Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm enjoying this celebratory feeling! Even on smaller local levels, everything we voted for in our city won. And my 87-year old father won his last election for city council of the city where I was raised. I like winning and would like to request only wins in the future!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I am soooooo happy.

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Your 87yr old pop winning an election gives me so much joy and delight, good for him 😁✊🏾💜

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We sorta wanted him to start taking it easy, but he wants to feel useful, and their city just went through hell for the last 4 years with a mayor who is literally a criminal. The city needs help getting back on track and he knows he's built to help with that. He expressed concern that if he stops now he's worried about sliding too far into old age, so we knew we should support him. He's a dynamo. I can only hope I'll be as active at his age!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This was a boost to our motivation to keep on going. I’m so happy to see these election results. It shows people are paying attention.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

PA had a blue wave - contrary to The NYTimes who polled old people with landlines who said they are unhappy with Biden.

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Tyesdad, I saw on the news that Philadelphia has its first African American woman elected as mayor...so cool!

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Lorie yep! 😃 I'm concerned about her stance on policing, but I'm so proud of her historic victory, and I'm hoping that once she's in office her policies will help, not further harm, Black communities 🙏🏾🤞🏾

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Mike, I can't even figure out why MSNBC or CNN wants to bore the viewers with the story of Biden's poor polling numbers; after all, the President hasn't even really started up his campaign. He's made a few stops to speak on 'Bidenomics' and etc., but his campaign hasn't really even revved up its motor yet. While Republican candidates are having debates and telling the public what their presidency would look like, Biden's sitting back like a stealth candidate, which he is.

One of the biggest stories last night was also the election (uncontested) of Yussef Salaam to the NY City Council; it's one of the biggest "what goes around comes around" stories ever. Salaam was one of the Central Park Five in the NY jogger case, spent years in jail before being exonerated, and is now elected to office in the city that indicted and convicted him. !!!!!!

Seattle voters have gone the opposite direction and voted in a more moderate City Council, in contrast to the progressives on the Council in the last 10 years. My opinion is that voters blamed the City Council for not making more progress in areas such as homelessness, when that problem is pretty intractable across the nation, and has more to do with national economics than any one city.

So disappointed that Mssissippi didn't vote in Brandon Presley, because Tate Reeves is just about the most corrupt governor in the country. Seeing VA turn its legislature more Blue was so great - Youngkin thought he was going somewhere, and it turns out that he was just going to the bathroom.

But for most of us women in the U.S., the Big Win last night occurred in Ohio! I was really concerned that abortion wouldn't win out in such a red state, but once again it shows how out-of-step the Supreme Court and Republicans are on this issue.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Great night! Really happy to see voters make the pundits look like fools yet again. Actually not even fools- rather as if they have a deep agenda to stymy Biden and elevate Trump. If anyone watched the post-return coverage, here are a couple things that absolutely infuriated me.

In the same breath CNN was touting the Dems big win, they were calling Biden a liability and asking if he should drop out of the race. What the fuck is this?? Half the coverage last night was "Dems win despite Biden" and "Dems win but Trump beats Biden." Even as they were saying the elections showed us polling isnt votes, they stand by polling saying Biden loses to Trump.

And Beshear. I like this guy I really do, but he got on TV last night and then did a looong CNN interview this morning as the Dem's new star- didnt mention, credit, nor thank Joe Biden even once. Talked up all the investment and infrastructure work happening in his state, took credit for it, didnt mention where the money is coming from once. Actually mentioned the photo-op he did with Mitch, but no Biden. When asked for advice he'd give Biden to do well in red states, had the audacity to say "Show empathy for everyone not just your side" or something like that. Are you kidding me?? Biden is Mr.Empathy and is doing more for red states than any Republican ever has. Worst of all, the CNN anchor actually asked him if he was considering getting into the 2024 race. Ugh, makes me sick.

Instead of the story being the strength of the Dem Party and Dem Principles led by Joe Biden, the general tenor of coverage has been more "Now is the time to dump Biden since we're doing well."

Absolutely infuriates me!

The only thing I saw that I really liked was on Fox where a Democratic consultant basically mocked the 2 Republican hosts about their devotion to bad polling for Biden as Dems chalk up wins. He said something like you can have the polling and I'll take Joe and the votes- left them speechless going into break.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I absolutely noticed that too last night with Beshear’s victory speech. Touting rural internet, highways, battery factories, etc. and not once mentioning the Infrastructure bill, Biden or Buttigeg. Fried me too.

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"He said something like you can have the polling and I'll take Joe and the votes- left them speechless going into break. " My God the shade!! 🤣 That is so fantastic, I would love to see that clip!

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Isn't he responding to his (mostly) Republican base by staying away from Biden as long as he can? It's the weird thing of Beshear being popular in Kentucky while Biden is not, even with infrastructure, etc. Beshear has to survive in a state that's home to the sometime Republican Senate leader. I'm ready to cut Beshear some slack - he works hard for his state.

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He could just be honest and credit Joe Biden for all that money pouring into yet another state that hates him and will vote Trump. Beshear actually went so far as to say that HE was doing the real work and getting the infrastructure bill passed was the "easy" part.

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I'm sure that Beshear will revert to giving Biden credit where it's due in 2024 next year, Jay. I just think that his victory last night or the next day wasn't the time. Most Kentuckians probably think of the Beshear family as a special exception to their votes against Dems, and they trust them. And lots of southern states are probably already leaning Biden, but their districts are so gerrymandered that Republicans keep controlling the legislatures.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trust the voters to self correct when faced with a candidate that seeks to subtract rather than add to rights once taken for granted. You would think the gop would learn their lesson even in off year races. fascist florida is readying to loosen child labor laws and I am considering leaving state government job to work for the County elections office (walking distance from my humble abode). Since I don't get paid time off, I might as well walk to work. Last evening I was heartened by the uptick in voter participation, hope it keeps going towards 2024 just to stop the not-cleverly-hidden march towards fascism.

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Florida and the rest of the confederacy aren't even marching anymore, they're there. How they can continue getting away with their bullshit is so appalling. Short of federal intervention, the only thing left is for dem voters in those states to get absolutely galvanized in 2024.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Youngkin is a wolf in a fleece vest

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

A great day for democracy! Onward to 2024!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

It's now time to hang the Scarlet Letter "A" around YoungKing's scrawny neck, providing that other phony Nancy Mace, will give it up as Halloween is now over!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’ve Been Saying And Posting “FEAR THE FEMALE VOTE”...since the overturning of RoevsWade! The GOP and SCOTUS pissed Women OFF! And I Knew WE WOULD SHOW UP IN NUMBERS TO VOTE! JUST LIKE “WE” WILL AGAIN IN 2024!

Keep Your Hands Off Our Bodies!!!

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Charlotte, 2017, the women led the way right away didn’t they in massive marches all around the globe, pink hats protesting DJT inauguration !! Seems like I heard pink hat protests occurred way down in Antarctica. Old men, don’t piss the ladies off ! Nor you 1600’s Puritan wannabe Mr. Johnson. His wife’s baby voice reminds me of Quiverfull Duggar wife’s quiet baby voice and always smiling, like nary a thought in her head, beaming up at her he-man patriarch, she brainwashed to submit, obey. I just wanna ralf to think I’d wish for a wife as such. I enjoy strong, intelligent, independent women. I’m betting all the ladies here fit that bill. Former farm gals like my gal, she used to drive a tractor, could change the oil. Everybody on a farm needs to pitch in, wear many hats. My sister just age 15 drove a tractor pulling a hay baler and a rack behind the baler with myself and cousin stacking the hay four or five levels high on the rack. Age 15 !! I’m impressed now, she was just my irritating sis then and I was her very irritating little bro. Anyway, digress. Here’s to strong D women standing up for for their rights making a huge difference. I read the mortality rate of pregnant women has tripled already in the red states since overturn of Roe. Ya, “they” are all about pro-life, pro-police, pro-military, freedom and small government. Ya, we witness that surely !!

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Must be Something To That...I drove Long-haul (Miami to Oakland and All Points In-between, Mexico included) for 2 1/2 years.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I am basking in the glow! We did it. I’m so relieved that I can breathe a bit.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

An important point of note with Mississippi: this was the first governor race since the state’s Electoral College style rule for statewide elections was overturned in court.

I didn’t know until yesterday morning that the rule was gone: it also explains why the anti democracy forces there seemed unusually desperate and obvious in their cheating efforts.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The MS voters DID prove how interested they were in the contests this year, when they actually temporarily ran out of voting forms in MS' largest county! I can only assume that was because Reeves has been shitting on Jackson, MS forever, and Black voters there wanted to make a statement. Jackson is one of the most heavily populated areas of MS, and state government has never funded an overhaul of Jackson's failing water system - since Jackson is over 50% African American, isn't this one of the most blatant examples of systemic racism ever?

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I wouldn’t be surprised if the ballot supply issue in Jackson was deliberate.

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Neither would I, Matthew.

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Definitely. I don't know all the facts in MS, but I am reminded of the Flint, MI disaster (still ongoing).

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True that. Jackson is home to at least two universities, and has two excellent civil rights/African American history museums which you can visit at very low cost. And yet the white racists who still dominate MS politics make everything hard for Jackson.

I could weep when I think that feminism has also brought us people like Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (not to mention MTG and Boebard), who went to all white private schools and sent her children there also.

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I will have to check it out if I'm ever down there. My alma mater, Wayne State University in Detroit, also has an excellent civil rights library and what has to be one of the best museums of the labor movement. I think it's called the Walter Ruther Museum (or perhaps Library).

I've been outta MI for a while but nice to see them basically decimate the Republican Party in MI and start prosecuting real election fraudsters. I easily see Gretchen Whitmer as President in 28.

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Donald, the Jackson, MS museums house all of the real stuff of slavery, the KKK, and all the goulish things that go along with that past (or is it still present....). They have great explanations next to everything, and there are women docents there to answer any questions you have. Seeing an actual original KKK outfit hanging on one wall was freaky. But there's also the great, new museum in Montgomery, Alabama, created by Bryan Stevenson that commemorates all the people who died by lynching in the South. There is a huge room where states are represented, with lists of all the people who died in those states by lynching since 1865...such a sorrowful history. It speaks powerfully to have all that human cruelty represented in this one museum, and it is really well done - it's not a downer by a massive learning experience.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Great news and encouraging. So glad corporate media got it wrong once again. Your point is well taken. People are starting to get what’s at stake. The doom and gloom narrative for the Democrats proved to be in terms of outcome the opposite. Simply a narrative of inaccurate projection once again. Pollsters are eventually going to understand this or they’ll play dumb as they often do using outdated tracking tools. It also boils down to a few things. Most younger people are not answering their phones when unknown numbers are contacted and polls are not voting , people are. Hopefully this momentum can be maintained until next year

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I kind of expected this to be the outcome. Or at least I hoped it would be, but I didn't think I was delusional for thinking that way. I'm not some great prognosticator, but it seemed obvious, didn't it? Take away a right such as abortion and bodily autonomy for women, and people will fight--even if they don't run to pollsters to tell them their plans.

I'm sure the MSM will tell us how it's bad for Biden.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I still fear for the singular draw of voters Trump gets, individually. I think many of his voters are not really pro-life, those who are not in the Jesus wing of MAGA. They know that Trump is individually just fine with aborting fetuses at 8-1/2 months. They know Trump is an amoral individual who is pandering to the Jesus crowd.

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Thanks, Mr. X! Well done...that song is so appropriate for today!

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