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Lives were upended and ruined because "they are hypocrites trying to harm people and take away their rights while they’re engaging in exactly the same actions they rail against." Falwell takes money and people's children, indoctrinates the latter with the former, all the while practicing kinks that would shame the devil. "Let's not kink-shame" say libertines who want their lifestyles preserved. "Okay, Falwells first," I reply.

When Jerry and Becki and Giancarlo and The Trainer and whoever else is involved in this gets up at a press conference and says, "Look, folks, God doesn't care what you do in your bedroom, or how you deal with the outcomes of that activity; neither does our Church or University. Live your lives how you like, and worship how you will"--that's when I'll stop talking about this absurd hypocrisy. Until they make any effort at all to undo the damage they've done for decades in America and around the world, their kinks are on display for us to shame them, and their hypocrisy is right there on the table.

Don't throw glass dildoes, etc.

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How many times have we've seen this???? And you're right, we should be outraged at the lives he's harmed.

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Shakespeare was always right.." The (man) doth protest too much, methinks." Every one of these evangelical pastors are seriously hypocritical and pervs of various kinds. They are adults and can do what they want, but don't pretend to be better than you are. It'll come back to you in spades eventually.

PS I now understand why Jerry Jr. likes tRump so much. And what's Franklin Graham's secret?

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Right? --- they probably exchanged photos of one another's wives doing things.

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Isn't watching your wife have sex a little gay-adjacent? It's one thing to have an open marriage and your wife goes off on her own for a night, but staying and watching with another man? No way I'd do that. I think Jer might have some personal lust issues to work on.

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Reminds me of every hypocritical self-righteous right winger from the south that I've met in the Marine Corps. Where they're like doing this "gawd change my life/I believe in Murica" BS at one point and than later on in the week are like "hey you outta check out these picks of my naked girlfriend/wife's sister, etc.".

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“The Righteous Gemstones” in reality. I wonder what passage of the Bible mentions “thruples, pool boys and personal trainers”? Oh wait, it’s probably in Hypocriteus I.

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There is so much sexual fear and repression In evangelicalism that lying is the norm. Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and now Falwell Jr. and so many more too numerous to mention.

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Michelangelo - I hope that your eyes / ears (after bleeding) are as well as you sanity after watching the Shit-show Cult last night. I know I couldn’t, and for that I salute you for taking one for the team, thank you Sir!

About Falwell, he is a total “loser-douchebag”, a coward whom thrown his wife under the bus to save his own. Typical Christian f$&*@# hypocrite, cult-leader. I am not religious myself, but I can’t stand the hypocrisy about these people, and of course, Republican, another Trump-cult-follower, not by choice, but for black-mail. I hope that more shit comes out not only on him but other Reps, F@#$&* hypocrites!!!

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I'm so glad we went through it on the show. And we'll do the same after last night. I will start a thread just around the RNC today.

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I didn’t watch much last night (thanks for taking one for the team, Mike-can’t wait for your show today) but what I did see brought up just one word: Hypocrisy. In every single thing said by every speaker I saw, and this whole Falwell Jr spectacle is the same. Total and utter hypocrisy. Good news kids: 70 days! Tomorrow we break 70!

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Yay! I'll start a new open thread on the RNC.

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did he settle with the university to leave? I heard they paid him $10 mill to leave....

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Why are they kicking him out? He’s a perfect representation of who they all are and what they stand for: do what I say, not what I do, and give me all your money. The similarities between Liberty U and tRump U are staggering: pay a fortune, obey, learn nothing of any value.

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Aug 25, 2020
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Well-said, Rick!

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