Michelle Obama was wrong. We should be willing to go just as low as the GOP has become. Where is our Larry Kramer nowadays? We've got to be just as dirty as they are. DeRacist on the road to sell hate he fosters here in fascist florida is a sad proposition all around. Mr. Signorile should not be our only bullhorn against bullshit...

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In theory, good people want to take the high road; however, we are in a battle and have to fight fire with fire. The Lincoln Project has the right idea about how to attack the GOP, having been in the party themselves. I do love how Michelangelo lambasts the crazies who call into his show, at CPAC, etc. Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, David Pakman, and others also do a great job hitting back, not to mention Katie Porter, AOC and many others in the Democratic Party. We need more of us on the right side of history to be louder and to work to change things.

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Is it possible to agree 1,000 percent? In this case, yes!

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Way ahead of you. When I heard about the Idaho incident, the first thing that I thought was that Ron "DeSadist" is obviously the spiritual guru of the Patriot Front. AFAIC, he is America's own Ramzan Kadyrov w/o the beard. Not the least bit surprised that there was an attempted terrorist attack during Pride; everybody is a possible corpse these days, & any place can be the wrong place to be. You can't even go to church w/o watching your back. The G💀P has turned this country into a 50-state killing field. The surprise to me will be if we make it to July w/o anybody getting killed by a white Christian trashionalist wingnut. All fascist movements begin by rolling back the rights of women & persecuting LGBT people, & it may well be that we are experiencing the last days of our own Weimar Republic. And if so, DeSadist is worse future threat than Trump: He is far more articulate, & his sociopathic "mask of sanity" is much more convincing. Stay safe. 🌈

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You're 100% correct. DeSatan is even more dangerous than His Orangenesss because he's smarter and just as rotten to the core. The fact that millions of Americans support these Fascists threatens the future of democracy.

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DeSatan is a fascist sonuvabitch...

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This so called lady is a fraud with ties to a Koch backed group. She has recently been fined for not registering as a lobbyist for a foreign government. Her Tweets are full of maniacal BS. I don't know if you saw this story or not. This was an article written by David Neiwert and published in the Daily Kos on 6/9/22. Headlines; "Shoot them in the back of the head." Evangelical preachers ratchet up anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.

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