Mar 30, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hey MS, you should have a discussion with Kimberly Foster of "For Harriet" podcast. She discusses the manosphere and its black male acolytes frequently....

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Cool. i will look into it.

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Irony that the nasty Tate bros were released today (likely by a bribe, IMHO.) Thank You & guest for making this misogynistic (& 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️phobic) underworld a serious topic.

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These macho goons are just using Tate's message to marginalize females and anyone who doesn't subscribe to their definition of masculine and barbie-doll feminine. We're going backward at bobsled speed. Democrats need to step up to the ballot box in droves during the next election or we'll be stuck with the orange nazi or DeSatan as president.

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One thing that MSM never mentions about these "manosphere" goons are the fact that their philosophies are based on warped/false interpretations of books & movies. The Matrix is a glaring example, another would be the book 1984 by George Orwell. It's a bit rich that neo-facists citing that book don't take into account that George Orwell went to Spain during their civil war to kill facists.

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"These macho goons are just using Tate's message to marginalize females and anyone who doesn't subscribe to their definition of masculine and barbie-doll feminine."

Not to worry. Most of them won't ever have a girlfriend, forget about reproducing.

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It is sick! I am on a Reddit for TRT, testosterone replacement treatment. I legitimately how an endocrine issue and my Dr. Prescribes it.

Yet on this Reddit I hear the red-pill mentioned. Conspiracy theories that T makes you a "man" and being denied it (without a Dr visit and prescription) is a liberal attempt to "neuter" real men.

Oh and the gripes that Trans people can get T easily because the Left wants them to be men... All BS since it is actually harder to get as Trans.

These guys seriously feel they ARE MEN (ironically their bodies are producing little T, but that is a big conspiracy causing that... Lol) and they should not be denied access to what makes them "superior" to women.

Really disgusting.

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In my life experience, the more Manly Men rage about 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️people, the more frightened they are of their own inner needs & desires. Perhaps not always, but the odds are with me on the dozens of homophobes caught w/their literal pants down.

The entire world would be a kinder place if more people felt free to be who they are inside.

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In a related note; mites, cockroaches and rats shouldn't have to suffer by sharing a cell with Andrew Taint.

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I’m listening to your guest on the show today. She is 10000% correct. It was so good to hear someone speak about this fear that breeds hate in this country, thus the Republicans use of this to bring authoritarianism to this country. I have been saying this for the last several decades. Bush and 9-11 helped with the hate for Muslims. The Economy helps hate for Jews. The hate for anything that has to do with sex, is the fear of other peoples sex lives being exposed as “different”. It worked in Nazi Germany after WWI. Trump is their guy with all his super hype about death and destruction. Thank for having her on!

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" I have been saying this for the last several decades. Bush and 9-11 helped with the hate for Muslims. "

That was then. Now American Muslims and the Right are cozying up together to fight what they both call the "LGBTQ Agenda". But I saw the beginnings of it years ago with the old iteration of the Manosphere (when it was written blogs, not social media videos). Many of them, though not entirely favorable to Islam, praised it for it's views on women.

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Sadly Israel is going down the same path. We have a Constitution the PROTECTS the laws and structures. Israel only has laws that can be change with a simple majority vote!

China and Russia are the Japan and Germany of 1930 and Israel the Italy.

We MUST stem this right wing extremism.

We do NOT have pure, majority dictates government because the majority will ALWAYS harm the minorities.

Our Founding Fathers got it. The Constitution PROTECTS the minority rights and created our structure of three branches, all balanced with checks.

As Israel sees, the majority in the legislature is NEUTERING the Supreme Court who is supposed to CHECK the PM and Legislature!

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

I remember hearing out the "manoshere" way back in 2015 on YouTube when a bunch of racists and pick up artists got involved with gamergate as it became this massive grift to obtain cash from mysoginist gamers. Then it snowballed with the orange slobfather running for president.

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The Manosphere actually peaked and declined around that time. It's been online for several years before that. Mostly in the form of written blogs. When those blogs closed down because most of the writers and commenters "moved on" to real life, a few of them "graduated" to Youtube, but the current Youtube manosphere crowd are late comers. The demographics have also changed. The blog writing Manosphere of years ago was dominated by white men. The current Youtube, TikTok, Social Media Manosphere appears to be dominated by black men and various other men of color.

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These young men don't get anywhere in life. The Manosphere actually peaked 10 years ago. The old blogs folded as, one by one, the men found better things to do with their time. Now this latest iteration is younger and more diverse in terms of ethnicity. Are they getting anywhere by sitting on their buts and listening to the same themes being rehashed ad nauseam? No. The only ones benefitting from it are a handful of grifters who sit back and receive donations from these losers or sell them their "self improvement" courses. What happens is that when these young guys age into their mid to late 20's (when their brains finally fully develop) and they find themselves broke, jobless, and still living with their parents, they realize it's all because they spent too much time sitting on their butts listening to these guys and funneling them money. They get bitter and angry about that, which causes them to spiral further into self-loathing, and they give it all up, move on, and never look back.

Also, Tate's conversion to Islam is just his latest grift and he will not be a Muslim for life.

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Now they're being recruited from the Manosphere into Islam.

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