You're right, the traitorous MAGA mob is doing the Democratic Party's work for them. But after The Big Blue Wave in November, I will demand that Democrats step up and do what #TraitorTrump has been promising: lock up the enemies of the people and throw away the keys. All these Domestic Terrorists need to be incarcerated for crimes against the nation. Every. Single. One.
How about a long-term focused effort that lasts more than one election cycle to increase the number of SC Justices. Well focused Democrats would be a whole new thing and something Putin won't expect.
Why not a multi-pronged program to shore up our democracy and punish those who tried to overturn it? Pack the Supreme Court and dismiss every one of #TraitorTrump's appointees in every area of government. #TraitorTrump keeps talking about all the illegal things he plans to do if reelected, I'd really like to see some creative and comprehensive suggestions from the Democratic Party and have main-stream media coo about those plans like they do for the RepubliKKKlan Party, which is nothing more than a Domestic Terrorist Organization.
I am amazed at the stupidity and the hypocrisy!! Let's go back to your caller from weeks ago, he believes 50% of the country is inherently stupid and I agree!! How can you defend this menace to society. I don't understand how the GOP still hasn't realized what a loser this person is. I hope he drops dead!!
I'm going to say it's 75% of the country🙁 That's just based on working in retail for 4 1/2 years. The stupid I encountered on a daily basis was mind blowing.
Trump isn't a convicted Felon because of "the Left".
A District Attorney for NY actually pursued a credible case against him, both sides got to make their case and a jury of Trump's peers decided that he was guilty.
The legal system worked as it should.
Trump talks about jailing opponents. No implications of a fair trial. This case was brought by the people of NY on behalf of the people of NY and a grateful nation. Trump is a felon. Period.
Another thing Trump-related that pissed me off were all these cabinet officials waiting until either Trump left office or later when they were writing a fuckin' book to say the horrible crap that was going on at the white house. Frankly they've all lost legitimacy a long time ago when they accepted the job. Also being a former Marine myself, Jim Kelly and Jim Mattis can go fuck themselves!
If the Republicans and TFG are panicked now, imagine if the judicial system played out like it should have. We would have at least two more major cases with convictions before the election. Now they are hoping to avoid further disaster with their corrupt SCOTUS and incompetent and compromised Aileen Cannon.
yep, justice has been served and the GOP can spin it any way they like, but sorry - you can't cover up the fact that Trump is a convicted felon now! And the more the GOP spins it, the more ignorant they sound! I have to say ... it is pretty entertaining to watch them try to defend this. I also think the majority of Americans just don't want a felon for a president - period! On a side note, I do hope the current administation is on very high alert during voting this November because there will be cheating from the GOP, as they've demonstrated time and again they are willing to go to extreme lengths to win an election! When people show you WHO they are, take note! This maga GOP has shown us who they really are, so we already know they wll cheat, right? That is what worries me - the cheating. And make no mistake, the GOP knows what a lying, cheating sack of crap Trump is - however, they were willing to take that gamble back in 2016 to win elections and guess what? It FAILED! Mitch McConnell, another bastard in my book, let Trump in the door back when and they all supported him. And now look... At this point, non-Trump republicans might as well start a new party because the damage is done! There is no coming back now. Thank's Mitch and all the other GOP hypocrites ... I hope you rot for what you've done to Americans.
What I can't get over is how they are so anxious to defend as their standard bearer a man who had a sleazy encounter with a porn star, and then paid to suppress his misdeeds! What happened to the party of "family values"?!
I remember WASPS only in the 50s and 60s, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants Only. This is definitely one of the main beliefs in the Trump, Maga cult. Those fools that are in the cult and don’t meet this criteria are only being used for their vote.
You're right, the traitorous MAGA mob is doing the Democratic Party's work for them. But after The Big Blue Wave in November, I will demand that Democrats step up and do what #TraitorTrump has been promising: lock up the enemies of the people and throw away the keys. All these Domestic Terrorists need to be incarcerated for crimes against the nation. Every. Single. One.
How about a long-term focused effort that lasts more than one election cycle to increase the number of SC Justices. Well focused Democrats would be a whole new thing and something Putin won't expect.
Why not a multi-pronged program to shore up our democracy and punish those who tried to overturn it? Pack the Supreme Court and dismiss every one of #TraitorTrump's appointees in every area of government. #TraitorTrump keeps talking about all the illegal things he plans to do if reelected, I'd really like to see some creative and comprehensive suggestions from the Democratic Party and have main-stream media coo about those plans like they do for the RepubliKKKlan Party, which is nothing more than a Domestic Terrorist Organization.
I am amazed at the stupidity and the hypocrisy!! Let's go back to your caller from weeks ago, he believes 50% of the country is inherently stupid and I agree!! How can you defend this menace to society. I don't understand how the GOP still hasn't realized what a loser this person is. I hope he drops dead!!
I'm going to say it's 75% of the country🙁 That's just based on working in retail for 4 1/2 years. The stupid I encountered on a daily basis was mind blowing.
Trump isn't a convicted Felon because of "the Left".
A District Attorney for NY actually pursued a credible case against him, both sides got to make their case and a jury of Trump's peers decided that he was guilty.
The legal system worked as it should.
Trump talks about jailing opponents. No implications of a fair trial. This case was brought by the people of NY on behalf of the people of NY and a grateful nation. Trump is a felon. Period.
Not fit for office.
I love this anti-Trump 2024 mug 👇 🤣
Another thing Trump-related that pissed me off were all these cabinet officials waiting until either Trump left office or later when they were writing a fuckin' book to say the horrible crap that was going on at the white house. Frankly they've all lost legitimacy a long time ago when they accepted the job. Also being a former Marine myself, Jim Kelly and Jim Mattis can go fuck themselves!
If the Republicans and TFG are panicked now, imagine if the judicial system played out like it should have. We would have at least two more major cases with convictions before the election. Now they are hoping to avoid further disaster with their corrupt SCOTUS and incompetent and compromised Aileen Cannon.
yep, justice has been served and the GOP can spin it any way they like, but sorry - you can't cover up the fact that Trump is a convicted felon now! And the more the GOP spins it, the more ignorant they sound! I have to say ... it is pretty entertaining to watch them try to defend this. I also think the majority of Americans just don't want a felon for a president - period! On a side note, I do hope the current administation is on very high alert during voting this November because there will be cheating from the GOP, as they've demonstrated time and again they are willing to go to extreme lengths to win an election! When people show you WHO they are, take note! This maga GOP has shown us who they really are, so we already know they wll cheat, right? That is what worries me - the cheating. And make no mistake, the GOP knows what a lying, cheating sack of crap Trump is - however, they were willing to take that gamble back in 2016 to win elections and guess what? It FAILED! Mitch McConnell, another bastard in my book, let Trump in the door back when and they all supported him. And now look... At this point, non-Trump republicans might as well start a new party because the damage is done! There is no coming back now. Thank's Mitch and all the other GOP hypocrites ... I hope you rot for what you've done to Americans.
What I can't get over is how they are so anxious to defend as their standard bearer a man who had a sleazy encounter with a porn star, and then paid to suppress his misdeeds! What happened to the party of "family values"?!
I remember WASPS only in the 50s and 60s, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants Only. This is definitely one of the main beliefs in the Trump, Maga cult. Those fools that are in the cult and don’t meet this criteria are only being used for their vote.
So true!
I saw a recent Trump video in which he is foaming at the mouth. I'm not kidding, and I wish I could unsee it.
What a disgrace!
A serious deterrent against ethical public service.
We need a one two punch. Bring on some
More indictments now that trials aren’t going.
After reading this dribble and the communist comments I am truly sorry that you people are either stupid or brain dead or both.