I am so tired of the bs from the media! They blew it in 2020 and 2022 ( the scary Red Wave) by predicting NONSENSE. I agree that nobody who voted for Biden in 2020 is going to vote for Trump in 2024 or not vote. Do I wish Biden was younger, sure, but just as in 2020 there is no choice here. Trump can never be president again if we want to stay a Democracy. Great article , thank you Michelangelo ❤️

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I'm so glad you wrote this Michelangelo! I was going to call in today because the WPost article infuriated me so much- but as usual you have the pulse of us all. I get why Republicans focus on Biden's age- a year ago it was all inflation and impending recession, but now they cant talk about that. And even they know Hunter Biden is an awful angle, trying to exploit a very sad story and it wont garner them a single additional vote while further turning off many voters. So all they have is age and whatever latent racism and misogyny they can tie that into via Harris.

The corporate media tho- there is no excuse for this! They simply refuse to cover Trump as the fascist facing 91 felonies and Biden as one of the most successful Presidents in anyone's lifetime. It's disgusting.

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I love the title of this post! What are they teaching in journalism school these days? Everything is so surface-y in the corporate media these days. And what sort of statistics and polling is this, where they only ask about Biden's age but not about whether or not the person would vote for him? And again, the former guy is less than 3 years younger and much more cognitively and physically impaired than Biden. His obsession with Obama is crystal clear. In addition, I'd much rather have Kamala Harris waiting in the wings should the worst happen with Biden instead of reelecting Drumpf and then he croaks out with Kari Lake or MTG waiting in the wings.

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As always, Michelangelo, you see the truth of the matter and the ridiculous media driven bias about ageism in elected office, specifically about our wonderful president, Joe Biden, who has done more in a couple years to right the grievous wrongs which damaged our democracy by #TraitorTrump & his crime family. Shut up you asshats and you bed-wetting Dems and get a clue! Biden is a man of integrity and experience and we are damned lucky to have him as our president for as long as possible!

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Well, in light of the fact WW2 was the biggest fight of the time to supress and eliminate fascism, maybe his gaff was contemporaneously on mark, since we're having to battle it all over again, but this time with a complicit MSM, SCOTUS and an army of traitorous domestic terrorists AKA MAGAGQPCONS, all willing to do his bidding?

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Don't give up on pointing out the wrong-headedness of zeroing in on President Biden's age. Trump's interview with Kristen Welker this weekend should be proof positive that we must never again allow that megalomaniac to enter the White House.

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Makes your head wanna explode doesn't it?!? Reagan was 77 when he was re-elected by Repugnicans.

I'll give the orange monster one thing, he would certainly know how to be the worst president in our 246 year history!

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I hate to sound cynical but do you believe that these are Democrats saying this to reporters? I don’t. I speak fellow Dems as well - they too say “yeah, Biden old - but I’m voting for him- no way Trump is insane.” I also ask my 22 and 20 year old kids - same answer. I think we need to focus on the economy and inflation - Biden is working for us - trump is terrifying. Again, I don’t buy Dems are talking to the press - I just don’t.

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Diana M. Tell your family & friends very simply that Trump is holding a “CULT 45” at our heads, is that what they want?

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Michelangelo, you have certainly "hit the nail on the head" with your report this morning. For some time I have been "correcting" people who use the word "conservatives" to describe the current power players of the GOP. I use the the label" fascists-in-waiting" in lieu of "conservatives" to describe these anti-US senators and their supporters. We need to all refrain from using the word "conservatives" over the next 15 months. President Biden used the word "semi-fascists" to describe the MAGA cult some months ago, and if he had the courage to do so, we need to follow suit. This is why it is so important for the President to get out into the red counties and strut his stuff at the grassroots level, let those voters see a man who is on their side and that his policies have/will benefit them.

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Joe is too old to be fooled by Russpublican idiocy! He will get his licks in on that idiocy, as well. As for whom I will vote for? A moot point: Democrats up and down the ballot.

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This Biden age thing leaves me in constant state of PRIMAL SCREAM. It just makes me SO ANGRY!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!

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I have three self ordained Republican friends and family who say they won’t vote for Trump if he is the nominee. When I ask if they would vote for Biden instead, they all follow the predictable pattern and say they worry about his age and mental state. And all three express fear of Kamala Harris stepping in should it be necessary. But beyond her laugh, they can’t explain why they have that fear. Maybe we need to increase the VP’s visibility and highlight her accomplishments?

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We know what their fear(s) of Kamala Harris is.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Sakina, They hate the idea of a female woman of color in power. It's soooo obvious!

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

Our original sin was slavery, our enduring sin is misogyny. Biden understands this, which is why he has correctly calculated that he'll be the only one capable of beating Trump.

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For a lot of people, I know you are right. They would show their sexist and ethnic stereotype bias against Kamala. But, I think the three folks I referenced honestly don’t have those biases (two are mixed race women themselves). Perhaps we Dems need to talk about the Biden-Harris TEAM? But, that could send the wrong message I guess. What to do?

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There will always be people with bias against their own. We've seen it plenty of times with women against women, Blacks against Blacks, LGBTQ against LGBTQ, etc. And we all have a degree of ageism, in either direction. Ideally, it is up to each of us to look within and challenge any biases that we may have. It was a real shame that anti-woman bias by mostly whitle women cost Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2016. And someone criticized her laugh, too.

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She is going to be full force on the campaign trail and has upped her profile of late. You can bet the main GOP attack in 2024 will be that it's actually Trump vs Harris.

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THANK YOU! My God... I'm speechless and to add to it that distasteful dangerous MTP NBC aired. It was pre-recorded. If Welker couldn't fact check him in real time, NBC at least have the final control in that they could have inserted after each one of his lies some sort of announcement that this was indeed a lie. Instead NBC has decided money is their only goal , perpetuated those lies and be damned.


Is it any wonder that the confused American people have been slapped in the face one too many times and are tired and burnt out !?

Love your notes! And again, so much thanks 👍

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The media are filled with lazy bastards who print a lot of horseshit.

"One Democratic lawmaker, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, raised the prospect that Biden could secure the nomination and then have to drop out for health reasons. "The worst-case scenario is that we get past the nominating process with President Biden as the nominee, and then he’s no longer able to continue on as the nominee," the lawmaker said. "That’s the nightmare scenario for Democrats."

This is just plain stupid, and lazy, and The Post ought to be ashamed of itself for printing such claptrap. And of course it is claptrap, because anonymity was granted not so that a "sensitive matter" could be discussed, but because a lazy reporter wants continued access to a bed wetting democratic politician, who he can readily and lazily quote endlessly with no consequence to the politician.

Imagine if they had printed some thing as stupid as this on the day before RFK's assassination. The reporter would be fired the very next day. "Nightmare scenario" my ass. And as a thought experiment, question whether something like this would've ever been written about Reagan, and he actually had Alzheimer's!

Keep holding their feet to the fire, Michaelangelo.

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Wish you could use more "colorful metaphors" when you're broaching this topic. These worried well meaning people need to get a grip on reality or let the fascists keep winning the narrative. I don't care if Biden has to be wheeled in on a gurney strapped down to a oxygen tank as long as we don't have to deal with a lunatic. With legacy media in thrall with the dumping of democracy, we have enough on our plate without the addition of the of our own repeating utter bullshit**t.

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Much of this narrative is being pushed by Brogressives, still bitter that their first choice didn't get the nod in 2020, and well, any time before that.

Unless they get their choice, in their view, the Dems failed (even when the Dems win).

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