to vote for Dictator wanna-be. Also, I hope the Democrats come out swinging after this ridiculous Primary and truly show the American People what President Biden has accomplished. Time will tell. This is no time to be a gracious, kind Party. They need to fight back hard and use the same tactics Republicans have used for decades to scare people into believing the Democrats are the evil party.
Who’s to say he won’t refuse to accept a loss again? You make a good point.
I don't think the orange creep will accept another loss. The GOP will cheat and steal to get him in office; his ego can't survive another bruising.
President Biden may need to invoke The Insurrection Act, especially if the results are "close" and Trump's thugs decide to riot. On the other hand, even an historic landslide victory for Biden may not be enough to prevent violence, but he is the one in control of the National Guard and the military. Thankfully, many of the most violent Jan. 6 insurrectionists are already locked up.
So afraid of an orange 🍊 victory. He will pardon every slimeball fan of his. Biden needs to start touting his accomplishments. For one, he brought sanity back to Washington.
Indeed! It looks like the campaign has started in earnest now with VP Harris on the trail speaking on reproductive rights and Biden and other surrogates touting his accomplishments and slamming trump.
He will not accept the loss. That’s a given. He will become crazier and crazier as the election gets closer, especially if he is found guilty in any of the court cases against him ( which I hope he is ). November 2024 will be a very scary month.
I agree with you completely. The government needs to be proactive to make sure he’s not able in any way to cause harm. He’s already responsible for the deaths of at least nine during the insurrection.
I totally agree with you although we need to work harder than ever to blow it out of the park. I live just blocks from the Capitol and the locals here are talking about the possibility of more violence
I have no doubt there will be more violence. It’s sad what people will do for him.
I gave up on Politico and The New York Times some time ago when it became clearer and clearer to me that they are carrying water for the righthand side of the political spectrum. I am waiting for the NYT headline: "Jesus returns and declares as a Democrat. Will this hurt Biden's poll numbers?" And I have not sullied my TV screen with the thinly veiled rightwing bias of Meet the Press since rightwing handmaiden Kristen Welker took over from "No-Follow-Up-Chuck," with her tryst with Donald Trump in Episode One. The MSM as a class seems completely oblivious to the real stakes of this election, mired as they are in their beloved, ratings-driving "horserace." It is a choice between true fascism and what remains of our democracy. If the MSM, through their own malfeasance, facilitates a second Trump administration, they will be the first ones up against a wall ... and will have no one to blame but themselves.
I am truly astonished when it comes to the Media. They have let down the American people and, 100% their right to the first amendment will be squashed if he is back in power. They will be the first on his revenge list. It is disgusting how they have allowed him to continually spew his hate without any real hard pushback. Flashback from the 1930’s.
What did Trump say to the voters in Iowa after the Jan 4th school shooting?
"To get over it".
He didn't mention the school principal that stood between the shooter and the kids. The principal took the bullets and died and protected the students. Something Trump wouldn't have had the courage to do.
You are correct, Donna. This won't be a smooth election, but the Democrats need to repeat the good that they have done. Demonizing LGBTQ, women, immigrants and African-Americans is not what this country is about. I would hope most Americans want progress and not a return to 1950. The Democrats are much too silent and they badly need media coverage on their accomplishments. I'm seeing of seeing a Republican face every time I turn on the news.
Mainstream media are very reluctant to put on the more boldly outspoken Dems like Jared Moskowitz and Jasmine Crockett. Still I'm happy to see other Dems like Jaime Raskin and many others on the airwaves. There are too many Republicans or former(?) R's on these shows, even MSNBC.
So impressed especially with Jasmine Crockett!!! She’s an articulate and extremely promising Democratic leader👍🌞👏
I have tuned out all news media. Signorile is the one I listen too. MS is just a fuckn non stop slide show for Trump. Have left them completely.
What a pathetic process.
Tired of msnbc constantly giving more air time to Drumpf.
I loved it tonight when Nancy Pelosi admonished them for talking about Trump so much more than the accomplishments of Biden and Democrats. I yelled at the TV”you go Girl!”
Exactly-if they have to put him on TV, just show the gaffes and bad temperament. We need more than Pelosi to speak out about the accomplishments Biden has achieved; Newsome, Whitmer, Warnock, among others, we hope, will energize Democrats.
I’m very impressed with Jasmine Crockett of Texas!!! She’s young and could definitely motivate our base to vote.👏👍🌞
I love Jasmine Crockett and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi!
Anyone else feel that? The shifting winds of the changing of the narrative. You can't keep harping on the negatives when the positives are breaking through. Legacy media are still gonna attempt to sway voters because of the "Both Sides" fallacy. The crux of the matter is that indicators are on the upswing and the corporate media boardrooms are stocked with too many family members who don't possess economic degrees. As for the 2020 redo, the maga are f*cked because the majority of sentient beings want their rights back and know the revenge tour won't translate to votes. THIS JUST IN: Florida doesn't want it's absentee governor back. New York has earned my enmity previously for chasing trumpanzee to Florida, now the reds in the statehouse wanna gift our tax dollars to a known grifter. Go figure...
I agree with Michelangelo that the news for Biden is better and better. Now that the media has realized, "Holy sh*t! Trump *IS* demented," that will become the theme of 2024. Fine with me. He shouldn't be out there. He is absolutely incoherent, and the stress from all of his legal hell will just make things worse. If his family actually loved him, they'd pull him out of this race--and send him to Columbia U for a full neurological work-up. But all of his hanger-ons have far too much to lose, including his grifting kids, for that to happen,
Keep an eye on Tim Scott. I suspect he might become Trump's VP. He's as bland as Mike Pence and as servile. There is a reason he's getting married and it's not for love. And the Veep's office has traditionally been THE stepping stone to the Presidency.
To the GOP women who think they will be picked? Not ever, ever, ever. Trump HATES women. Never.gonna.happen.
I dunno, the former guy hates people of color, too. Let's say that he gets over his hatred enough to choose Scott. His base won't like it, but some independents will. They may cancel each other out and he'll still lose the general election (fingers crossed).
I can’t see a Trump running mate being anything but a white male. His campaign will pressure him, but we know how much he listens to experts’ advice!
So true Mr S, we can never rest, but always be sanguine.
Right on, Michelangelo! I'm tired of the media doing a disservice to Pres. Biden. He has done a good job with what he was handed. MSNBC sickens me with them continually having Peter Baker of the NY Times on their late-night shows. I turn the volume on mute, when he is speaking. Corporate media just wants a horse race.
We must not be complacent! We need to fight like hell! End of rant.
I am worried about third party candidates, especially in Michigan where the Muslim community is pissed at Biden. Cornell West has been making inroads because many of these voters want to do a “ protest vote “. This worries me.
The Media are lazy and complicit.
While this piece is positive as noted, I don’t trust the media yet and they have a long way to go.
With regard to Desantis, we Floridians are worried he’s going to burn down the state over the next two years of his governorship. He’s a sociopath, like Trump, but without the charisma. Sociopaths like that will blame everyone around them for their own failure. Hitler retreated to his bunker and reveled in the final destruction of Germany and its citizens because -- in his maniacal eyes -- they didn’t support him enough and thus deserved what they got. Desantis has shown how -- like his hero, Trump -- he’s vindictive (see e.g. the appropriation of Disney’s property for failing to kowtow to his “Don’t say gay” and “anti-woke” legislative priorities). Now that he’s been trounced, we’re concerned that the sociopath will lash out at those who opposed him, those who didn’t support him enough, and those who are simply in his eyesight. Brace yourself, Florida. It’s going to be a rough two years ahead.
You’d think Old Joe would be old enough and Euro-American enough and Republican enough for them. I can say that, because I’m absolutely voting for Biden.
As Frangela once said on Stephanie's show, his dentures seemed to be slipping when he said "United Shhhhates", adding that his handlers aren't doing a good job in making him presentable. They don't like him, so they don't care.
There is also a postcard writing campaign for a ceasefire.