Letting a Fascist tell lies is a threat to the entire nation, full-stop. Welker failed in her duty as a journalist to rebut Stefanik. We may very well lose our Democracy thanks to the enabling media.

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Freedom of the press is not going to be protected by the likes of Welker. Awful journalists who use paychecks and ratings to measure their success.

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I didn’t like Chuck Todd either and Kristen Welker has done nothing to reassure me

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It was a horrible interview. Liz Cheney on Face the Nation later that morning slammed Stefanik. More people should, but as you say she is auditioning for vp

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What are they afraid of? I expect my Democratic leaders to speak out loud and clear. They need to call out the lying Republicans.

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Sadly, our 4th Estate is failing us and they will be one of the first to go if Trump is elected. He hates the MSM and he will try to destroy it. Their 1st Amendment rights will be silenced. They failed us in 2015-16 and they did not speak up enough in 2020. This is their time to speak up, speak out and scream at the highest level.

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Welker needs to go, MSNBC can't allow this to go on. I said it when she had Orange Hitler for her first interview (only concerned about getting ratings) and this garbage she allowed to stand coming from a pathetic moron from the North Country completes the picture, for me at least! Did she not hear/listen to President Biden's speech last week?!?

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Wonne, hate to say it, but NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN all have the same problem as networks and that also trickles down to their hosts. Look what happened to Medhi Hassan, who would have done just what Michelangelo would have done in interviewing Stefanik and other MAGA. Do the hosts fear being fired? Having access is ridiculous if there is not enough pushback. I'd love to see more MAGA get tongue-tied when challenged like Comer did some weeks ago. Let them walk off the set, they're snowflakes, anyway.

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True enough. It's pretty bad when she makes Chuck Todd look lefty! Hassan would have taken her to task, but Stefanik has learned the right way of talking over or past anyone who doesn't share her views and, unfortunately there are plenty of people in the North Country who've drunk the kool-aid.

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Lots of ‘em. Stepanik is a slick tongued NY nightmare who has her sights on being Drumpf’s running mate. She’s a totally “bought” politician who loves the perks of power and money. Karma on her.

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I miss Tim Russert!

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OH, please: propagandists from VP Cheney's office testified in federal court that Russert's joint was the best place to catapult their false propaganda. Tim wasn't all that, and NBC's hagiography after his death has too many adherents as it is.

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So we disagree about Tim Russert. I don't like the "OH, please" part of your disagreement since it was a direct comment to me. Had this been a general comment by you, then I would have no problem with it. IMO, Russert was much better at his job on MTP compared to those who have come after him.

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She’s even worse than Chuck Todd (and he was/is a horrible journalist IMO.)

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Very frustrating to see many folks "huzzah" at clips of British journalists who push back on politicians' propaganda and lies -- and then lie supine when America's best push-back journalist loses his weekly MSNBC show and leaves the network. Presumably he's got a Plan B, and I'm excited to see what it is. But America needs more interviewers like Mehdi Hasan, not more like Kristen Welker.

Would have liked to see Mehdi handle Stefanik, is all I'm saying....

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And meanwhile, at the same time Mehdi is leaving MSNBC after they canceled his show. Says it all.

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Which is why I stopped watching period. Rachel down to one night and Morning Joe reverting back to 2016 when Mika gets talked over and Joe bleating on and on about his "conservative values..." Velshi and Joy gets an occasional looksee to see if I should alert the authorities regarding possible hostage situations...

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Joe is so loud. I am so sick of his Reagan love fest. Their main economist can’t seem to understand why people aren’t happy with the economy. Why can’t they bring Robert Reich on the show to explain why there is such economic inequality in this country?

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Why would he stay around? The guy's got mad skills somebody else will snap up.

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All D’s with 1 U. Demented, Deranged, Deplorable, Disgusting and unconscionable. Christian Welker committed on every level journalistic negligence. Shame on her. The tone deafness was mind boggling. A for appalling. L for lunacy. I am livid.

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Thank you for calling this out. The truth is too painful for Maga and Republicans and they must be forced to wear it.

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Republican Stefanik equating 'hostages' in jail for trying to overthrow our government on January 6, to real "hostages," such as the Israelis citizens kidnapped and murdered and taken from their homes or dance celebration by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

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Michaelangelo. My 2nd post.

Thank you for pointing out all this crazy over the top demented ugliness. What a mitzvah you are doing.

It pains me seeing all this far right rhetoric and also seeing that 40% of Americans are mesmerized by this.

As I have said. Joe and I will have a better life outside of this country. We are in. The midst of our aEI journey. This is sad

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Thank you Neil. It's crazy to have to keep exposing this crap. But we will continue to do so.

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Perfectly on point, @Michelangelo. Welker let Stefanik hold her hostage to her stream of unconscionable lies, the biggest being echoing the Blood Libel vs. Jews started by Trump of comparing the January 6th Domestic Terrorists to Jewish hostages taken on Oct. 7th by Hamas. Here's my take on "Elise, the Busted Valise." https://open.substack.com/pub/villano/p/elise-elise-the-busted-valise?r=cveu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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She’s so vile - I can’t even look at her let alone listen to her. There is simply no bottom for these disgusting MAGA GOPers.

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Agree Michelle. Sad that Stepanik is from NY.

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Disgraceful performance by the reporter and NBC. Don't watch NBC, they will get the message in their executive packages.

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Why would anyone listen to meet the press? It’s fuckn awful and always has been.

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Back in the day with Russert you didn't mind missing some football when he was at the helm. Nowadays, Ms. Past-her-prime is ensuring her tenure will be a short one (one can hope). Stefanik is proof positive that if you're bereft of morals you can go far on that democracy killing train. "Well I Tried" Welker will be known for the death of the show and Russert will finally get off the constant spin cycle in his grave.

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Welker is following in Chuck Todd’s footsteps. Further, media remains lazy and here wants to be sure R guests return. MTP hasn’t been the same since we lost Russert.

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It's time for a TV commercial to remind viewers what it was like inside the capital building on Jan 6th.


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To be played over and over, since so many people need reminding or want to tune it out.

Josh Hawley sprinting like a scared chicken should be repeated constantly for all of his MAGA fans.

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Replay the clip of Hawley scooting out of the building. He made it to the stairs at the same time as Leavey, the oldest man in Congress...


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