May 4, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Susan Collins ...she has fallen for the the Repugnants and her own propaganda . “Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves”. Fess up Susan, and join Liz Cheney, you will feel better for it.

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May 4, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

They aren’t in the grips of white supremacy. They are the face of white supremacy.

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hell yes.

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May 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

why is anyone surprised at the belief in the stolen election by a majority of Republicans. A majority of Republicans believed in the birther lies, believed Hillary killed Vince Foster, believed Joe McCarthy, believed giving rich guy's tax breaks would "trickle down" to poor people, believed that things inherent in every other advanced country in the world like universal health care, public day care, free college are communistic.

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Exactly, this has been going on for decadea.

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You are 100% correct. The GOP is virtually the NAZI Party at this point. That is who they attract, and that is who they pitch themselves too. They are no longer remotely subtle about it. They are unable to win on issues, as the vast majority of Americans agree with Democrats and progressives on most issues, so they engage their base with their racism, their anti-science bullshit, their faux-religious nonsense, and their absolute refusal to deal in facts or reality. They are an immediate and grave threat to our safety and security as a country and to democracy itself. Nobody should take them lightly, as they will lie, cheat, steal, and most likely kill to grab and consolidate power. I never imagined that such an evil force could take over one of our two major political parties, but here we are. They most be utterly and totally demolished at the polls, or we are COOKED as a country.

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Thanks Andy. It's not an exaggeration and we should say it more, because there's a resistance to believe it's true.

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Reality Check. First and foremost, Hitler saw the State as the ideal form of social organization; managed by people dedicated to making it finer and stronger. Wrong! He failed totally to get his premise right, i.e., that individual humans each own themselves, and should interact only when and how each wishes to do so – in what we call the “market.” This fundamental error he shares with all who favor the continuing existence of government. Thus, at root, every politician is a Nazi.

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My biggest concern is that liberals are acting like everything is ok because trump is gone and Biden is there. Biden does not have the support of the actual left and trump's people are not gone and are further radicalized. They are just keeping the powder dry for the moment. If white democrats and liberals refuse to confront the white supremacy of the republican party now then they will not be able to do anything if they lose power to stop a fascistic, white supremacist rise to power in 2-4 years. The time to deal with these issues is now and there is a very narrow window to do it. I can say that my vote for Biden was the last that I will compromise my values to make. I personally did not receive any financial or other benefit from voting for him, but I knew we could not survive 4 more years of a trump presidency. If dems cannot get it together to stop the fascist white supremacist creep in American politics, then maybe they need to see how bad it can get. With every crisis in my adult lifetime we always just just adjust down our expectations of quality of life rather than making course corrections that would prevent or mitigate the next crisis. Affluent and middle class dems don't understand how many people are already living in barely survivable situations and also do nothing to unify people who have class interests and ignore or exacerbate the culture/race war that the right is so good at waging. If the corporate dem who was a shit govenor in my state previously wins the primary I will be leaving that slot on my ballot blank. I can only pledge I will never vote republican, but dems and libs have a near amount of blame for the current situation in my book.

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Klo, it's so hard to keep people focused, so true. They're burnt out, they feel good with Trump off the stage. But the rot is below and festering.

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