Good morning folks. Slept about four to five hours. Not bad!

And things were better when I woke up. I’m feeling more like 2018 than 2016. There were too many rushes to judgement, as now Michigan and Wisconsin are coming in for Biden and Pennsylvania is expected to.

Meanwhile, GOP is seeing its red strongholds move away. Losing AZ, GA undecided, fought for TX, others — where the future is. I don't think that bodes well for the GOP.

Biden doesn't actually need PA if he keeps NV, as expected (though it's close now) and he has the Nebraska 2nd congressional district. It's done right there. Meanwhile, Georgia is still undecided.

We voted in a pandemic folks, and it's taking a while to count votes.

Trump was outrageous but not unexpected in claiming he had a "victory" last night. It is not over, and it looks good for Biden.

Yes, millions of people voted for Trump, and this wasn't a repudiation of his racism and his lies -- enough that he he took Florida by a good margin. A cult leader's grip doesn't die easily, and though many rejected it now, left the cult, others were drawn to it. He brought out more rural people who joined the cult. He's turning the GOP into the party of complete and total bigotry which loses the suburbs. Sadly though, those larger rural turnout may have dashed hopes for the Dems taking the Senate. There's still Georgia, so let's see. Hang in there everyone!

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I laughed so hard at you this afternoon re: your comment to the guy who wanted to quote what Sean Hannity said especially your response about addressing it with President Biden. You should post that one sometime.

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Trying to hang in there but it's really hard.

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Hi everyone --- it's nerve-wracking but early and also nothing too unexpected re: losses even if disappointing. Florida is a disappointment but what we thought might happen. Texas is tight, and that itself is a win, even if Biden doesn't pull it out. We're still waiting for Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and it's really early for those. Arizona is a surprise, looking like Biden will pick it. If he does he's in a much better place. North Carolina is still out -- we'll see what happens. How are you all doing?

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I can't sleep. I'm really worried. Is anyone else freaking out like I am ?

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Just got home and started watching coverage. Trying to be patient... 😬

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Michelangelo, encouraging words and I think we just expected more “common sense” from the voters, we expected them to see the lies, the racism, the health crisis and the corruption. Unfortunately, the “political divide” is now more apparent.tRump‘s distorted legacy will be felt for decades.The encouragement is that Texas,North Carolina and a few others are moving towards blue. If Biden is eventually declared our president he will certainly need the massive support of the people who voted for him. Feel emboldened and see this as simply an historical aberration and tRump as a false “Messiah”.

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I’ve been better.

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We may not know on rust belt states until at least tomorrow

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Michael, we all thank YOU for your courage and determination which is infectious (if you'll pardon the terminology!). You give all of us the strength to fight on. I remember as do you, the deep, dark days of the early 80's. I watched in horror as my friends, and as my patients were dying of AIDS and we felt helpless, but ACT UP gave us all the same strength to fight on. I MUST believe that we have turned this ship around and that the groundswell we all wish for comes true! Here's to Biden/Harris and all the winners of this blue tsunami!

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I’m not letting myself feel anything right now. I started to picture myself watching the returns and got dizzy.

My mom died of covid a week ago. I live in the same city but hadn’t seen her since February because I didn’t want to risk her getting sick. I missed her last birthday and nearly a whole year. Then her home health care worker gave it to her. She was 89 and fought it for a month. I don’t think she ever fully grasped that she wasn’t going to recover.

When shithead jr said last week that the deaths were nothing it felt like he was erasing her.

This whole Trump moment has been so crushingly disappointing on so many levels.

When he won I really couldn’t believe how stupid people are, but I’ve become more jaded and I understand they’re not as stupid as they are selfish and cruel.

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Suzanne I'm so sorry, condolences to you. How terrible. We are here for you.

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I am so sorry for your loss. My mom died in August (not from Covid) and it's so devastating.

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Thanks, Lori.

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You have my condolences too, Suzanne, and my sympathy for not seeing your mom all year for her safety. What a terrible loss.

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So sorry for your loss dear Suzanne! I still grieve for my mother after 17 years but it's not as deep as it once was!

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I dropped my ballot off at my County Clerk’s office on Oct 9 and confirmed it was accepted with ballot tracking as well. I slept through last night and woke up feeling very calm so I have a really good feeling about the results.

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Nov 3, 2020
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Thanks Rick! I hope your pain is now at bay. I feel really good about today so please go give a big hug to that cottonwood tree. We're going to do this!!!

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Frankly I hope this is the beginning of the end for the GOPers. Welcoming the crazy militia/conspiracy nuts who went wacko over Waco 20+ years ago has really brought them over the edge. Plus what the hell is it with those people idolizing sexual predators such as David Koresh and Donald Trump?

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Jeff, just a comment , let’s avoid calling them “militia” they are home grown “terrorists”....that’s the word we should use to describe these people.

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My bad, yes they are terrorists!

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Most excellent question Jeff.

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I remember 2016 so well. Sobbing with my trans daughter because of the outcome and what this could mean to her rights.

I want to have faith that the Americans in the electoral college battleground states will and have come to their senses.

Trying hard to hold on today. The day we've all been waiting for the last 4 years.

Thank you for your show everyday. It really has helped get me through the last few years.

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I feel very optimistic! ✌🏻

I walked to Pike Place Market yesterday and the Seattle Center and the weather was in the 60’s. I can’t believe that 4 years have passed and I have survived this dark political period with more to come until hopefully Trump leaves office. If Biden wins, I will have so much weight lifted and will jump for joy! 🏃🏽‍♀️ Thank you a million times for making things better for us! 🌹

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I remember your show in 2016. You allowed your listeners to vent and cry with you and you listened and supported our feelings and yet caused us to keep fighting. I’m about to hop back on the computer and make calls for North Carolina. Things are quiet in California right now but it’s still early. I’m full of anxiety and didn’t sleep at all. Our family is watching tonight with dear friends and I expect there will be lots of wine! I’ve warned the kids I am going to cry either way. I’m hoping and praying and trying to stay confident that the tears will all be happy , happy , happy and totally overjoyed! Thank you for your show and for this forum. We all love and thank you!

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Voted today instead of getting an absentee ballot because I don't trust the Alabama Secretary of State office. Got to the polling place around 6:30 AM, polls opened at 7:00, and finished around 7:30. Luckily things moved speedily and masks were required as well as available for those who didn't have one.

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I am hopeful but apprehensive, especially if it appears tRump is winning in electoral votes after direct votes are counted but before millions of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted. My fervent hope is that Joe Biden appears headed to victory later tonight or early tomorrow. That would likely quash tRump's efforts to invalidate millions of ballots. Hang on tight!

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I’m an early bird & after falling asleep at midnight, disappointed & ashamed that this country did not soundly reject-full stop-Dictator Don w a Biden landslide. I now realize and have accepted the long game nightmare scenario of an attempted Supreme Court Coup as was sadly expected if given the chance. This is the dems last stand. Defend democracy in court (this criminals favorite turf) and count ever last vote so I can be clear about who we aspire to be as a nation. The fact it’s even this close should be no surprise as depressing as that seems. Thank you for always finding some silver lining and being hopefully Michael even in face of (more) loss. I’m going out into woods w my pooch and unplug & re-boot. This is not gonna be pretty but totally anticipated. Game on America 🇺🇸

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Watching Florida results come in I can’t help wondering how many uncounted ballots are languishing in postal facilities now that USPS has chosen to ignore judge’s order to find and deliver them today. I’m getting sick to my stomach.

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That too.

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The United States is going through puberty and Trump is the zit.

(Yes, I am stoned. I cannot get through this night without it.)

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I think of it more like America's self-created hypocritically cruel religious dogmas is going into it's death throes.

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Tonight, we pop the zit.

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Nov 3, 2020
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They need to legalize it here in TX. It's long overdue Rick.....lol

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It's legalized in WA state and I see people even smoke it now openly or while walking.

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I know, I lived in Seattle in 2012, but it wasn’t back then, glad that it is now :)

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Nov 4, 2020
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I drink wine only or an occasional martini.

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SD is close enough for fun day trip if they fully legalized. Many do that for 4th July fireworks around here !! All that tax generated for state and jobs, etc, you’d think it right up R avenue of money and profit !! You’d think R’s would be licking chops for increased revenue...

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The days when we had a cookie pan and had to clean all that stuff out. No, I’m not old, I just read about it. 🙄

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Beautiful weather in Tucson. We vote by mail (have for years) - ballots were received - but I thought I would drive over to a nearby precinct to see what was going on with folks voting in person. Very calm and Biden/Harris and Kelly (senate) signs all over the neighborhood. Not a single Trump sign but there was a car with Trump 2020 written on it. Talked to a Poll Observer - young woman from California. She said it had been very quiet. I think it's because most of us vote by mail (we have the option of being on a permanent early voter list). I'm trying to be hopeful and positive, but the PTSD from 2016 is real. I'm wearing my Blue-nami T-shirt to help me stay positive.

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I'm so optimistic about Mark Kelly winning!

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Me too. I feel good about his chances.

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The US political system needs a complete overhaul. The Electoral College should certainly be abolished. The issue, of course, is that the vastness of this country with it’s 50 states creates it’s own issues, difficult to implement national policies with such a diverse cultural and political variances. The vast gap of ideology between the two parties is an almost insurmountable hurdle. The opportunity for bi-partisan focus has almost been destroyed. How does a (hopefully)new president deal with the turmoil, hate and disarray that tRump has allowed to surface? We can only hope for a humiliating landslide victory, this MAY bring the Repugnants to the realization that they need to change course, and rid themselves of the destructive ultra right winged minority factions that have paralyzed this nation. Of course, I used the word HOPE, and I am not feeling confident that the GOP will ever implement positive change to assist in this nation’s recovery.

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