I had a big laugh over this! The GOP and Trump are pro-LGBTQ? Soooo let me make sure I’m understanding this: the most racist US administration in modern history is falsely declaring they are pro-LGBTQ during Pride Month and holding a rally in Tulsa, OK _on Juneteenth? It’s pathetic they think everyone hasn’t figured out their nonsense. They are incompetent at being incompetent!

I guess that’s why Trump said during his 2016 campaign that he loves the poorly-educated. His target audience is the only one who believe his pathological lies.

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In a nutshell the GOP loves the gays as long as your self hating, self defeating, soul selling, closeted or willing to fantasize about converting. Sounds like a great trade off. NOT! Sad to think 14% of my LGBTQ family fell into this sad category. If you have even an ounce of gay “pride” you could never consider voting for this mess of a human being.

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A perfect example of why we must watch what they DO and ignore what they say. I don't think they'll fool anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

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