The orange primate energized every racist in America. Haters like Stefanik, Cawthorn and those who support them have no place in government. The next election will show how many Americans support these evil white supremacists. Why are they so afraid of people of color?

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Hi DonnaB. Sadly, many whites who do not espouse white supremacy are still reluctant to give up their white privilege and all that goes with that. It takes a concerted effort for many whites to even acknowledge their privilege, but when they do I have heard a number of them say that they had "no idea" what it is really like to be a person of color. As a person of color, all I want from white people is an acknowledgement that racism is still here in America and that they have benefitted from that racism in many ways, hence white privilege. These are difficult discussions to have (on my side, too) but they are necessary if we are ever going to get to an anti-racist society. Along with that, to also be pro-woman, pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, etc., and an otherwise truly evolved society. Will humans ever get there? We have evolved in so many ways and yet it feels like America and too much of the larger world sees these changes as a bad thing. As for what passes for journalism these days, someone once called it "info-tainment". I miss the days of Tim Russert!

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You're correct, Sakina. I am a white woman, yet I believe people of color have been held back since the day they set foot on American soil. Racism has never left and it was always part of the GOP; however, the orange fool enabled the white supremacists to be proud of their hatefulness and to be vocal. Now people like Elise Stefanik proudly proclaim that people of color want to replace us. This hate speech garners the GQP votes. I don't know why people are so cruel. I know that rich, white, men want to remain at the top of the societal pyramid so they feel empowered to lie and trash all minority groups. Yes, I believe racism is baked into our institutions, as well. Our Forefathers were slave owners.

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donnab you echo my thoughts!!

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I appreciate you!

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Gee, thanks! I appreciate you, too.

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Spot on, Donna and love your nickname for the GQPers cult leader. Perfect! The orange primate turned the lights out so the cockroaches could come out, that's for sure.

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They are even lower than cockroaches.

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Ain't that the truth

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NYS Governor #KathyHochul needs to send the State Police to arrest Elise Stefanik for the mass murder of 10 New Yorkers. The 3rd Ranking Republican in the House of Reps inciting Domestic Terrorism against Buffalo’s Black community by pushing for months the White Supremacist and AntiSemitic (“Jews Will Not Replace Us”) “Replacement Theory” lie. Get the Police after Elise, a criminal conspirator. If Trump is responsible for inciting terrorism on January 6, Stefanik and Tucker Carlson have the blood of 10 Black Buffalo residents on their hands.

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Mike, I didn't realize that Phil Mickelson has become pariah on the pro-golf scene because of his willingness to help the Saudis put together a professional golf tournament in the Middle East. I saw this part in the Washington Post this morning, which included the anti-LGBTQ bias of the Saudis:

"There’s no excuse for Mickelson (and Greg Norman) deciding to throw in financially with Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but what is damaging him most now are the comments he made to Shipnuck about the Saudi tour and bin Salman back in November. Mickelson admitted that bin Salman was a murderer and that his country’s treatment of gays was inexcusable, but then said he was willing engage with the Saudis because he saw it as a way to reshape the PGA Tour. In truth, it was — and might still be — a way to make a lot of money."

What a wanker.

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Great post, Lorie. Mickelson hit the white/male birth lottery and has lots of money so what do they care if this country continues to go down the toilet with respect to civil rights and the complete destruction of our democracy. He'd basically just become an oligarch.

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Sadly, the media will never hold "Starve-anik" to account. I'm not sure if it's possible but hopefully she'll lose in November. I just donated to her opponent, Matt Castelli.

It's crystal clear what their agenda is but they're slowly all starting to say the quiet stuff out loud. We're about THISCLOSE to them literally using the N word and/or saying they want the Handmaid's Tale in their campaign slogans.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but we just have to-have to-have to get out there and vote and the dems need to FIGHT BACK and stop being so nice (I'm talking to you Chuck Schumer). Add to the court if needed - whatever it takes. If we lose in November - it may be our last free election.

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The press is scared to death to admit that the Republican party is the enemy of Democracy because when that realization happens traitorous Republicans would have to be the headline every day just like Putin's invasion of Ukraine. They will never, ever sound the alarm and take any responsibility for stopping it because that would ruin the good thing they have going. Power without responsibility is a plague in America.

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If only we could replace wytpipo with ones who have a brain not designed with a reality blocker. As stated on another site, No white person in politics will be the first to start the dismantling of white supremacy. 4 years of brazen criminality and no one of note behind bars yet should let you know how far they will go to retain power or in the media's case, ACCESS...

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I don't think "Replacement Theory (RT)" fueled him, though I do think it was the match that lit the fuel.

If it was true RT, he would have only killed young women (who could get pregnant and "replace" him).

He killed old ladies (one almost 88) and some old men -- that makes no sense.

I think he was driven by the all around hate that seems to be infused in our culture, and nurtured by Donald Trump. However, I think people like Stefanik provide the lit match. The distinction is subtle, but important if we are going to apportion blame.

In that sense, Stefanik was like the person screaming "Fire" in a crowded theater; and rather than this percolating in minutes in a theater, it percolated in months in this man's mind. Still -- Stefanik screamed in a world crowded with hate.

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The lady that called in on Monday, I believe, who was a step niece of one of the victim's said the families of the victims in Buffalo should launch a class action law suit, like the Sandy Hook parents. I hope someone in the legal community heard this, because this would be a game changer, just like the Sandy Hook parents. They won too. It was a long drawn out suit, but that maniac Alex Jones basically helped their case along with his BS. The Democratic party needs to jump all over this and DARE the Repugnants to go against it. I bet the parents of these mass shooters would think twice about buying "little Billy" an AR-15.

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Good evening everyone. First a big thank you to Michelangelo, listening to you today was like sitting with a caring friend, as we all thought about the horrific event in Buffalo. I can't even tell you what a gut punch that was. Back when I was a new RN I worked at the hospital (now closed) about 1/2 mile from Tops. Not sure if it was there back then, but I knew the neighborhood well.

Thank you (and the WKBW reporter) for reading the list of victims, and a bit about them. I was touched by each and every story.

Hate to say it but I think the GOP is more than happy to have assault weapons available for the hellacious pieces of sh*t willing to carry out these evil deeds. Oh and abortion? More than happy for persons of color to have illegal abortions and happy to look the other way. All makes sense in their twisted RT theory.

May those 10 people who senselessly died be at peace. Wishing comfort and healing to the families and community.

BTW not the first scar on Buffalo---the women's health provider in Buffalo was murdered for his participation in legal termination of pregnancy.

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We have no real media in our country. It’s owned by the right and truth would not benefit them!

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Check out Free Speech TV if you haven't already. No corporate sponsorship whatsoever, unlike PBS.

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Hello! I was listening to today’s show but am a few hours behind so can’t call in, and I have so much to say about long-covid (my experiences), but is this the correct thread? It’s off topic, but Im not sure where else to post about it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Thanks

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Hello, Jen, this thread is about the Buffalo shootings, but it's all good -- except long-haul COVID is no joke! Sorry you are going through that. I haven't caught COVID myself, but I'm pretty sure that everybody knows someone who has at this point and who may have long-haul symptoms. Two of my sisters, my sister-in-law, brother-in-law, some clients of mine, etc. all have experienced it. Maybe Michelangelo will address it soon on Substack. I hope you are feeling better now?

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They're fine with "replacement" theory but not critical race theory, something not even taught from K-12 or beyond in most cases except law schools. They also don't believe in climate change and other provable theories. It's too bad that so many young minds are being poisoned. On the bright side, though, I'm heartened by the diversity of so many of our young people who have come out in force to try and address our collective trauma surrounding race in this country.

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Cults. Cults blame their failures on everyone but themselves. Losers.

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All of the GOP (Gladhanders Of Putin) have something in common: They are all sociopaths.

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Oh, and those on the SC!

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Maybe not all of them, but certainly their "leadership" is, e.g., TFG, McConnell, McCarthy, Stefanik, etc., as well as are many others on the House and Senate side, not to mention many in their base and some Faux news hosts like TC.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

One thing's for certain, and that is that none of them have any problem with a sociopath running their party, and if that's the case, what's the difference? Here's as good a reminder of that as you will find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnpO_RTSNmQ&list=PLEOxdDfMDhP69RgBS_FhGwmax9S-hAqax

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Hilarious video about Drumpf!

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

You'll not find anyone who skewers drumpf better than John Oliver. There are several terrific shots he's taken at him over the years. The one you just saw was his first, in early 2016. They're all on YouTube.

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Good point!

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She is an evil moron from the North Country who only gained traction from the lovers of Orange Hitler up there and rapidly rose in the Repugnican party. I have supported her competition, but there needs to be a lot of mind changing to get this district even purple! She is very dangerous, but not very bright.

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Buffalo killings put focus on 'replacement theory' ALBANY TIMES UNION TODAY

Before a man killed 10 people in a Buffalo supermarket, U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik and other Republicans were accused of using language that tacitly aligns with "white replacement theory."

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