Michelangelo, your article makes me even more certain of the common wisdom of making sure that you are on the same page with someone that you are considering having a long-term relationship with, living with, getting married to, or having children with. This includes politics, religion, finances, and parenting. Of course, one doesn't need to get into all of this on the first couple of dates or so, but if it looks like things might get serious, then that is the time to learn. Never excuse any hateful comments towards any group, and especially do not excuse it towards yourself. It will only get worse the longer you remain in the relationship.

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Thank you Sakina. And so true. You really have understand what you're getting into, and end it if it's all wrong. It won't bet better.

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Unfortunately this reminds me of growing up gay and knowing gay friends that had to escape families, friends and communities. At least at a minimum, you had to get away as much as you can. College, moving out on your own was the only way to keep your sanity.

Woman with MAGA husbands is especially horrible when children are involved. Like being married to a rapist and having to face them everyday day.

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Mike, you deserve ultra accolades for this. I remember all these phone calls. If you did nothing else you will have provided a huge service to people on this alone (though we know you have done significantly more). Though I did not suffer this with a spouse or child, I did lose a friend of 40 years when they went down the MAGA rabbit hole. My spouse lost relationship with 2 brothers. It’s just incredible how much pain Fake Bone Spurs has inflicted on people. THANK YOU for everything you do.

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Thank you Chris!

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Sue from Ohio update - Left 3 yrs ago. Divorced 2 years and now living in California where my children live. I attribute the support from that call in back in 2018 with helping me face the fact that I had to leave a 34 year marriage. My kids say he is now worse than ever which is hard to imagine. First they said he was "bat shit crazy" and now they ask me if dad was always dumb. I wish this wasn't the father they have now but glad my life is so wonderful now.

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