We've got to get the media back on our side....buy some, tweet all the time, repeat talking points over and over...the same crap Trump did successfully. Democrats need a unifying leader that never shuts up.

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A single leader will never shout down the propaganda industrial complex. It really upsets me when I hear Progressives blame Biden when we and he are so badly outgunned from the right AND the hostile MSM. Wait until OAC runs for President and see how quickly the smear machine focuses on her and how much support she will get from MSM.

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I agree, but I think this will happen organically. I think people are going to grow tired of the Bro Culture and grow up. There is already a liberal podcast that has taken the top spot in the Podcasting world. But, I do think the media is a problem, a big problem. If they would have ignored Trump and taken his threat seriously, we would not have this asshole today, but because they were entertained by him, and they want access they subjugated themselves to him. But, the thing we do know about people is they are fickle, they will get tired of the broken record and now that the media does not have Biden to push around, they will have to channel their energies on Trump and Trump will not like it. The corporate media will continue to wane, because younger people will be turned off, and alternative media will seep in and take its place. There are some great young voices out there, Dylan Douglas, Victor Shi, David Hogg, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jasmine Crockett, not to mention the Justin's and Jared Moskowitz. Imagine them having podcasts, some already do. stay tuned it is about to get interesting. remember one thing it can turn on a dime.

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Meidas also👍

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They'll be on our side once their ratings get even lower.

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The other thing Dems have to do is quit being whiny about individual candidates. Sitting at home and NOT voting because they don't like something about a particular candidate. Not voting for Harris by just not voting or voting for a 3rd party candidate (who has no chance of winning) had the same result: TRUMP. Dems need to march to the ballot box voting Republicans out by voting Democrats in. It will take several cycles to effect change. Democrats sitting elections out is what has allowed Republicans to become so entrenched (that and their gerrymandering of districts allowed by conservative judges). It's not hopeless but it's going to be difficult.

#1 quit allowing Republicans from calling us the "Democrat Party." It's a dig that goes unanswered, unchallenged. We are members of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Take pride in WHO we are! Just as I take pride in who I am. 🌈🌹😁

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Progressive turn up their noses at Democrats all the time and they put Trump in office the first time. We have a 3rd party, the Progressive party pretending to be unified with Dems to keep getting the financial support they could never get on their own and then undermining Biden. Then the Progressives claim they could have won so it's not their fault. Dems get blamed and Progressives join the GOP in piling on Biden. The crowning touch for me was when Bernie immediately blamed Biden for bad messaging after the election when his Progressive message didn't win the primary against Biden. Time to admit there isn't enough boiling resentment among Americans to cause a sweeping change to elect Progressive candidates. We never got a chance to see the full force of the disinformation juggernaut to attack Bernie like they did Biden

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On a positive note, the MAGA elites and influencers are eating each other alive over the H-1B visa issue. The apartheid trust fund child even went so far as to ban Laura "Purge mask" Loomer off of X. It gives me hope that this next Orance Douche administration becomes very unproductive and will send Project 2025 into an early grave.

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Here is some detail from The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/27/trump-elon-musk-sriram-krishnan

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Thanks Michael! The voice of reason!

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FELLOW CITIZENS, we must not stand idly by while an adjudicated insurrectionist is blithely allowed to assume office. WE MUST PRESSURE LEGISLATORS TO APPLY SECTION 3 OF THE 14th AMENDMENT so the man who fomented a violent coup is halted before it's complete.

"King Trump is not Inevitable" Please read this article in Dame Magazine. Sorry I couldn't attach the link...THIS IS URGENT.

If we do nothing and say nothing, we're like Hindenburg who yielded to Hitler's sociopathic sense of entitlement and handed him the Chancellorship.

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Hi all, back from Xmas vacation and catching up on shows and substacks! Michelangelo, THANK YOU for always showing us and reminding us what has happened in the past as it really gives us clues about the future. For example, this shit show of a cabinet being appointed... how long do you think President Musk and President Trump will play nice in the sandbox together? Do we think this motley crew of millionaires will be able to deal with Trump? They think Trump will let them do whatever but he will still want to be in charge and be the nutbag he is. I can't wait to see how they will deport people and the uproar and economic disaster THAT alone will cause, as you know it won't be this neat little task Trump has sold to his voters. Regarding the media, we will never be able to control them as long as they feel threteaned by Trump and I would not even try! However, we can certainly be more VOCAL and call them out by NAME when they don't cover the truth, and create our own media and reach people as well. Yep, the dems need to quit complaining and move on! And we need to find a candidate who will bring out the 10 million who did not vote. We need to be VOCAL 24/7 about every Trump failure in the coming 4 years and I have a feeling there will be plenty. Don't think for a second that this will be easy for them to do what they are saying they will do without failures and reprecussions that they are too stupid to realize. Rich people like Musk and Ramaswamy never understand the finite strategy and details because they never do the actual work - they only bankroll it. 35 years in corporate marketing has taught me that. There will be PLENTY of ammunition for the DEMS to showcase the shit show that is about to get real. Sadly, they will burn the place down but we can be there every step of the way to point out and vocalize why America doesn't need or want Trump and his band of rich oligarchy wannabes. It will be a major wake up call for many Americans but sadly it needs to happen this way. The DEMS needs to leverage and showcase every last failure of this administration coming in! I already have my "Don't Blame Me, I didn' Vote for HIm" signage and bumper stickers ready to go!

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There is zero time to waste. T and his gang have never stopped being in the news. For the last 4 years, during Biden’s whole term T was a the biggest news everyday. The things The Biden Admin did was a blip on the news. This is exactly what Democrats need to do, every single day and they don’t need to be nice about it. Be angry, be disgusted, don’t try to make anything normal and, more importantly, attack the stigma and lies that the Democratic Party’s platform, that the RW propaganda machine, used to spread the lie that the Democrats are not supportive of the hard working middle class and working poor, farmers, blue collar folks. That is what needs to be heard daily.


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absolutely, Trump could not keep his trap shut and the press covered him like he was relevant every single God damned day!! Personally, I think Biden, Obama, the Clinton's and Harris need to troll him every single day because he will be so distracted that he won't be able to focus!! I think it would work. give him a taste of his own medicine!!

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Given that we live a national security state, with AI and the means to sniff every bit of electronic communication, our major goal is to survive Project 2025 and Agenda 47, and then figure a way to resist and sabotage the fascist regime. Democracy as we know it, is over, or have you not read Project 2025, and paid attention to Trump's appointees.

The Democratic party that continues to exist will be a shell, a front, Hakeem Jeffries, James Clyburn and John Fetterman have already jumped aboard the train, and IMO so has Gerry Connolly..

Elections do not a democracy make. Is Hungary a democracy? Is Russia?

The loyal opposition has been given a new meaning.

Old meaning loyal to the nation, new meaning loyal to the regime.

Jan 21st will not be the first day of a new administration, it will be the first day of a new regime.

There is a difference.

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Thank you Michael and happy holidays to all who celebrate democracy. Let’s fight to keep it.

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Mike I hope you wrote this before you left. I will keep scolding you for actually BEING on vacation when you are ON vacation! Anyway hope you and David have a wonderful time and to all the pals here, catch you on the other side. It’s dark and cloudy even here today so feels like winter a bit. Christmas movies, hot tub, food on the agenda today. Can’t find the best Christmas movie ever, the Alistar Sim Christmas Carol, anywhere on TV so might have to find a way to rent. And at D-Man’s suggestion, the Yellowstone in Winter show. Happy holidays all, God bless us everyone.

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I love Alistar Sim's portrayal of Scrooge! I DVR'ed it from FXM this year. I have Comcast/Xfinity and FXM is one of the included channels. I hope you have a happy new year, Chris!!

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I have 2 predictions, we have been here before and Democrats are going lick their wounds and come back strong. The GOP, on the other hand, is going to be embattled jockeying for position, who is actually running things. Trump is going to continue to flounder and act like he is running things, when we all know that is not the case. Plus, threats of him actually abandoning the constitution and running for a third term is going to be a veiled threat because he will be too old anyway and most likely incapacitated. And I suspect his followers, will not follow someone else, he is a phenomenon that will studied for years to come, no one else we be able to ignite the same level of enthusiasm. Happy Holidays Michael or is it Merry Christmas? In any case, enjoy your time off!!

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Hi Mike. Right winger Trans-phobia is grasping at straws. They’ve blown it so far out of proportion in fear mongering to rile and motivate their base, it’s beyond ridiculous the amount of noise they are making about “Tran”. To quote Gov’r Tim Walz “Mind Your Own Damn Business !!”. I have that t-shirt and get a few double takes, side 👀’s. YOU & yours have a fab get away and come back refreshed and full of NYC 🔥. I’m looking forward to piece meal repeat listening to your thoroughly fun Turkey/Angel award show. Quite grey cloudy winter’s day up north, feels like a nap attack coming sometime today. Toodles.

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“ constructive fear” I like that term Mike!

As Tracy said, we have to get the media back on our side!

As for good’ol Matt & his sexual escapades and drug use and sex trafficking with minors? He was exposed because no one in the Republican Party liked him. If they did like him, they would’ve made sure to hide all of it.

Which brings me to former Repub Rep Madison Cawthorn in an interview talked about doing “key bumps” and being invited to orgy parties by the republicans. I wonder who was included in these parties? Makes me wonder what else is hidden from the public. The corruption is off the charts and the fish head rots at the top first. Trump. But he gets away with it because of his celebrity status and his money and power and position!

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Our local PA Dems have a large network of volunteers and are very committed to getting our word out!

This newsletter is one of the best info sources!


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We weak Dems in FL won't give up... Hope the effect of Trumpenomics wakes up non-Dems to the cause of their ills. Let the orange nitwit try to takeover Panama and Greenland while prices skyrocket from his tariffs and overall incompetence.

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Donna is there a chance at all Dems could win Gaetz’ seat?

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Dec 24Edited

Taking back the Panama canal and buying Greenland are just distractions. He is facing more inflation and higher long term interest rates. Home builders are now suddenly stuck with unsold inventory after years of saying there is a shortage of homes to buy. Eggs are still costing more than they did in 2017-19. Trump finally admitted on Meet the Press, that he can't make any promises if his tariffs would lead to higher prices for consumers. His prized and promised extension of the 2017 tax cuts is in jeopardy because of the MAGA refusal to raise the debt ceiling 6 months early before Biden leaves office. Now the stock market is starting to wobble from its all time high. All this drama and he isn't officially in office yet.

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I shifted the funds in my 401(k) to the somewhat stable low-risk money market fund a few weeks ago. Because I knew what's coming.

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when I heard this nonsense I thought, 25th amendment because that is just insane, same with invading Mexico (our ally) or inducting Canada as the 51st state. and then pulling out of the WHO (World Health Organization), I mean, WTAF!! The press needs to call out this hypocrisy, Biden actually accomplished key pieces of legislation, but all the press could focus on was his age!!

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Happy holidays to all!

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