This is a beautifully written tribute. His critical voice will be missed and I will miss your voices together.

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I was devastated to learn of Eric's passing. Such a terrible loss to his family and friends and an incalculable loss to those of us who treasured his defense of democracy in the face of a country marching toward authoritarianism with the mainstream media cheering it on. To say that the clarity of his writing and the sharpness of his focus will be missed is an understatement. A light of truth has gone out and we are all the poorer for it.

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What a huge and horrible loss - for his family and friends, for us his readers, and for all progressives and those who counter lies and autocracy. But his work lives on.

Eric Boehlert, Presente!

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What a tremendous loss for our cause. He was an astonishing voice, met him once and I was very impressed. Very sad day Michelangelo. 😔

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Thank you for this kind and accurate painting of Mr. Boehlert. I will miss his responses to the inaccuracies of the media and his ever so correct assessment of Trumpism. God rest his soul and much love to his family. 🙏🏻❤️

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What a loss. I really enjoyed listening to him on your show and Stephanie Miller's program.

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This is crushing news to wake up to. My condolences to his family. His work will live on. I'm so glad his last piece was targeting the media. At least he signed off with an FU to the ones that are really doing a disservice to the American people right.

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I was so saddened to read of Eric Boehlert’s death. We lost a smart and unwavering voice for reason and truth. I hope others will quickly fill the void because he provided a vital service. It is also a loss to the cycling community. While I don’t know the exact circumstances of the accident, I do know it’s dangerous on the roads for enthusiasts of pedal power! Stay safe and hug your loved ones.

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It's hard to express my sense of loss over Eric's passing. A powerful and vital voice is now silent. For me he was a "must read, must hear" generational talent that won't be replaced. I tuned in to every progressive show when I knew he was on from Mark Thompson to Stephanie Miller to Mike's, and those great appearances on MSNBC. He created an essential niche that has only grown in importance since he was a rising star at Media Matters. No one could hit the sellout political media like Eric did, and he held them accountable without fear or favor.

His truly American contribution to our democracy brings me to close by paraphrasing the movie "A Few Good Men" by saying we want him on that wall...we NEED him on that wall! Now it's up to all of us to carry his memory and mission forward.

May God bless and strengthen his family.

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A wonderful piece. He spoke eloquently and urgently as a voice of truth. Eric will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to his family.

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I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been reading his work since his Media Matters days. Always had facts and stats to back up all his words. He will be missed enormously.

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Eric was such a rare breed when it came to reporting the news. Nobody writes like him and we who depended on him will miss him so so. So devastated to hear this news.

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Eric provided us with very insightful information regarding mainstream media. I looked forward to his commentary. He will be sorely missed.

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I read every article, and they all made me angry, because it was all true. His death makes me angry, because he’s another good one taken away from us. Why are all the good ones being taken from us? I won’t write what the rest of my thought is. I’m sure most can figure it out.

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I wasn't on social media yesterday and your email was the first I learned of Eric Boehlert's death. It's absolutely devastating news, considering the tragic nature of his passing but also that such a powerful, fearless voice has been lost. This is simply too sad. My deepest condolences to his friends and family. He will be sorely missed.

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it was such shock. I'm sorry I broke the news to you. It's the worst thing to be writing about.

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Michaelangelo, believe me, it was better hearing it from you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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I am in absolute shock right now, and I'm just devastated to hear that Eric is no longer with us. He was, without a doubt, one of my favorite guests that you always have on your show. I followed Press Run religiously for updates and his thoughts on the media. I was always so grateful for someone like him who was so public in his fight to call the media out and hold them accountable. I'm not sure who's going to fill his shoes since they're some massive shoes to fill. I know each of us bears a responsibility to see to it that we carry on Eric's mission. I'm so sorry for his wonderful family. His loss is a loss for us all.

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he was always there, and we just knew he'd be relentless, and there would be a new piece tomorrow. And yes we all have to carry on his mission.

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