Hi Michelangelo - It has been awhile. Just another day paradise in Texas. About the SCOTUS listening to the arguments by the Cult (GOP), they know that the only way these radical assholes win elections is by oppressing voters, cheating, lying and promoting falsehoods, f%^&*! cult. The people sees what's going on. President Biden is doing what he said he was going to do as president. There are still these assholes trying to disrupt his plan, i.e. Abbot in Texas and the other cult member in MS. Abbot thinks that by reopening the state will deviate the attention he gather a couple of weeks back due this failed mismanagement of the winter storm. Pathetic.

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You guys - I semi give up ( Not totally, but it is exhausting to read and hear about what these Rs are trying to do! ) but I am in FL, I call and write these hateful people all the time , as if rubio and scott ( and my local deep red House Rep and the useless desantis ) give a whit.

I agree with Donna below, it doesn't matter to the GQP at all!

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"Equally popular is bringing the minimum wage to $15 an hour"

Not true. It's got 55% support according to a recent survey, which is nowhere near the 70% that support the COVID relief package.

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What happens when you elect those with money to represent those without. Their interests will always trump yours including allowing the end of the democratic experiment...

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I don't know what scares me the most: the mounting attacks on voting by the GOP with the tacit understanding that this SCOTUS will disembowel what's left after kneecapping the VRA, or the justifiable frustration among those of us who voted for Biden and are worried that all the hard work will be squandered. I've been around long enough to know nothing happens overnight in DC but at this time, the attack on voting is the most serious threat this country is facing. I wish I'd hear something, anything, from the Senate on how they are going to get those bills passed, whether it's compromise by weakening the filibuster, since Sinema and Manchin are basically obstructionists, or ignoring the parliamentarian and including the $15 an hour minimum wage. Any strong worded message that the gloves are off would go a long way towards sending a signal to the GOP that their obstructionist bs is at an end, and voters that our hard work wasn't for nothing. I don't think it was, but the time frame to get things done and assure our elections is so narrow, I can't help but be anxious. I want to see decisive action.

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It seems the Democrats are poised once again to squander their mandate and total control of of legislative and executive power.

Even leading up to the election I remember having conversations with other friends on the left where the consensus was, wow they sold us out again! That sentiment has come true in the sense there will be no $2000 checks and there will be further limits on who gets a $1400 check. There will be no minimum wage increase or Medicare for all, student loan relief and we even have a bombing in Syria and new "facilities"(camps that actually are the exact same old ones) for migrant children.

Biden may be better than Trump but that is an extremely low bar. What is lost on partisans is that Biden was given this mandate because a lot of people like me who are not democrats and disaffected republicans and people who were previously unengaged in politics came out to vote for Biden because the danger of Trump and trumpism was so alarming and a clear threat to democracy and our way of life.

If the Democrats are willing to squander this opportunity at this time then I'm not sure they deserve to govern either. Also failing to make good on campaign promises and putting laws in place that will prevent the lawlessness we experienced during the Trump era will likely lead to a loss of power in 22 and then we can only expect worse in the future. We may never recover from an unsuccessful administration in the next two years.

The next crop of Republican fascists are likely to be smarter and more competent than Trump. Now is the time for Democrats to examine their complicity in what has happened and if they are ok in being complicit to worse in the future. We have already lost the courts for at least a generation or two.

Democrats cannot depend on harm reduction being a reason to vote for them when they fail to reduce the harms they claim to care about.

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I’ve been calling and emailing Sinema’s office and she is absolutely not interested in hearing from her constituents. I’ve tweeted out her responses in which Joe Sudbay had actually commented on. I’m beyond disappointed in her. I can’t believe with the majority that turned out in Arizona, that Sinema would take the stance that she needs to concede to the minority party. Hopefully she loses her next election.

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Oh, she also publicly lied recently and said a majority of her constituents want her to preserve the filibuster. She has to go.

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The voters opinion doesn't matter to the GOP. They are hell bent on satisfying their own egos and seizing power so they can funnel more money to the 1% wealthiest Americans at the expense of the rest of the country. Instead of actually governing (healthcare, education, infrastructure), they focus on social issues. It's a dysfunctional mess.

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