I hope the boom continues all the way to November. Of course that’s wishful thinking. A lot of twists and turns will no doubt occur all the way. The boom I would love to hear is when just a handful of the 92 charges stick and boom goes the jail cell door. Bada bing Bada boom💥

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It is great someone on the GOP side is getting so thoroughly under his gossamer thin skin, not only highlights how the GOO has no plans, no platform, nothing but vengeance and grievances, this keeps the GOO’s focus on the R world not attacking D world. Someone put out an interesting thought on Nikki, she may stay in long term just hanging around to see if some court action cancels the GOO and she would be right there handy for the GOP to plug in, and she has the Koch money backing her yet. “They eat their own”. Big bag of rats fighting.

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It's always immensely satisfying when Trump's targets actually fight back. Now I want Nikki Haley to stay in the race clear through Super Tuesday. Go, Nikki, go!

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Pope, I despise Nimirata but seeing her beat Trump would be TOO delicious! 😂 Plus I'm convinced that Biden had an excellent chance of beating her ass in the general (and if by some horrible chance he didn't then at least she's slightly less odious than Chump).

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It’s just my opinion that she has the possibility to win at least one state primary. If she were to accomplish this it would be absolutely devastating to Trump.

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Wouldn’t be a surprise as he becomes increasingly incoherent by the hour

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Yes NB. Such IMMENSE stress !! All the court stuff, likelihood of his business shut down in NY, money flying out hopefully faster than can be grifted in, and all the campaign travel. It’s enough to Humpty Drumfty crack up, sit in a padded room corner with forefinger to lips going “be, be, bee, be,bee”.

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Thanks for the great copy MS!

I call it the Biden Boom Boom.

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The Biden Boom has been work for me thank goodness! I’m very grateful.

I follow the Biden ad campaigning on social media and they are constantly posting.

I leave positive comments on a daily basis and do get a fair share of the hate towards me, but then my answer to them is no answer at all then I reported as hate speech harassment towards me.

Trump seems to be sweating much more as it gets more incoherent. And Tim Scott and Vivian?? What an embarrassment… Oy Vei!!

Talk about licking boots.

Although nothing is guaranteed, I feel extremely positive about Joe Biden, and his second term. I drive around the capital every day, and I don’t take anything for granted, but we have to blow this out of the park and we will!

Thank you to you, Mike, and to all of your listeners and their amazing comments!

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Sorry 91 charges

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Yah never know lol - T may lose it and score another charge 🤣

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Thanks to lopsided media we dyed-in-wool Liberals are not getting the narrative(s) we deserve in this country. Spare me the messaging argument because I refuse to believe the Democratic party has to treat their electorate in the same way the rightwing does their supporters (where the abuser blames the victim for their actions). Democrats realize their supporters are educated enough to discern fact from fiction and trust the results to speak for themselves. You know you're dealing with a cult when the mere utterance of the truth causes you to be pounced upon with "How dare you say anything even reality adjacent". We also are at a tipping point regarding the ivory towered haves vs the have nots. My metaphorical pitchfork is being given the once over before deployment. "Biden Boom" hasn't resonated because we've been distracted by the whooshing sound of rights being snatched away by gop legislatures hellbent on speeding us into Gilead before the foundation(s) are completed...

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I find it particularly entertaining that the Koch Network, the Sith powering the Dark Side of the political universe, is backing Haley. They either a.) actually believe that they can bring down Trump, or b.) want a Candidate B in the wings in case Trump is convicted and/or melts down in a Captain Qweeg's strawberries-style bucket of crazy even by his standards, after which he will be carted away to a rubber room to "spend more time with my family." Either way, when the Koch Network turns against you, your star is dimming in the elite, right-wing firmament.

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Biden Boom, keep repeating it!

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The "clown car" will now come to town to entertain us again , of course, we know that this "clown car" will crash real soon.The Haley "comet" will hit the "clown car" hard.

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So many sound bytes for Biden’s election ads!!!

MAGA’s are the most vicious of republicons. Have to believe the average independent American voter doesn’t support vicious.

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I’m going to bet Nikki Haley will win SC. She was a pretty popular governor and still pretty popular now. The big orange baby will lose his sh*t if that happens, especially if the win is significant. We need her to stay in this race as long as she can, and the Biden campaign needs to keep the hits coming on rRump and his rhetoric etc.

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During the Trump Depression, I got laid off because there was so much FEAR in America because we had a selfish MORON “protecting us”.

One year: nothing.

One job recruiter even had the gall to ask me why I was unemployed.


Now, got recruiters calling and emailing me BEGGING me to work for 50% pay increases over my already nice salary.


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Excellent analysis Michelangelo, as always!! The Biden-Harris communication team is not doing nearly enough to blast the "Biden Boom" message across the country. Digital and social media presence is important, but folks forget that most people are actually not on social media, especially not those who vote consistently election after election. So there should be billboards and TV ad buys EVERYWHERE! People should be BOMBARDED with everything this administration has done in 3 short years.

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