Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

After reading your piece, Michaelangelo, I can't help but conjure in my mind's eye a classic line from the movie "Mississippi Burning." After Agent Ward has finally decided to do things Agent Anderson's way, they arrange on false pretenses for the Klan to meet in a church that they've wired for sound.

As soon as the Grand Dragon appears in his Cadillac, it's obvious that they've been set up, so he tells them to shut up, but not of course until they've revealed who the weak link is. The camera cuts to a tape recorder, sitting on the front seat of a car nearby occupied by the FBI agents listening. "Looks like the rattlesnakes are starting to commit suicide," Agent Anderson says.

That's what we'll see on Wednesday. A bunch of rattlesnakes who will start to commit suicide right before our very eyes. The irony of the image imprinted on the Gadsden flag is not lost on me, given their ubiquity at the January 6 insurrection, right next to Trump and confederate flags.

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DeMoron is now using violent imagery to attract the orange nazi's depraved base. He's saying he'll "slit throats" and "smash kneecaps" his first day in office. What does this do for the American people? Any normal person would be offended by such vulgar language.

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If DeSantis had made a slit throat gesture during an NFL game, the team would get a 15 yard penalty for taunting, and because it's a multiple offense, he'd be ejected from the game, then fined and suspended by the commissioner.

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Please, please 🙏 PLEASE universe out there help us to see the GOP witness yet another loss Nov. 2024 due to DT’s “So much losing, they are tired of all the losing”. I hope to see a national reckoning of the GOP with a big implosion over the Big Lie and its cultism. Can we possibly ever get back to our father’s more sane and moral GOP ?? I suppose that is wishful thinking after DT released the genie from its bottle. It is going to take decades now to more fully ditch that very ugly type of right wing politics. Fug it all. Waiting, waiting for 8 longest years, for the Orange to be out of the national spot light. He’s like an orange tick fattened plump from continually sucking blood from all of us, the media, especially his rubes and their $$ donations, and he just won’t bloody go away !! Reoccurring-redundant-repeating stuck on Ground Hogs Day national nightmare this is. What a day it shall be when we can finally start to put closure on this long stale tiresome wretched nightmare. Go justice system go !! No time to fritter away at all !!

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And they still won’t learn a single thing.

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They are delusional, incapable of learning a thing.

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The GOP is a dying party. They haven’t received a majority in popular votes in seven of the last eight elections. Plus, most Americans are against their extreme agenda. They refuse to change, so they will cease to exist. The nails have been added to the coffin with every birthday of a GenZ.

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Now that the gop has turbocharged trumpanzee's sense of entitlement by underwriting the big lie, the die is cast for the wilderness they are willfully marching towards. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. The great news on the horizon is that all the gerrymandered racist states will have to contend with the courts in regards to the diluted minority votes immorally foisted on us. DeRacist was the most egregious in his campaign to disenfranchise voters (also the compliant repugnants in the fascist florida Congress). Example: Florida's 5th congressional district. Prayerfully, things should be resolved by next summer.

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He's a vile creature. No conscience or morals...just a bully like the orange vermin.

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MAGA = My Attorneys Got Arrested.

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MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys!

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They need to be trounced in 2024 and beyond. Even with huge losses, I'm sure that they will still claim election fraud and say that hundreds of thousands or millions of votes were fraudulent. So yes, they never learn.

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