Does this mean we can sue a teacher if they talks about heterosexual relationships?

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Only if it does not address Trumps peccadilloes. See: Rape, Adultry, Sexual Abuse, Groping, et al.

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I really don't like writing this -- making you people feel bad. But here goes.

I married a woman from Norway and took a sabbatical here. We stayed when I was offered a permanent position.

My son was taught about gay sex in the first grade. First grade. First.

One time, on a return to the US, one of my FORMER friends (former because this person supports Trump and I had to excise the cancer from my life), on hearing this, actually asked my son (16 at the time) if he was gay.

My son replied, "That's a silly question. What's your favorite color, seems like a more important question."

Is my son gay? I don't know. If it comes up, it comes up. But he now speaks three languages, plays two musical instruments. Tops his class in math. Thinking of becoming a surgeon. Has a lot of friends and teaches me things. Good kid.

Not only am I not returning to the US, I am now beginning to think of giving up US citizenship.

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Norway is not being rotted from the inside by religious extremist, that’s what’s happening to America. It’s a cancer.

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….and, spreading to Canada apparently.

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In Germany, schools teach about sex in 7th grade or so.

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A solution to a nonexistent problem. Typical for Republicans.

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This is absolutely horrible, the GQP continues to take social issues backwards. I won't be vacationing in FL anytime soon!

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Actually, we were considering a move their from turgid Arizona. Now, I am not sure which is worse, or, if I am to continue my Liberal/Progressive from either swamp.

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We need you here in AZ! Every vote counts!!!

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I have watched, with increasing ‘concern’ at the AZGOP, Majority attempt to subvert Rights across the board. A State once known for a live and let live ethos, now features Elected Officials who are openly Racist, Bigoted to a fault, anti-Sematic, etc. This will NOT improve unless and until those of conscience push for that.

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I agree. But this is why we need more progressive people here. In reality we are a “purple” state. I, too, am disgusted with our legislature, but I know my vote is important.

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Yes, certainly but dialogue is vital since there are those that actually buy into the Trumpian Scenario, as in: Ducey, Brnovich, Gosar, Biggs, Lesko, ad nauseam

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Republicans make up laws that don’t make sense. All they do is try to pass laws that discriminate against others. They are all about being anti government until it has to do with sex and people living their own authentic lives. These laws don’t help anyone. They just scare people. Religion is the evil villain in every law these people pass. It’s just plain stupid.

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It is beyond unfortunate that otherwise Progressives choose to not join the fight to assure Equality. Whether that is from cowardice, having the Bible Humpers sully one’s persona, laziness, or tired even of the ‘good fight.’ We CANNOT give up, or give in…in some way this may well affect you, they are coming for YOU next as a non-Believer, Freethinker, or other.

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So if a first grade boy wanders into a girl's bathroom the teacher can't say why that's not allowed

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They keep yearning and leaning backwards, it won’t be long until for 25% of us, it’ll be cave dwellings, clubs and knuckle dragging. Fred and Barney.

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