Is it too much to hope that Satan drops by to reclaim his own in the near future? That sounds like what it's going to take to rid America and the world of this hideous scourge. America - where we lost a woman of deep lifelong humanitarian service over the weekend, and this thing is free to spew his feverish mental orgy of murder, revenge and the destruction of our nation, unimpeded by either the courts or the media. How we have fallen.

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I was thinking the same thing—why did Roselynn Carter have to die, while Trump is still out there ranting more vindictively insane BS by the day...?

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I think everything comes back to Fox News. For decades they've been demonizing and dehumanizing Democrats, liberals, anyone they consider "other" to have an enemy to constantly attack and make their viewers more ignorant and paranoid. Also so they feel justified in saying and doing anything against us, including violence. They are worse than just a propaganda arm of the Republican party. They have turned their viewers into people like those in Germany who supported Hitler's rise to power. And the Republican party has given up on democracy because they know it will not allow them to stay in power, so they have embraced Trump and authoritarianism. To me it's because of decades of lies and disinformation and rhetoric from Fox News that Trump, the absolute worst president in history and someone who epitomizes all 7 deadly sins at once, is the frontrunner to become the next president.

But what can be done about it? Until Fox News is somehow taken down, I don't see this country ever healing from this. The Dominion lawsuit was a great start and hopefully the Smartmatic lawsuit will do them even more damage. Maybe other groups and individuals who have been maligned by Fox News can also file suit, chipping away at them until they go broke. Perhaps we need Democratic think tanks to organize this, plus to counter the right-wing think tanks that have planned for decades to weaken our rights and democracy itself. Sadly I think until Fox News is somehow stopped or greatly diminished, their viewers and the Republican party will continue their slide into fascism. And with Trump's recent rhetoric (with zero condemnation from Repubs for it), things will continue to get worse. If we don't get out the vote next November, this democracy will be lost and so will our rights.

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Foxnews has been a blight on our nation, and Rupert Murdoch has done tremendous damage to our world. And the Foxnews war on LGBT Americans becomes more sinister and frightening every day.

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Now I am really terrified

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For those of us who see Trump as the Fascist threat that he is, we need to demand the following from ourselves and those politicians we wish to support.

1. Tell the truth, about everything. Do not hedge, do not equivocate. The Truth CAN set us free and we need to get used to being fearless truth tellers. By modeling this behavior, others will also take note and do the same.

2. Call out the embrace of violence for what it is: Fascism. The presidential election of 2024 is about Democracy (flawed as our is) vs. Fascism. Many of Trump's current supporters believe they are in the vanguard of the coming new order, not realizing they are mere petty thugs. Call Them OUT. Gov. Abbott, Gov. DeathSantis and the like are political thugs who LIKE hurting people they view as their lessors. That is a classic Fascist stance.

3. Be kind. Kindness can be absolutely radical. Like truth-telling, it is a radical political practice.

4. Do NOT be gaslit by polling, which isn't even alchemy these days. INSIST on seeing the data, methodology, etc. If an organization is trying to extrapolate from an N of 500 to a voting population of roughly 150 million Americans, LAUGH OUT LOUD at the organization doing the polling. Tiny N's have NO predictive power. NONE.

And as Michelangelo has observed, focus on the STAKES not the stupid horserace. This race is entirely winnable, so do NOT let Trump's thuggishness and thugs freak you out. Our children will thank us for our bravery.

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Well, it's final!

After Rude-olphs report it looks as if no one will be left in his 'Murica, except him; a Narcissists Paradise!

There will be only one stocking left hanging in his jail cell next year!

Merry XXXmas, Santa KKKLaus!

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I will be interested to see if and how journalists remain neutral in reporting on Trump going forward, especially if his lead in the polls continues. Many journalists are young, or have children and/or grandchildren. The intelligent ones know that if Trump prevails next November, our nation will never be the same, and their children and grandchildren will be inheriting a failed democracy, rather than the "envy of the world." Can smart journalists remain dispassionate about Trump when there is so much at stake in our nation for them, and especially their children and future generations?

And I agree that Trump is once again setting up a scenario where he can't lose the election - either he legitimately wins our (antiquated, anti-democratic, awful) electoral college, or "crooked Joe Biden and the Communist socialist fascist vermin Democrats stole it," and "the people must rise up." That's why this election should be "about the fear, stupid', over the terror that will be unleashed in Trump 2.0. I think if suburban women outside Philly, Cleveland, Columbus, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix... become justifiably afraid for the safety and freedom of their children under a lawless Trump second term, Biden (or whomever the Democratic candidate is) will prevail.

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I'm anticipating that Trump will somehow so dangerously violate the gag orders put back in place against him that locking him up and taking away his access to his rabid bigoted base will be the only reasonable option for the courts. That may lead to some attempts on their part, but if they're all hit with extreme speed&savagery the rest will pipe down and limit themselves to muttering on XTwitter and TrumpSocial—so Trump can't run from prison, and the RNC will have to pick a new candidate....

Yes, they MIGHT try to martyr him, but there's too much opportunity out there for other Republicans for me to really believe it.

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So, trumpanzee has tweeted his endgame for the few thousand to digest and the rest of us to confirm the musings of a certified lunatic. A DANGEROUS LUNATIC!!! The 30 to 35% of his base that can be ultra maga will heed his call and do the unthinkable for which we must be prepared for. The J-6 riot was just a preview of the coming ever evolved violent attraction next year. Vigilant engagement of our wayward relatives swayed by the rhetoric will go a long way to intercept the misguided and avoid a jail sentence for a man who cares nothing for his followers except how much they donate. The ramping up of the violent speech is as you say Michael, to inure the faithful to settle his scores by any means necessary...

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So Trump's 2024 strategy is to f**k around. Hopefully by this time next year, he'll find out!

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It is only going to get worse, the more he’s pushed into the corner and desperate, the crazier he will get

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To quote another former Republican President who belongs in prison, "Bring it on!"

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Heard a UK comedian talking without humour about the US being in the midst of a far-right coup and seemingly unaware of it.

Dangerous times.

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If Rump doesn't win, he'll cheat to win. Then, the entire country (other than rhe billionaires funding the GOP) is doomed.

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I argee

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Donny the Weasle's sparky contempt for law, fairness and facts proves his example of trying to overththrow the U.S. Constitution on the 6th of January will pose a mortal hazard to representative government long after he's gone. For a remedy, we might consider the British Constitution's treatment of the 5th of November.

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How worried should we really be that Biden can’t win?

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Wow! What an asshat!

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