Jul 22, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Why is our government enabling this narcissistic sociopath and allowing him to continue? Because there is an established protocol for how a President is treated? It’s mind-boggling. The US has become a laughing-stock to the world, innocent people are dying and our government is just enabling every stupid thing he does.

Our government has invaded other countries, arranged for the removal of dangerous leaders in other countries, inserted itself into the policies and politics of other countries and yet have allowed a man well-known for being a failure at everything he has ever done to not only continue as “leader” of the US but still plenty of people support his re-election?

What is going on? As a collective, we keep blaming Trump. But the blame really falls on every single person in DC who is allowing this man to continue destroying the country and the mainstream media who continue to prop him up and act like they are so surprised by every idiotic thing he does. Really, 4 years and still shocked? C’mon!

It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire, wondering why the fire isn’t going out but spreading and having the fire department with their hoses ready just standing there watching the fire rage out of control.

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Jul 22, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

When you say "our government" who do propose should act against Trump?

The military? Pence and the Cabinet, as specified in the XXVth Amenment?

Some shadowy cabal of every single person in DC?

I'm really interested: who do you suggest should have the power to overthrow the sworn-in president of the United States? I'm no Trump fan, but I'm even less a fan of the Manchurian Candidate/Parallax View idea that there are Powers That Be with the capability to act against our elected leaders. That's called a coup.

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Jul 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Of course not. That’s absurd, a military coup. We’re above that as a country. Oh wait, my mistake. I forgot that’s what is currently happening with the militia being dispatched into our “dangerous” cities against the will of the elected mayors and governors.

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Read your own constitution and understand this “president” is why it was included:


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Yep....right on...Trump did say he would “drain the swamp”...he just forgot to tell his supporters that he would fill the swamp with raw sewage!

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Exactly! He follows NO protocol so why should he be treated any differently. Eye for an eye

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The show was so on point yesterday re: above new tone-media BS. You connected so many dots and explained so well this repeated SICK pattern between the press and this sick mental case monster president. And that really is “in the end” what it’s all about. Somehow a sociopath made it all the way to the top of the America food chain and is eating us alive using our own institutions by exploiting their weaknesses. Not for some big plot and grand evil plan but just simple cancer capitalist greed and self (at all cost) preservation. All while the perfectly positioned vultures around him swallow up and exploit every last bit left in his wake. The sociopathic mobster monster is and only is in this for self preservation & to keep the fantasy and his addiction to it going at all cost. The fact we allow the “media” to not call this for what it is makes me furious and exposed sadly how the “free” press ain’t really free. The only language their corporate owners understand is $$$. So boycott is once again in order America. THEY are not media as was envisioned by our founders as a check on power. OR ELSE they would have called this out for what it was long before it became our country’s horrible reality. CRIMINAL INSANITY!!!

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Sshh...shh...Ghislaine.....keep your mouth closed....your “daddy” is here to help you...we don’t want to upset my benefactors do we?

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"Wish them well" is exactly the phrase he used when discussing Roger Stone (sentence commuted), Mike Flynn (DoJ utterly corrupted), and Paul Manafort (home from prison on COVID relief): "Don't rat. I'll do you right."

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Lucy and the football.

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It's a terrible commentary on Our Liberal Media that America must rely on a late-night 22-minute humor program's staff (on Comedy Central, no less, and hosted by an expat South African) to highlight the TONE idiocy they all bought hook-line-and-sinker. Was there no actual media operation prepared to assemble all these clips for us? Did everyone in the biz drink the Koo-Aid? Someone has to point out that not only does the Emperor have no clothes, his courtiers, scribes, and tribunes are equally naked.

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The “liberal media” moniker is GOP tag name to discredit truth and fact. Well it worked because the real name is and should be the “corporate for profit only media”. Same discrediting outcome but with a name based in FACT!

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The media in this country is hardly "liberal"....if the media were "liberal", HRC would be president and Morning slo wouldn't be on the air

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Lol great visuals lol 😂

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