While in NYC and Upstate this past September, it felt good to be in a place where 95% of the people take this pandemic seriously. I did see people without masks, but the large majority were wearing them. We went to Brunch at a restaurant called Robert over looking Columbus Circle. Not only did we have to wear a mask before being seated, they checked our vaccine card and ID to make sure they matched. It was no problem for me or the people I was with, however I did see a group of people being turned away.

New York is doing the right thing. Upstate was a bit more laid back, but still cautious in all the places we visited. Way to go NY! You are a role model for the rest of the country!!! I ❤️NY!

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Excellent report. Here in Norway, where almost everyone is vaccinated, the policy now is: "We will live with this for the rest of our lives and it is a very bad flu. Stay healthy."

The country is open. Mass transportation is packed and few wear masks.

Life goes on.

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Norwegians had the sense to get vaccinated.

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Although the exception would probably be Staten Island where I saw this YouTube video a few weeks ago of some maskless a-holes swarming a mall food court yelling there anti-Biden BS.

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Found the Washington Post article about what I mentioned earlier: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/09/26/staten-island-antivaccine-mall-video/

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