Hopefully all those crazy right wing bastards will take it and eventually they will all be gone.

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I would contact Child Protective Services if I had knowledge of a parent giving a child(ren) ivermectin. Many of these conspiracy folks tend to be out of the mainstream, but if a doctor, teacher or others that have a duty to report learns of this then they should report. It's a form of child abuse and neglect.

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My same thought. If they all keep taking they eliminate themselves AND their children from the gene pool. It is sad, we can give them the facts but they will not believe them, so they deserve what happens!

In the 70's it was Laetrile, from the apricot pit, that was the cure all that poisoned and KILL people. It make a come back again now. Sad.

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Let them eat paste!

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Michaelangelo. This is a brilliant analysis. All of the conversation about ivermectin and it’s success with vaccine “doubters” and “hesitaters” speaks to and underscores a larger issue. When you are socially isolated and cut off from traditional friendship, family & other support systems as many of us were during the pandemic, an information vacuum begins to emerge. When the internet becomes a persons replacement for the supports that existed it’s easy to look for answers to support one’s fears and anxieties. That’s when misinformation begins to enter. I’m glad you touched upon how this beliefs emerge. The consequences of constant misinformation and conspiracy theories have very real non abstract consequences. I as many of your other readers I am certain can confirm that the consequences of unverified information results in destroyed , fractured and estranged family relationships. I no longer speak to my sister as she chose a path that eschews facts and rational thought and readily embraces a while range of conspiracy theories. After having COVID her search led her to ivermectin. She never shared this with me My niece did. Point being that led her to question everything. Needless to say it’s been upsetting and we aren’t talking as a result. People I’m sure can recount a path of ruined relationships that also ate polarizing this country I’m a very negative way

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The idiots who prefer to take medical advice from commentators and politicians are playing with fire. Maybe they should all drink some bleach as noted by their orange dictator.

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Absolutely. Can this be done soon? For the sake of humanity and sanity

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It seems both the Covid vaccine and ivermectin are both surrounded by lies and gullible people who think of them as magic miracle drugs.

There’s a reason why I stopped at three vaccines.

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This is so upsetting.

Most people don’t understand the economic motivations behind this kind of deception (tho this unfortunate guy was actually a true believer.)

They believe the folks behind the weight loss drug touted during 1 AM Law & Order reruns REALLY want them to shed those 30 lbs.

Also (and this is an issue of poor education, cultural indoctrination AND just plain human nature) - black or white thinking is endemic among these people. The establishment lies - therefore those hawking the stuff the establishment says you shouldn’t take are telling the truth.

My heart breaks. Yeah, these are personal choices. But they’re not for kids. And I loathe anyone who duped the gullible.

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