Joe's devotion to his family says everything. Regular folks recognize this. They know what decency and respect compel. A White House celebration of Gay Pride in June, 2023 isn't bothering anybody. Murdoch and other fascists are spending money to put our lives at risk so Trump the Vengeful can win back power.

It makes a very real difference that Biden is forcefully rebuking hateful lies about our LGBTQ+ family

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I think this is GREAT! Especially the straight-up accusation that Fox lies. And the LGBTQ+ flag was a masterstroke. This is the way we need to play these bastards. Don't take their shit and give as good as we get. They are on their knees now that their god has been shown beyond doubt to be a liar and traitor, no matter how much they say otherwise. If they want to play, let's play.

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Great piece. Bullies when confronted forcefully back down. It’s easy to spread hate and lies behind a keyboard. When the ogres come out they’re always in full camo buffoonery and masked. Courageous people don’t hide behind masks especially since all of this nonsense started with masks and morphed into so called parents rights. Most people can see all of this for what it is Pure hate and bigotry

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Wrote yesterday but 2 paragraphs disappeared when I backtracked to review. Anyway, the fascist gop are doing all they can to ensure the bloodbath happens next year. Every totalitarian button is pushed and the language used to instill fear and loathing is seen for what it is: Bullshit. The dictator chyron was purposely placed to signal the base that violence will be needed to get their way. Black people are aware of the marginalization of those the gop fear because the tactics don't change. Scaring the unenlightened regarding Drag and Trans is a rerun. Backtracking corporate allies is a rerun. trumpanzee is such a tired rerun that even the most mad magas don't have the energy to get arrested on his behalf.

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Amazing that (for now) we have a president who appreciates diversity and works hard to protect the rights of us as well. Michelle Goldberg's piece today in the Times "Creeping Shariah Has Nothing on the Woke Mob" provides a frightening view of how the Christian Right and Muslim extremists have joined forces against books presenting LGBTQ+ folks in a positive light. We are at a crossroads in this country and the MAGA crowd is surely at the root of the hatred. It is shocking how far backwards this country has slid since the Orange Monster came down that escalator.

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This the crap Anita Bryant tried to say about gay people back in the 70's.

She lost her place as spokesperson for the Florida orange industry because of it.

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There are more wars I want to see ended besides the Russian war of aggression. It’s these dam culture wars that are harshing my mellow non stop. Stop war!

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Jun 15, 2023
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Trump showed his hate to the world when he announced to the world his plans while riding down the escalator back in 2015.

He began with complaining about Mexicans.

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