Aside from all of this about Trump, one image fascinates (and irritates) me.

During the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, two American medalists mounted the platform and gave the Black Power salute -- a salute commensurate with the philosophy of the Black Panther Movement (which, if studied PROPERLY, was interested in the welfare and education of black and white women, NOT in destruction).

So click this:


And see their fists raised HIGH, with knuckles to the side: proud, defiant, concerned about the welfare of their brothers and sisters.

Now, compare with this fist, raised...


He does it at the wrong time, for no purpose, not proud, not fully raised, turned inward, and like a coward without any conviction.

God, I hate this f***er

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His arms are so weird. Does he have muscle between the shoulder and elbow at ALL! He's always prone to just lifting up his forearms. #hatethisfucker too !!! The picture of the salute with the black glove on the hand looks so sososo fascistic.

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Mr X is not alone in his hatred of the orange sewage who occupied the white house. I hope they find enough damaging information to lock up Rump and his sleazy enablers. The GOP are a crime family, not a political party.

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The sheer hypocrisy of Kevin McCarthy telling anyone to "preserve your documents" is staggering. Much like their unending race to the bottom of their black hole of depravity, Trump and Republicans seem to keep trying to create a bigger self-implosion of irony and hypocrisy which they and their ignorant followers remain completely oblivious to.

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Why is it that the democrats are all hush hush about this? Of course no comment from White House. They should be on every news media defending this action. Shouting from the tree tops what a traitor and a fuckn nazi trump is and the whole right wing. Let’s not hide this. Display it.

Look at the reaction from the right wing. Kevin McCarthy. What a piece of shit that guy is.

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Dems and the WH are doing the right thing: chillin....

Probably watching the coverage for good camera angles for their ads....

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I was so happy to hear about the raid on MSNBC last evening. It's about time! Mary Trump made the point on Lawrence O'Donnell's show that Donald is pissed about AG Garland because he doesn't see Garland as manly enough to go against him, as if he himself is manly. Donald's like, how dare that meek-looking guy come after me? The dam is breaking and DOJ needs to keep the pressure on DJT and his many, many cronies. Lock him up! Meanwhile, the Democrats need to keep touting their legislative successes and reminding everyone about how the GQP isn't doing anything for Americans while continuing to lie about everything. They are the ones doing the very things that they accuse Democrats of doing.

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So many successes in a couple weeks, it's been dizzying, right? And seeing Ahmaud Arbery's parents get justice in Georgia was just super. Life without parole was just right for those two white supremacists, and a glimmer of parole for the camera guy. And their attorney said that by granting Arbery's mother's wish that they go to a prison 'close to home', it was like a "back-door execution"...and once again, Oh well. Once again, What Goes Around Comes Around, and Karma can be a bitch.

Sakina, it sounded like the parents and their lawyers will go after the former local prosecutor, too; the woman who sat on Arbery's case for 78 days before being intervened on, and publicized, and had a lot of Americans screaming WTF?.....

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I say "Go for it!"

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Jeez, on top of Seattle Karen demanding a black man show her his "slave papers"...we have an openly domestic terrorist organization defending a mob boss who feels his supremacy will shield him from stealing from the American people (as if 4 years of raiding the Treasury wasn't enough). I'm rather certain the stolen documents are just a another revenue stream for trumpanzee. Those defenders of him are yelling at the American people: We reserve the right to criminalize you for living since we're the mob capos and you aren't. Will someone tell DeRacist of fascist florida to keep Mid Atlantic Leather out of his damn mouth!

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ArnieB, I've watched the "Seattle" video of the "Karen" on Reddit, and I'm not convinced. As the Mom of 3 adult Black sons I have a personal need to run and rerun tragic traffic stops or other such films in order to learn what really happened (not what the police SAID happened).

That video didn't give context for me...what was going on before the filming, and when did the woman change up after bro's white partner appeared?.... It wasn't really Seattle, it was the small, blue colllar suburb of White Center (or, LOL, Not-So-White Center). And White Center has been plagued by the post-pandemic crime outbreak.

The bro involved was immediately defensive and verbally escalated the situation. Sometimes I detest all these videos around - it's not often you can get one person, staying with the action, and documenting the whole incident, like the George Floyd case.

If you look at some 'supposed Karens' on Facebook, it's more like an updated version of the old jokes that used to be passed around about Dumb Blonds.

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Don't ever forget that the GOP is responsible for Trump 100% and I don't want to hear backpedaling enablers trying squeak by on this. I know the press is still waiting for some exoneration of the Republican Party because they need the GOP to keep the narrative they have relied on for decades, that both sides do it.

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The fact that they would pretend to not understand that the Justice Department is merely doing their job where it concerns a former president flouting the safe keeping of extremely sensitive documents is stunning. Turning this into an opportunity to call for yet another insurrection is reckless at best. There has to be a price to pay for the Repugnicans and it had better come in November or this country is on a path to an unceremonious and bitter end.

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Lawrence O'Donnell (?sp) really spelled this out on MSNBC - one twitter guy with 1.2 million "followers" tweeted out IMMEDIATELY, "This is War", and Let's go tomorrow.

Lawrence: There are 5.6 million Republians in Florida, and only 4 or 5 of them showed up the next day on a viaduct with some sort of banners. The 1.2 million followers of twitter guy stayed asleep and aren't getting up for 'war' for The Orange Monster.

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We know that tRump has documents/records that BELONG to the citizens of the USA. It is a crime to have those documents/records in your possession. Added to that, is the confirmation of evidence that tRump and his minions have already, illegally, destroyed Federal Government property…our property !

The “Repugnants” are happy to ignore criminal activity which doesn’t suit their agenda. Dangerously, they are using this legit FBI raid to manipulate their gullible MAGA cult base to further inciting violence and frightfully ,much more. The GOP is probably terrified that the Mar-A-Lago search may expose information/photos/files that tRump has gathered & squirrelled away a la Edgar Hoover mode,as in “I have the goods on you …so do as I tell you!”, which may explain some of our “favorite Repugnants” who appeared to have major & inexplicable about turns once tRump won the presidency. Interesting days ahead.

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Why did it take Merrick Garland 18 months to raid #TraitorTrump's clubhouse? Who do you have to f#$k to get arrested by the DOJ?!?

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He and his department are doing actual work. This isn't an episode of Law & Order SVU....🙄

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They may be doing work NOW that the US House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection has highlighted their inaction for the past year and a half, but I won't believe that the DOJ is really doing a good job until I see #TraitorTrump convicted and behind bars.

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Moving those goalposts again...🤣🤣

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lets hope the find something

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Oh, dear. My lovely State has a couple of Big Turds in it (or more). First it was the Proud Boy, Edan Nordean, coming into his own guns and other weapons at a tender age only 16 miles from me. And now, NOW we have a MAGA who's won a primary, Joe Kent, in SW Washington. Our reputation as a true Blue state with just a couple of turnip Republicans over in eastern Washington, will be ruined. Hard to understand. Media is always part of the mix, but that part of Wash should be able to receive most of the Blue vibes out of Portland, OR.

But also quite a few closed up timber/pulp and paper/other small manufacturing. Must be part of the trend line. Places of maxi or mini-rust belts where the corporations hung them out to dry, and then the government didn't do enough to keep them gainfully employed in something else with above McD's wages.

Also quite a bit of retired military in this District, but again, some military also seem to feel forgotten by the government; at least the PEOPLE of the military, not the military contractors.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Two questions Michelangelo: 1) are your feelings on AG Garland different now that you know the man and the D.o.J. is actually doing their job; and 2) what happened to the interview you were doing/did on Bebe Zaharia?! Is it on another episode, and if so, which one? CAMEROOOOON!!

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Donald and his attorneys should have a copy of the warrant, but he has not said what's in it.

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I recall Trump authorizing his allies to rush into a doctor's office and abscond with all of his personal medical records. Of course they were Trump's own records, but were the doctor's property, and did have (and still do have) a genuine public interest. Trump thinks nothing of barging in, except when he is the focus. If he runs again, he needs to share those records, even if we have to use a strainer to dig them out of his toilet.

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