What disturbs me is that I'm NOT seeing a perpetual attack machine targeting these fascists every day. What are they waiting for? Democrats are the worst at messaging attacks, and they're going to let Republicans get away with everything again due to complacency, and fear of being "rude" by calling these racist assholes: "Racist Assholes"

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It’s disgusting and truly disgraceful how the baskets of deplorables are mistreating and verbally abusing judge KBJ!! Hideous Blackburn and Braun, some type of dig could’ve been made on Cruz speaking about a book, “I’m not familiar with that, my children are more familiar with Green Eggs and Ham same as yours are”. Every time Miss Lindsay throws a snit-fit, storms out, I cannot un-see the meme of LG in a rich green 1860 Southern Belle hoop skirt, golden finger curls hanging down under a same colored green bonnet with a fan in hand fanning self, saying “Oh my, I’ve got the vapors. I must have an immediate lie down!!” “Where are my smelling salts??”

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One thing I'm thankful to DJT for is how he exposed how determined his party is to take us all back to the 1950s (if not the 1850s).

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New right-wing lunatic group: CCDF (Concerned Citizens Demanding Freedom). They approached school board in Pasco county FL and threatened to sue if 150 books aren't removed from the schools. Who are these morons to decide the curriculum for the schools? Censorship, LGBT rights, Women's Reproduction, Racism, Pseudo-Christian Fascism.....I cannot believe THAT many Americans want to go back to 1950. The Dems need to step up their game right now!

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I've written to you before, about a NYT article about Iowa. I work in a large medical clinic in NW IA. I know the staff is all GOP, but I found a printout of an article on a Dr's desk the other day. It was from another Dr. It was from "I Love Trump" website. It was all about how the Democrats had Covid virus planted in a Wuhan lab and leaked it so they could use it to smear Trump!!! Chemtrails? The dr had written "She was right" at the top. This woman named KrisAnne Hall was recently here in Sioux City, speaking at a Police Dept. meeting! Do you know anything about Chemtrails and/or KrisAnne Hall? No, I don't snoop, It was right out on top of the desk I clean.

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These people are scary enough just being elected officials, just imagine if they had educated brains...

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