In her vile tweets, MTG managed to humanize the GUNS and dehumanize children. That is where the Republican party is today. The sickening worship of a murdering machine overpowers everything else.

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These same bad actors like QElon, Posobiac, Ian Miles Cheong that are creating this false narrative also claimed Paul Pelosi’s attacker was his lover.

The point of demonizing people is that plays out well to their base, encouraging violence as they do every opportunity.

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I'm a high school educator of 33 years, I'm also a gay married white male with two adopted children.

In my opinion, our country will never ban assault weapons again unless educators, athletes, entertainers, truckers, faith communities, college students, high school students, the airline industry unions of all kinds conduct a rolling sick-out, strike, slow down, shut down. Direct action now will move this debate forward toward an assault weapons ban. If not now, when?

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You are correct. Until people take to the streets in large numbers like they do in other countries, nothing will change. Congress members wearing AR-15 pins are vile. It should happen to their kids and see how they like their guns then.

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Andy Ogles does not represent the beliefs of his constituents in Nashville, but rather those of the small towns gerrymandered into the district. My son lost his wonderful congressman, Jim Cooper, when Nashville was divided into three parts far reaching outside of the Nashville suburbs. How is it that this gerrymandering was allowed in Tennessee but not in New York? Republicans did not truly win the House. They redrew districts to favor the minority. Gerrymandering needs to be illegal on both sides of the aisle!

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Nashville Republicans want him to resign. Apparently, he's their version of George Santos

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He’s looney tunes.

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Part of the problem is calling your representatives to complain ignores the fact that SCOTUS is largely responsible for killing gun legislation. Things you can't change are sometimes ignored and the focus switches to the things we have some control over. That's the situation here. We can't ignore the SC role in this and keep pounding on our representatives to do something that won't overcome the absolute power of SCOTUS has. Either we take our protests to the people responsible the 6 on the Court or get a big enough majority to pack it. As long as the pain of the people never touches these elites, they are fine with the carnage.

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I am sick and not surprised at Republicans. I suspected that they would use this vile rhetoric to continue to target transgender people instead of a conversation about gun violence. I am nauseous from Greene and Trump’s statements. My son is hosting a fabulous drag brunch with Kimora Blac in Orange County CA this weekend. Lots of other Queens will be there too. As a mom I am so proud when my son hosts and participates in these events and they are so wonderful ! This one is called the LOVE event. But I also worry because of all the lunatics out there who spread hate. When is enough going to be enough ? My heart simply aches for the families of the victims.

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Michaelangelo. I’ll disagree here. The trans gender community has been a target for the past year. The far right needs no excuses. Question is when are people going to hold the demented and deranged racist and hate every one phobic white nationalists accountable? National protests against gun violence. France can do national protests. This needs to be constant. People need to wake up from their apathy. I’m ready.

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GOP needs a scapegoat to avoid admitting they are bought and paid for by the NRA. These politicians are the lowest life form on the planet.

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You have to admire the patience of the far right. They patiently let there be 376 school shootings since Columbine affecting 348,000+ school age children and finally they got a Trans shooter. Finally their patience paid off and they now have a solution to school shootings.

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GOP are not pro life, they are pro birth and when the kids are old enough, they are targets for their guns. They don't want to feed children, provide housing for children, nor do they want to educate children unless they are white or come from republican families. Now that we have moved back to Ohio, the GOP here in Ohio just passed another bill to make it harder to cheat in elections. I would have like to ask this person if there was any cheating going on and by whom. If she were to say the democratic party was cheating, I would say they did a bad job because they are not in charge of the house or senate here in Ohio. If she were to say cheating is going in the election, I would have to assume they are trying to prevent the GOP from cheating? THIS IS VOTER SUPPRESSION.......

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☠️Quelle surprise

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Actually more than a year. Correction. Sorry

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