Absolutely right. Mandates are the way to go to save us from those who choose to exercise their "freedumb" and not get vaccinated.

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Bravo, Michael. A really well thought out and reasoned analysis.

I’ve just returned home to L.A. after working 4 weeks in semi-rural Georgia, and 7 of the last 8 weeks. I got my second dose May 2 in L.A. and was tested weekly in GA. I feel like I literally escaped an impending Hot Zone there, with the low vaccination rate and equally low mask use. Having spent three weeks there in June before a brief week back home before returning in July, in June the restaurants had signs at the entrances saying to wear a mask indoors and the groceries had signs stating CDC recommendations to wear a mask if unvaccinated; when I returned in July the signs were gone (what a difference a week makes!) and people had pretty much moved on from the pandemic. I’d put mask use in groceries over the last 2-3 weeks there at 1/3 to 1/2 at best. I had local co-workers unvaccinated, including a young woman I’ve worked with for several years who drove me to the airport Saturday who when asked told me she was unvaccinated and “probably wouldn’t get vaccinated”, as she has “never had any vaccines in her entire life” — not one. I told her Delta could kill her and she needed to get vaccinated. Such as it is.

Here’s the other thing about anti-VAXXers: they span the ideological divide. I have an old friend, a far-Left progressive (fellow union activist/dissident) who at 71 refuses to get the vaccine. A group of us have practically begged her to take it. Her older husband has been vaccinated for months. I have no doubt that her life is at risk if she contracts Delta — and frankly if you get it today it’ll be Delta. I’d not even heard of Ivermectin until a few weeks ago when she sent us stuff about it.

Lastly, Florida: it’s unconscionable that ONE MAN can dictate a prohibition on mask mandates in public schools — during a pandemic. But then, if a Democratic governor in MI can mandate mask wearing, I suppose a RepubliQan governor in FL can do the opposite.

These anti-VAXXers could lead to a vaccine resistant strain, in which case we’re all in big trouble.

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Thanks Scott. And it's true about the anti-vaxxers. And per your friend it's those on the left pushing ivermectin. More have gotten sick from using that than from covid. And you're right -- she will get Delta, she will have a bad if she has any issues.

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DeSantis better not ask for helping Cubans while denigrating other desperate immigrants. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!

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I listened to your segment on NYC requiring proof of vaccination to enter certain public spaces and I am all for that! Now if the SF Bay Area could do the same.

I was thinking of how my cats need their vaccine passport to stay at the Cat's Inn, I don't see the cats protesting (or yowling..)

Yay for NYC!!

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Nail on the head again my friend! You laid it out so well, it is truly amazing that people think their freedom is somehow being curtailed. If this keeps up, they will definitely be feeling the familiar sting of shutdowns as these anti-vaxer areas of the country inflict their disease on the rest of us who choose to take care and be prudent. I have to laugh that this clown thinks that he will be running for president in '24, ha! This will finish his hopes for that. Did you notice how small his hands are in that photo? <EG> That bakery sounds wonderful, I can't wait for all of this to end and I can come and meet up in the city over coffee and bread. I have been baking my own bread through the pandemic as well, sourdough dark rye with caraway, yum! I got my starter from a friend in Alaska. Had it going for 4 years now. Keep up the good work Michelangelo we all greatly appreciate your insights and candor.

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Thanks! And yes the bakery is great, a French baker who set up shop, you will live it. Starter is amazing, how it just stays alive forever. There are people with several hundred year old starters, handed down generations.

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Hi Michelangelo, thanks for a good analysis of cases / positive rates and hospitalizations. I think I had about a week of not masking indoors, but then realized it was a good idea to go back to it. I have been a part of the zoe covid symptom report study since the onset of the pandemic and they noted that masks are about 76% effective in preventing covid to the wearer. It seems to me the benefit of masks to the wearer was underplayed, not that it would make a diff to antimaskers / antivaxxers. And (sound of hair ripping out) how did they not forsee this coming, relying on AM/AV to do the right thing and mask up. Maybe they (being health officials) didn't think that the delta variant would be a threat to those vaccinated.

Happy Monday!


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It's so true about the benefit to the wearer. And I believe if you double mask it's even higher. We are seeing vaccination rates go up, so maybe all the noise is working.

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I'm in FL so I'm just wearing a mask indoors and avoiding crowds. Too many here listen to DeathSantis. Sadly, he's popular.

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Out thoughts are with you in Florida. Stay safe.

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Thank you. I wear a mask indoors, even though I'm vaccinated, and I trust nothing from the mouths of our GOP legislators.

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Aug 2, 2021
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Great attitude Rick. You will have done everything you could --- and hopefully it will work.

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