I'm black and from Buffalo NY so this racist shooting resonates with me. Desantis is a despicable cretin. We can't let the Republicans win or they will try to turn the whole country into Florida.
As a Florida resident, I am profoundly saddened and disturbed by the racist shooting in Jacksonville. My friends in the Black community have every right to be angry and I support them every way I can. DeSantis continues to be a terrible governor and an even worse human being. I’m working to get rid of him and the rest of the Florida Republican delegation. They are failing Florida voters and residents.
I'm in Florida, too. I'm amazed at the damage DeWrecker has done to this state. He's destroyed the schools, the environment, women's right, trans rights and is a racist. Yes, he's a white supremacist and a religious fanatic. He needs to NEVER be in public office again when his term is up in '26.
Grovellor DeSaster is a White Supremacyst [emphasis on 'cyst'] that needs to be surgically removed like the cantankerous cancer that he is. He and that other Nazi from the Lone Scarred State need to disappear like the Covid pandemic or in the least, hide in plain sight as it was before the fall of our 'Roman Polanski' Empire!
SPOT ON Michelangelo!! I lost it when this fucker had the Jim Crow KKK white supremacist nerve to say "Targeting people because of their race has no place in Florida." WHAT!?!?? Targeting people because of their race is all he does!! All day every day! I am SO ANGRY at white people right now, and no not just the magas and the DiSatans but the "well meaning ones," and the so called "allies" who express their sadness and their condolences while keeping their privileged ass distance! Some of y'all are just NOT DOING ENOUGH!
Rondo is unable to read a room, show emotion, show empathy... basically show people that he is human. A very small man in stature and brain power..it seems more Florida residents are discovering what kind of a man Rondo really is. It’s really sad but Rondo doesn’t give shit about anyone or anything except power and money.
Incredibly sad event in Florida and an even sadder response from De Satan. He'd have to admit he was racist in order to say anything, and he is a coward. I am heartened that some Floridians get how serious this nut case is. At least Scott was only a criminal whose company bilked Medicare for $2B and he became governor and now senator. Time to clean house in Florida.
Rather late to this article because FL DOH has tapped me to man the Special Needs Shelter and setting up last night was exhausting. DeRacist had the unmitigated nerve to show up in Jacksonville to pretend he gave a flying f**k about the targeted Black community. Especially galling was the Medusa of a wife smiling as if she was at a photo op. Ms. Nixon was correct in her righteous anger at his mere appearance considering he fanned the flames of racial animus here. I recently learned of his campaign cash manifesto and how he priced out the $92m warchest accumulated to launch a floundering presidential campaign. If the gop debate revealed anything to the nation, it is that DeRacist is a small soulless bastard which generally describes the maga movement and it's head snake.
Andrew Gillum put it well during his debate with DeRacist in 2018: “Now, I’m not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist."
DeSantis is possibly one of the most repulsive men I have ever had the displeasure of encountering, even if it is a consequence of reading and watching material about him from far away Australia. The WORLD is watching. We can do nothing to alter the path of US democracy but will be greatly effected by its electoral results. If his views are seriously representative of American sentiment we are all potential victims of repellent, hateful ideology, regardless of where we happen to live.
I'm black and from Buffalo NY so this racist shooting resonates with me. Desantis is a despicable cretin. We can't let the Republicans win or they will try to turn the whole country into Florida.
I'm white and from Buffalo and I agree with you 200%!
As a Florida resident, I am profoundly saddened and disturbed by the racist shooting in Jacksonville. My friends in the Black community have every right to be angry and I support them every way I can. DeSantis continues to be a terrible governor and an even worse human being. I’m working to get rid of him and the rest of the Florida Republican delegation. They are failing Florida voters and residents.
I'm in Florida, too. I'm amazed at the damage DeWrecker has done to this state. He's destroyed the schools, the environment, women's right, trans rights and is a racist. Yes, he's a white supremacist and a religious fanatic. He needs to NEVER be in public office again when his term is up in '26.
DeSantis is unfit for office. Any office, especially the one he holds.
Likewise for the orange monster. (stating the obvious here)
Grovellor DeSaster is a White Supremacyst [emphasis on 'cyst'] that needs to be surgically removed like the cantankerous cancer that he is. He and that other Nazi from the Lone Scarred State need to disappear like the Covid pandemic or in the least, hide in plain sight as it was before the fall of our 'Roman Polanski' Empire!
SPOT ON Michelangelo!! I lost it when this fucker had the Jim Crow KKK white supremacist nerve to say "Targeting people because of their race has no place in Florida." WHAT!?!?? Targeting people because of their race is all he does!! All day every day! I am SO ANGRY at white people right now, and no not just the magas and the DiSatans but the "well meaning ones," and the so called "allies" who express their sadness and their condolences while keeping their privileged ass distance! Some of y'all are just NOT DOING ENOUGH!
You're angry at 'white people' and DeSamtis is the racist. Hilarious. You are all so predictable.
Doug, please kiss my ass. If that's your take away from my comment, then you're part of the problem too.
Rondo is unable to read a room, show emotion, show empathy... basically show people that he is human. A very small man in stature and brain power..it seems more Florida residents are discovering what kind of a man Rondo really is. It’s really sad but Rondo doesn’t give shit about anyone or anything except power and money.
He has no human qualities.
Incredibly sad event in Florida and an even sadder response from De Satan. He'd have to admit he was racist in order to say anything, and he is a coward. I am heartened that some Floridians get how serious this nut case is. At least Scott was only a criminal whose company bilked Medicare for $2B and he became governor and now senator. Time to clean house in Florida.
And now DeSatan meets a big challenge, I hope the good Floridians on this site get out of the way of Idalia and stay safe.
Let’s also acknowledge, that POS scumbag (that statement is true) is certainly a card carrying republican maga or desantis supporter
3 words sum up Amercian History. They are racism, murder and theft.
Don't forget about genocidal and child trophy collectors!
Thank our lucky stars this deeply disturbed man has 0 charisma.
Greetings from fascist florida
Rather late to this article because FL DOH has tapped me to man the Special Needs Shelter and setting up last night was exhausting. DeRacist had the unmitigated nerve to show up in Jacksonville to pretend he gave a flying f**k about the targeted Black community. Especially galling was the Medusa of a wife smiling as if she was at a photo op. Ms. Nixon was correct in her righteous anger at his mere appearance considering he fanned the flames of racial animus here. I recently learned of his campaign cash manifesto and how he priced out the $92m warchest accumulated to launch a floundering presidential campaign. If the gop debate revealed anything to the nation, it is that DeRacist is a small soulless bastard which generally describes the maga movement and it's head snake.
Andrew Gillum put it well during his debate with DeRacist in 2018: “Now, I’m not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist."
Except we know better now. He's a racist.
Desantis is the absolute worse. His policies in Fl has exasperated this hate. He, like Trump, has blood on his hands.
Solution: Vote him and the likes out of office.
DeSantis is possibly one of the most repulsive men I have ever had the displeasure of encountering, even if it is a consequence of reading and watching material about him from far away Australia. The WORLD is watching. We can do nothing to alter the path of US democracy but will be greatly effected by its electoral results. If his views are seriously representative of American sentiment we are all potential victims of repellent, hateful ideology, regardless of where we happen to live.
This is what cowardice looks like. Every picture of DeSantis.
DeSantis looses more respect...