So now you have the truth behind the lies and yet the deterioration of America continues unabated. A political party dying by the day that could have saved itself were it not for greed and willful ignorance. The binary system of governance demands the honest debate which perished 7 years ago. Arizona proved to us recently that you do not have to debate people who think truth is an anachronism and still emerge victorious. I still contend that Faux News advertising is where you begin the attack to rid us of them forever. You may even approach your Maggot, er, Maga hatted friends again (armed with this article)...

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Knowing this to be true, accurate and verifiable by way of texts and other Fox communications, why are the legitimate News sources not making this a headline. To admit that their ratings are more important to them than reporting the truth should be met with severe consequences. Every single one of these reporters knowingly lied. To allow Fox to be controlled by such a sick twist as Donald Trump is a display of pure weakness. What they should have done, meaning Carlson and Hannity, is to report they were being pressured to lie and want to expose this to their viewers. Instead, they buckled, lied and continued to sensationalize this lunacy of the trump clan. They owed their loyal viewers the truth. Because of this irresponsible reporting by Fox, it is going to take time for this country to recover. Fox encouraged the increased hatred we are experiencing in this country, not only by citizens but several of elected politicians. Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Bobert, MTG, all continue to spew hatred and discontent and repeat the same lies as Fox. This needs to end now. Any politician who continues to claim these lies as truth, does not have the level of intelligence necessary to perform the duties of their position and should be removed just as any unqualified employee would be.

The validation by Fox of Trump’s lies has continued to encourage these politicians’ outrageous behavior of childish name calling, the ugliness of bigotry and racism, the adolescent show of disrespect by MTG screaming out during the State of the Union address, which has followed a protocol established decades earlier, as if she was in the school auditorium watching a 2nd grade dodge ball game. This is what we have working for the citizens of our country. We deserve far better and we should demand it and expect it, beginning with the truth.

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My take away from that info is, as a nation we are SO screwed going forth with 30 M, 40 M, 60 MILLION ?? ill-informed adults who only wish to be further ill-informed and happily, eagerly accept deceit and lies in order to live comfortably in an opinion bubble, not venturing into a real news source. How on earth to reverse that 30/40 year trend ? Did it get a start or huge boost from Rush L’s. decades of disinformation and hate vomited into a microphone ?? Perhaps HOPE lies in the younger/youngest generations just coming into their own. There are so many cultural/social hot button topics that the new youth just don’t care about, that the current right winger wigged out ones run around with hair on fire over. It appears the new youth want an affordable education and not gunned down in school, a good job, a solid retirement, ACTION accomplished in slowing/reversing climate heating up further. NOT undies in bundles over drag nor CRT, not banning books that teach African American history, not concerned who loves who, etc. etc. My question, will I be around long enough to witness “youth” secure their voting power and kick the older “wiggers” (wigged out folk) to the curb, outdoing the wigged out folk’ voting power ?? Time will tell.

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Trump would never have gotten elected without Foxnews. Murdoch put Trump in the White House. The January 6th insurrection was turbocharged by the blatant lies of this network. There is no other entity in the world that has done more to bring America down, than Foxnews. And the responsibility for the next mass casualty event targeting the LGBT community will fall squarely at the desk of "Dan White loving" Tucker, and his gay producer Wells, who almost nightly has an appallingly ill-informed and vicious hate segment against drag queens and/or our transgender community.

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Ohhhh....isn't this all so delicious!!!! Don't these idiots realize anything they text could eventually come out?

My favorite parts are how they called Box O'wine Jeanine Pirro crazy and how Rudy and Sydney are deranged and liars...it's absolutely delightful.

What's really sad those is how the ones whining about cancel culture like Tucker feel perfectly justified to demand a Fox News reporter be fired for speaking the truth while they LIE on an hourly basis when they report out to their cult members via their infotainment channel. Sickening...

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You said it best Michaelangelo. “It’s all about the money”. Damn the cost. Damn the consequences. None of it matters to those responsible for this. We all suffer from the lies & bigotry that the far right push. Take one element of the lying. Whether it’s the election lie or the groomer smear and looking at both anyone who has a pulse and an IQ over 100 knows very well the catastrophic results of and outcomes have been & will be

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I mean, normal people have known Fox is propaganda and not news for decades. Now that we have some proof from inside the organization, it is time for all government entities to ban these non-news propaganda outlets from their press pools. All of them. And time to pressure those who put them in their platforms as ready to watch like various smart tv companies.

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Mike. What's even more amazing is that these communications exist at all! Have they heard of SIGNAL? Happy they put all this in writing for the courts to retrieve...

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