While this is about LGBTQ, I wish to share my thoughts on CRT.

Over the Holidays, I read "The 1619 Project."

My heroes fell from grace: Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin.

Then, in the hands of the author, they rose again. They rose from the two-dimensionality of the painting in the Met "Washington Crossing the Delaware," and the marble statues, to life.

The founding fathers are now men, to me: both flawed and good. They were good men who capitulated to their baser instincts, too often. However, they came alive after reading 1619. NOW, they are men I can look up to. I can try to emulate their goodness and eschew their flaws. They are alive now.

I also was astounded by how many slaves rebelled -- aside from the Haitian rebellion, I never learned about the revolts. Reading about the revolts gave me further insight into the horror of slavery.

And I was stunned by the smaller laws put into place to obstruct freedom for black people and perpetuate slavery.

Now, when I see the success of the US, I can no longer avoid the notion that we did it on free labor.

This book was good for me.

I cannot speak of gay culture, but I would assume that in reading more about gay culture, I would respect both gay and straight even more.

Learning is good.

I just don't understand the hate.

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What needs to happen is a broad boycott of major Florida entertainment venues, such as Disney, Universal, Sea World and Busch Gardens by LGBTQ people and allies such as myself until this dystopian "Gilead of the South" starts to hurt financially. I intend to write to all of the above as well as the Orlando Tourism Board telling them so. Never mind that I am not traveling until Covid is over. They don't know that. 8-))

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Yeah, it's time to boycott Florida as the "hate state." They hate kids, they hate the elderly (letting COVID run wild), they hate people of color, and just about everyone who isn't white, Protestant, het and cis (with $$$$). The GOP is just letting their Fascist Freak flags fly high these days. I'll flag my ed researcher buds and see if we can get any conventions moved out of state. AERA, which is the largest ed research org in the world, boycotted Georgia because of their hateful stance on immigrants. Stay tuned.

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When I was an openly Gay teacher in Oklahoma City from 1994-2011, I never just threw out random Gay info, but I would pass on info if it was relevant to the lesson. I taught American Literature to high school juniors, so letting them know Whitman's Calamus Poems were not written to a female love interest as their books had "corrected" pronouns to make it appear. During October, having no difficulty when I and other teachers put up displays during all memorial months like Black History Month, I had the annual battle to put up Gay history information. Eventually I was instructed that I could not hang any controversial information that people might object to. Got in big trouble when I was called to the office, and I explained I had not sought such permission since I did not see any controversy. Anything can be labelled controversial by anyone for any reason. How can teachers teach if every possible thing that could come up in class has to be first okayed my individual parents? By the way, we did get sexual orientation and gender identity added to policies in 2009 and the world did not end. (As an aside, opposition was Keystone Kops like often and I was forbidden to have anything Gay in my classroom. Had to point out this would cause difficulty as that requirement would have me teaching from out in the hall.)

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The GOP, the party of Putin and Trump, is doing this intentionally. We must not allow this to happen - I believe we outnumber them. This cultural values war is applauded and certainly being encouraged by Putin and began with the social media attacks years ago. We must be prepared to stand up, and public figures who feel as we do must do their part.

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It’s not only fear for those just learning about their LGBTQ status; it’s about inspiring fear generally. This is part of a pattern of fear. Look at DiDantis’ Election Integrity Police Force etc. Also Gingrich wanting J6 Committee jailed if R’s take back Congress. This wave has to be protested/faught/stopped. Remember Franklin:’A Republic if you can keep it.’

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I think all that sunshine is rotting their brains in FL! Don't know what this pinhead Harding is talking about "being a parent. That job can only be given to you by above" I have several gay friends who have adopted children and have given them a loving and safe environment. Does he think God wouldn't agree with that?!?

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Fascist Florida wastes no time attacking that which they think is too weak (i.e. lacking resources to meaningfully fight back). Considering wytpipo cannot help themselves from regressing whenever the fear of others crop up. Fear not, FF will soon only have wytpipo who can afford to reside here. Imagine the monied not able to have their precious gay ones on equal footing.

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They’re getting the stuff from Vladimir Putin their hero, Russia has the anti-homosexual propaganda law that basically says you can say whatever lie you want about gay people and gay people and their friends are not allowed to point out that it’s a lie. Any support of gay people in a positive light is considered propaganda.

How do we really start fighting back against religious extremist in America, I see no effort and I see no plans.

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The GOP hates when they are called names. Then why do they behave like fascists when they get into public office. They are indeed Fascists, and we should obliterate this hate and ignorance in America!

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If it's a bill forbidding discussion of sexual orientation, then that's ALL sexual orientations. This should lead to a ban on discussing any male and female married couples, because that implies a heterosexual sexual orientation. Beware of unintended consequences. Straight Jewish couples from TN can't adopt from a Catholic organization, because a law seeking to block gay couples from adopting, is spilling over. No sexual orientation discussion means NO DISCUSSION OF ANYTHING TO DO WITH HETEROSEXUAL PEOPLE OR COUPLES. Start showing the bad guys that in practice, these laws will erase heterosexuality from Florids schools!

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Hey! For some reason I am no longer getting your emails. I’m missing them. Do you know why?

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Appalling behavior from the Floridian “Repugnants”. School libraries, no doubt will be culturally “ransacked” by Parents & Friends Association any time soon… or had that already begun? The pathetic idea that parents need to give their imprimatur on what history should be taught is a frontal & devious attack on the democracy of this country. On the basis of parent’s right to “grant permission”, will tRump’s history be rewritten,sanitized and hailed? All of this seems to be a dangerous repeat of history during Hitler’s rise.

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