Like I have said several times, trump has less followers than he did in 2016 and 2020. Also, I truly believe there are a lot of republicans in congress ( and across this country)that don’t have the courage to state out loud they won’t vote for him, but no one knows who they vote for when they actually fill out that ballot. Meanwhile, President Biden is doing his job without the hate that trump thinks will work. Biden talks about the positive while trump just continues to use hate and fear. I don’t think it will work this time.

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I think the reason why MAGAs listen to your show is that because they are hoping that you will talk about gay sex. They are obsessed about it, after all.

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Brian from Ohio wanted to see if Joe could 'walk a straight line and put a number coherent sentences together'! Really Brian, is that it? Joe has Arthritis. Millions of people do. For all I know, Brian will end up with it. Should we put Brian in a home when he develops Arthritis? I think he would argue to the contrary.

Joe has a stutter. He's had it all his life. Has Brian spent his life making fun of people with stutters? As a certain former president likes to do. From his comment, I would not be surprised if this is the way Brian has responded when he encountered people with a stutter. Good man Brian, a real credit to his country and state. A state by the way, that we gave $73.4 billion dollars more in Federal Spending in 2021 than they paid in Federal Taxes. Not an unusual year for Ohio. And Brian likes to make comments about people who have arthritis and a stutter. Brian, let me ask, what the fuck is wrong with your state! Why do you need so much of my (California) Federal Tax money year after year? Personally, I don't think arthritis and a stutter is the problem here.

Ted Cruz responded to Joe's speech, in case anybody caught that, describing him as an 'angry old man'. Well Ted, at 72, I'm an angry old man as well. In 2021, we gave your state of Texas $46.8 billion more in Federal Spending than your state paid in Federal Taxes. I'm a little pissed off about that, because I've been giving away my hard earned tax dollars to your state since 2016. What the fuck happened to Texas? Maybe they're spending a little too much time trying to razor wire 'illegal immigrants' and banning abortions than worrying about their economy. And look where it's gotten them, just another of the many Red Ass Failed Welfare States.

And there's Mike Johnson, Socialist Speaker of the House, sitting behind Biden, desperately hoping Joe doesn't mention how fucked up his state is. In 2021, we gave Louisiana $1.89 in spending for every dollar they paid in Federal Taxes. In 2019, it was $1.73. In 2018, it was $1.68, 2017 it was $1.64, 2016 it was $1.49 and 2015, $1.42. $35.3 B, $29.8B, $28.5B, $27.3B, $19.6B and $17.9B respectively. As you may have noticed, things in Louisiana are getting worse, not better. The same with all the Failed Red Welfare States. Failing on a much greater scale now! And we in the Successful Blue Donor States get to pay for it all!

On a parting note, you all may have seen the video of Don T, starting to say something about 'Russia and Saudi Arabia...', and then staring off into space without completing the thought, such as it may have been. Noel Casler, on the Stephanie Miller Show, who worked on the Apprentice and witnessed this first hand, said it looked to him like Don was dropping a #2 in his 'diaper', which he does wear due to the medication he takes. Just wanted to leave you all with that thought.

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This is why you are one of the most important people in the country Mike, because we desperately need talk radio on our side and because you are able to help shift and also reflect changing public opinion. Bravo and God bless.

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I was never hesitant about Biden's 2024 candidacy once he decided to run. But I was really pumped up by his speech, and realized by watching the GOP congress critters and their absurd little Speakerman that defeating the GOP is of primary importance.

Vote Blue.

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Hi Mike, one item I want to remind people of… in this November election we will see 5 million more voters as so many turned 18 and registered… That’s the wild card the GQP is so afraid of.

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Outside of the 25% never, ever leave him, spinning eyes cray-crays, why would millions and millions remain excited over a rerun candidate 8 years later with a history of losses 2018, 2020, 2022 and many special elections also lost ?? While continually painting a dark, depressive, dreary, worn out, shot, ruined, tattered, torn, wretched picture of America with ZERO positive good things to say of us. The all of us are the US, the majority of US take offense at that portrayal. Then add on top of that, continual 6 YO whining, whining whining that he’s the eternal victim, that he’s completely innocent of even fully adjudicated crimes by a full jury, that he has been treated SO unfairly. “Nobody has been treated so unfairly”. Not considering at all how he grew up peering out of tinted back windows of chauffeured luxury cars (caveat, I’m making some assumptions on that), and daddy handed him $400M inheritance as leg up. Then utilize rich white male privilege with pockets stuffed full of lawyers, he has stepped between raindrops for many decades remaining dry. (The wet is finally catching up to him !!). Would it be such an imposition if someone treated me that unfairly ? Most of us would’ve invested that gift of $400M, shoot for relatively safe 7% return, 30 years later we would be 3xBillionaire with multiple mansions, a yacht and private Lear jet if that tickled our fancy, without lifting a finger to earn additional outside of making enough to not eat away at original 400M. He could’ve done nothing but golf and had many sleazy affairs and now be a true triple billionaire. Life should treat us SO unfairly !! “Don’t get happy”, stay infuriated and so very determined to vote and help where can, what with all the retrogrades of the last 8 years, I’m thinking this will be a Biden blow out. The Senate remains a challenge to hold. But maybe with enough energy and fury we can !! House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries will be a million times more effective and productive than little weasel Johnson as barnacle suctioned onto Rump’s rump.

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Every political strategist has said that once you are elected, it is your job to expand and reach out to the voters that didn't vote for you, Trump didn't do that, he created more partisanship and divisiveness among the country. Biden is not an easy target because he is an elderly white man, which is what Trump is (asshole but that is another story). But Biden is not a woman, is not a minority, is not young, it is difficult to bash him, because it is like bashing yourself. But I digress ... I think there are more Biden supporters out there, I also think if people are like me, I don't answer my phone and I do not participate in polls, because I don't believe in giving money and do not believe in money being what wins elections. I actually would like to see each candidate given a certain amount to spend and that would be the end of it, but I digress again. but, the polls always take it one step further and ask for money, so that is my reason for not participating. Plus, I think it is great if the polls show Biden losing, because that throws the Trump people off guard. My opinion.

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You give us good news. What we are looking for. And need to hear for a change..Thank you so much.

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Thanks for posting this, Michelangelo. It's often said that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line. I think there's a lot of truth in that pithy description.

It also serves to explain why there is so much pearl clutching and hand wringing among Democrats, while most Republicans continue to prove that Trump was right when he said "I could stand in the middle of fifth Avenue and shoot someone and not lose any voters." Maybe not so much this time.

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I had a thought…. Thinking that there will be some elected repubs that will vote for Jo🇺🇸 and not let anyone know.

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Maga IS Socialism. It always has been. Remember the Tea Party? They were opposed to ‘oppressive taxation’ or whatever their exact wording was. The irony of the Tea Party was that all the states, and the people in them, that gave birth to the Tea Party were MASSIVE FAIlURES and HUGELY DEPENDENT on FREE FEDERAL MONEY that was REDISTRIBUTED from the SUCCESSFUL BLUE DONOR STATES. The Tea Party states were the Red States. The Red States are now Maga. Were the Failed Red Tea Party States aware of their desperate reality? Who knows, but the Tax Foundation, the Pew Trust and Rockefeller Institute have clearly documented it, along with the enormous financial burden The Tea Party / Maga states actually were / are. They’re the same states, the same people. Billions upon billions of dollars over the years have been taken from the Successful Blue Donor States and handed over to the Chronically Failed Red Tea Party / Maga states. And we were giving money to these states long before there was the Tea Party or Maga. Reconstruction was set up so the northern states paid for the southern states, I guess because the southern states couldn’t have an economy without free labor. Socialism.

Which states have the worst economies? Red States. Who are trying to change the country? Red States. Who’s paying for it? From the Tax Foundation, Pew and Rockefeller Institute, it’s always the Successful Blue Donor States, the REAL capitalists, the states that always have the best economies.

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