This call cracked me up when I heard it live. MAGA snowflakes are sooo afraid of us mean liberals when, in fact, they are the ones constantly talking about civil war and reminding us that they have all the guns. I guess attacking them with lower drug prices, student loan forgiveness, rainbow flags and saving their grandchildren from a "Cursed Earth" (apologies to "Judge Dredd") environmental hell scenario is just too terrifying for them to endure. Jesus Christ! The victimhood is breathtaking.

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Also the extreme narrative that keeps floating around with saying anyone on the left is an enemy. “Commies”. They keep pushing that narrative until right wing fascist terrorists get worked up enough to kill human beings. Every time I hear one of these degenerate scumbag right wing personalities and politicians push that narrative it pisses me off to no end. These absolutely stupid people on the right like to simp for their oppressors and it’ll destroy everything for all of us.

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He is not afraid "people" will hunt them down.

He is afraid "truth" will hunt them down.

And it is. And truth is vicious. And this is fun to watch.

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When I heard this I was laughing. I was afraid to put my Biden sign out ( I did it anyway) in my MAGA neighborhood because these idiots. If that guy feels guilty for being a MAGA cult member, maybe he needs to do some serious soul searching.

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Floridian rumpers worried about loss of anonymity?? Being harassed?? Two words, “Boat Parade!! Boat Parade!!” “Golf cart parade!!” I shan’t gaslight, that’s 7 words. Rumpers in FL in people’s faces, loaded with Rump flags, stickers, red hats, all of the paraphernalia. Ya, they are SO worried over loss of anonymity they are changing their political registrations. Right, right. It’s all projection, every fear they spew is what they are doing. We see that time and time again. Trying to follow the caller’s logic felt like, I surmise, a 1960’s hippie “bad trip”, convoluted and pretzeled, warped, multicolored perception of floating in the clouds grasping at what cannot be reached. Ludicrous to think Mike or anyone listening would believe that line. Was he just trolling for self entertainment??

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Have you seen Nick Lutsko's video "Boat Parade" on YouTube? Insanely funny.

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Mark, yep. “Boat Parade” sung over and over is very funny, am recalling it. I’ll listen again once I quit repeating the Daffy Duck very short clip on YouTube “Mine mine mine!!!” Like DJT is doing with the highly classified dox. 🤣

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My response to this caller: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA (thoughts and prayers)

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This Floridian….a deceitful MAGA cult member sums up what their party is …the “Repugnants”.

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"Independent" voter being harassed = Someone sent me an insulting DM or email about my supporting Fascists. Snowflakes all.

Always projection with Conservatives.

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Projection, projection, projection! OMG!

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The fact that deranged individuals seeking attention call your show at all means that being insane is a badge of honor in their circles. When the Villages was mentioned I immediately thought of the black woman who was briefly jailed because she voted not knowing the restriction on felons, whereas a white woman copped to voting twice was given a finger wag and let off (of course she lived in the Villages) a bastion of trumpanzee followers. Since we all know that we're up against the mentally deficient perhaps the true independents can blunt the ruby red Florida maggots, er , magas...

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Thank YOU Mike for cutting through all of Paul's BULLSHIT, these GOPers are insane !!!

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Part of the whole Republican shtick is portraying the people they hate as so dangerous that whatever the Trumpers do is justified to stop the "menacing left". It's an old propaganda technique that apparently still works.

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